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Character Creation (Info in 1st Post)

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  1. #1
    Changeling ST's Avatar

    This thread is for discussing character concepts with others; perhaps hammering out problems, or finding better fits.

    You're expected to know the source material. This isn't a "Learn To Play Changeling" thread.

    This is a place to discuss:
    - concepts
    - settings
    - history
    - Seemings
    - Kiths
    - Courts
    - skills/merits/etc to validate concept

    This is not a place to discuss:
    - min/maxing
    - Long descriptions of your character’s background. Summaries work best or special particulars about your character. You may also not want to put all their secrets out in this thread, it will make for fun role play later.

    Most of your ideas will be vetted by other players and of course are still subject to final approval by Team Green when the character is submitted

    Once you're ready to submit and fill out the form, your submission can be found here:
    Main Forum > Out Of Character > Character Sheets > Changeling

    This is where the Storyteller will post feedback and work with you on the submission, by replying to the thread.

    Once the submission is approved, this will become your character sheet, where you will find your XP awards, and where you can post expenditure requests. Only you can see your sheet, but on the Storyteller can edit it. All XP expenditures or other interaction should be posted as replies to the sheet.

    This should be a base submission. Your character creation XP will be added once this is approved.


    Site Rules
    Changeling House Rules
    Site Character Creation Rules
    Changeling Character Creation Rules

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  3. #2
    Cayce's Avatar

    Hello friends,
    I know the venue is closed, but I love changeling and definitely want to join whenever it opens again. In the meantime, I hope you don't mind me posting a character idea! That way I can get stuff hashed out so I'm ready once the gates open back up again

    I'll do the crunchy first and then the background. It's kinda long, so sorry about that. Anyways, here we go! Let me know what is cool, bad, or what otherwise should be changed.


    Background so far

    Token+Hedgespun Raiment

  4. #3
    Cayce's Avatar

    After talkin' with Beej, I'm thinking that for the Vest catch, how's about a dex penalty instead?

  5. #4
    RebornSeas's Avatar

    Stephanie Lane-Huang

    Presence 3 (subdued)
    Silver Ladder Status 2
    Consilium Status 2
    Acanthus 2

    Sorry for taking so long to get back to you on this!

    The Backstory is interesting, props on that! XP expenditure math is solid. I am a bit concerned about the Hedgespun and the Token, mostly because as nice as the fluff is, it makes it a bit harder for me to see if the crunch works.

    It is, overall, a good solid start and shouldn't need too many tweaks.

  6. #5
    Cayce's Avatar

    Hey, thanks for checking it over! I'm glad there aren't too many problems. The hedge-stuff is nice to have, but not really essential, so I can always go a different direction if that seems like a better idea.

  7. #6
    RebornSeas's Avatar

    Stephanie Lane-Huang

    Presence 3 (subdued)
    Silver Ladder Status 2
    Consilium Status 2
    Acanthus 2

    Well, the vest is solid (Good eye on seeing that Hedgespun Raiment that offers that protection has to be at least 2 dots). I just need the strict stats for the gun. What type is it? What's the supernatural bonus to it?

  8. #7
    Cayce's Avatar

    Well damn, I think I miss-labeled the gun. Idk how I didn't catch that before. Oh well. I made it using the rules for hedgespun weapons on page 143 of Rites of Spring. I chose the option that adds to the equipment bonus, and since it says all hedgespun weapons have an automatic +1 bonus, that means a two dot has an equipment bonus of +3. That's really all I saw in the rules in the book, but I saw something on the wiki about everything needing an activation roll and catch, so I tried to make a catch for it. Hopefully that helps a bit.

  9. #8
    RebornSeas's Avatar

    Stephanie Lane-Huang

    Presence 3 (subdued)
    Silver Ladder Status 2
    Consilium Status 2
    Acanthus 2

    Yeah, a bit. Is it a Light pistol or a Light Revolver? Since your particular choice of equipment can also affect how much you have in a clip and so forth.

  10. #9
    Cayce's Avatar

    It is a heavy pistol, a colt M1911A1, which uses .45 caliber. It has damage: 3, range: 30/60/120, capacity of 7+1, takes a strength of 2, size: 1/S, and cost 2, as found in Armory on page 67. I'm also fine with heavy pistol stats from the core book. I think they're basically the same, though the range might be less.

  11. #10
    Origins's Avatar

    Circe Scenes
      Toll and Good Customer Pledge, tip, Fairest Blessing
     Hardened Mask, 

    Not to nit-pick but saw a problem in your character's background. You list her as being in New York and New Orleans, I'm guessing one or the other is a typo. Cool back story, I don't think we have had many ex-cop Lost on the forum. And the tokens are pretty good too.

    I'm not sure what the rules are for tokens that are firearms. I'm a little curious about what the ammo. It uses just ordinary bullets, correct? Not thorns from the Hedge or something else strange like that?

    I might be wrong, but I thought there was a rule for ranged weapon tokens where the more available the ammo the higher the token's rating. Or that just might have been that the option to have a weapon with unlimited ammo caused a large increase to the token rating.

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