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  1. #21
    BloodiedClaws's Avatar


    Frost finally realises the ugly(yet obvious) truth: Men are stupid

    unless you can destroy those parts of the brain that make your smart, you'll never understand us!!!

  2. #22
    Frost's Avatar

    I already understand you......most of you......there are a few of you who are obviously aliens and bleed green. However, the ugly truth isn't that men are stupid BC, it's that men are easy. Once you understand the simplicites of the way the male mind works, you're good to go. It's getting the male mind to wrap itself around the female concept that is the hard part.
    If we shadows have offended
    Think but this, and all is mended......

  3. #23

    We only seem easy to you because we don't over-complicate things.

  4. #24
    Frost's Avatar

    Dammit why do you always have to throw logic at everything. Jeez.
    If we shadows have offended
    Think but this, and all is mended......

  5. #25

    I'm a science major, logic is the lens through which I view the world.

  6. #26
    Frost's Avatar

    Not all women over complicate things. And it's not even over complication really, it's just getting emotionally involved, which as a science major you should understand is built in. :P
    If we shadows have offended
    Think but this, and all is mended......

  7. #27
    Kelreth's Avatar

    I'm a science major, logic is the lens through which I view the world.


    *runs around manically with a beaker*


  8. #28
    Majunior's Avatar

    I concur. Men aren't stupid, we're just simple. Many issues arise because women expect us to be more complex (like them) and are baffled when we simply aren't. Then they say men are confusing. We're not, women just think we are, because they're confused by how simple we are.

    I for one dealt with "The Words" easily. Don't tell me it's fine if it's not. Don't tell me to go ahead and do something, if you don't want me to. Because I'm going to do it. And when you get upset, I'm going to blame you. It's simple -- don't play games with me.

    Unless there's dice or a controller involved.

    Just understand men are straightforward, to a fault. The only men who aren't... are that way because of women.

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