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Gangster Night

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  1. #51
    InvertedMonkey's Avatar

    She doesn't really hear all of what Thao says, but she registers the offer of a drink and nods her head. "A drink would be nice. Something period? As long as it's not mixed with formaldehyde or something for authenticity." She gives him a small smile. But her attention is on the two pairs on the dance floor. Ava and Mal, Jack and Jason. She tries not to be rude about it, but those guys are fun to watch.

  2. #52

    Jack rolled her eyes for a moment as she danced with Jason before she speaks up.

    " Chase, dance. There all one in the same, just in the chase one ends up dead in the others jaws, or one is left hungry and ashamed..."
    She let that idea sit there for a moment as she gave Jason a small smile as he turned red. She had finally taken back the advantage and she enjoyed the moment. For a moment Jack found the summer curtier's blush rather cute, say for the giant frown.

    " I take pride in how hard I can kick, if you really are in need for one" She said coolly.

    But I am better at this she mused to her self with a small curl of her lips.

    She however caught the look from Mal. she uncharacteristically took the lead for a split moment to guide Jason so his Back was to Mal. before she leaned past him pressing her self close to him. In that split moment she gave Mal and Ava a look.

    "DON'T YOU DARE" might be the translation from the severe stare...but a closer translation would be," I WILL END YOU". Satisifed her message got across. She turned her attention once more to Jason.

  3. #53

    Jason had little doubt at this point that he was being made fun of. He was all the more glad that he had covered most of his face with his hat. Mental note: stop trying to be social and friendly. People suck. He simply tried to collect himself as Jack responded, trying not to give much response other than a scoff at her 'offer' of a swift kick. He resisted the urge to make a 'rabbit-punch' joke.

    Almost as soon as he had calmed down and the color left his face, he felt the flush return as Jack took the lead and drew him in close. He hadn't offered much resistance, given his lack of experience with dancing. He had no real idea what was going on, but it seemed like Jack was holding her position for longer than was necessary. Or comfortable, for that matter. Yep. Torment.

    Taking a deep breath to keep what little composure he could manage, the Hunterheart managed to make a response. "Any particular reason you seem to be uncomfortably close?" He half-suspected she was doing so simply to embarrass him. "Or is there some kind of 'girl thing' going on?" He was rather resolute in his new-found belief that Saint Valentine was the biggest asshole to ever be canonized.

  4. #54

    Jack took a step back a bit and took a moment to look over Jason.

    "Sorry just a small annoyance across the way" She said nodding towards Mal. Might as well be honest about it.

    She took another step back from the wolf as to keep him comfortable, you can poke a hunterheart with a stick only so long before it tries to bite, she assumed.

    "Girl thing?" The winter raised an eyebrow at the response. "Meaning what exactly?"

  5. #55

    Jason barely suppressed a snicker as Jack referred to Mal as a 'small annoyance'. Sure, he was trying to be a little more civil towards the other Hunterheart. That didn't make her motley-mate's comment any less amusing. He soon regretted his own word-choice, however. "Bad choice of words..." he said with a sigh. "...honestly, I'm not even sure what I meant by that. You'll understand if I'm a bit flustered, I don't often get this close to-" He stopped himself before he could say 'I'm don't get this close to women' and thus put himself in a position where he'd be inclined to ostracize himself from the rest of the Freehold. "I don't often dance for this long. That's what I meant to say." He was just about ready to add 'dance in period costume' to his list of things to never attempt again in his life. He sighed once more. "Look, it's not you or anything, you just have to understand that I've got about as much social grace as an old hermit that hasn't encountered another living being in literally years. What I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry If I've made an ass of myself. Not that I'm sure you haven't enjoyed it." He glanced over at Thao and felt a certain degree of envy. "Anyway... I'll admit that I didn't hate dancing with you. I'll shut up now."


  6. #56
    TheMalkCat's Avatar

    The Sewnskin Doctor

       2 Successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-03-31 18:14:12 Thao Dinh Ngoc rolls 4 to catch passive aggressive body language (Wits+Empathy) (10 Again) 6, 1, 8, 9 2 successes

    The Chirurgeon looks to the couples dancing and spends a moment admiring the passive aggressive undertones flying between the dapper young man (Fer th' life o' me Ah still can't come up with his name...), Jack, Malory, and Ava. Despite all prudence dictating that he shouldn't laugh at people while they're dancing, Thao enjoys a good chuckle or three at their antics. He couldn't quite catch what they were saying, but their display of snickers, mutters, glares, pales, and blushes reminded Thao of a corny high-school musical flick.

    Ah hated those movies.

    "They're somethin' alright."

      2 Successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-03-31 18:22:33 Thao Dinh Ngoc rolls 4 to order something period (Intelligence+Academics-1 for oddly specific information) (10 Again) 6, 2, 9, 4 1 success

    Thao gestures towards the bar and should Ramona follow him there, he offers her a seat in a little exaggerated parody of chivalry. He then looks to the bartender and orders two Southsides, a favorite of Al Capone and his gangs if he recalled his History Channel. He then picks up his glass and offers a simple toast to the night, stuttering all the way through.

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