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(Gatsby's) Gangster Night

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  1. #21
    roadnottaken's Avatar

    Moros, Adamantine Arrow

    It took a few seconds to place the man who had bumped into him, but memories came flooding back soon enough, even when their content seemed a lifetime ago.

    A glance to his packmates, amusement carefully hidden. The man was at least as dangerous a predator as any of them, butclearly wanted his privacy. "I'm not entirely sure." True enough, as far as it went. Who truly understood the creatures of the night? "I'll sort it out. It might be best if the rest of you stay here."

    Taking a moment to make sure everyone was settled, he follows Asa to the bar, intentionally facing away from his packmates while giving his cautious greeting. "Seems like it's been forever."

  2. #22
    Aeneas's Avatar



    Aeneas slunk into the event with a surly curl to his lips. Truth be told, he would rather not have been in Pure territory so deeply. Having attempted a little bit of research in preparation for the event, Aeneas had attempted, at least in his own mind, to blend in with the theme. He had obtained a coat and a hat as a disguise! Of course, both were completely off and made him stand out even more - a caricature within a caricature: the country hick disguised as a twenties gangster.

    Catching sight of his pack, the rangy individual hurried over, weaving an indirect path through the crowd.

  3. #23
    Samaritan's Avatar


    Presence: ●●● (Professional)

    Status (News Media): ●
    Status (Concealed Firearms License): ●●
    Status (P.I.): ●
    Status (Consilium): ●
    Status (Guardian of the Veil): ●

    Bishop had finished his meal, all the while he watched the motions and people on the dance floor. Some of them really stood out and Bishop came to the impression, that most of them were acquainted with one another somehow. One or two seemed like hunters, predators on the prowl within the regulations of high society.

    Bishop came to the conclusion, that this was not really his kind of party. He had been to the Diner on one or two occasions and the food was extraordinarily good. But he had spent considerably more time at the Blue Note, while he had been to Sacramento, so he decided, to change his pace for the evening and take the shuttle.

    He finished his drink and moved through the crowd towards the bus stop for the shuttle.
    Health: [][][][][][][] | Willpower: ●●●OO | Basic Mana: 6/11 |
    „Spoken.“ | Thought | Done
    War is worse than Hell - in Hell, there are no innocent bystanders...

  4. #24
    Key's Avatar

    Sam did not dress up, Sam does not dress up. No, she was wearing "nice" blue jeans and a button up blue shirt.

    Everyone should be lucky that sam is in Hishu and not the size of a freaking wolf. Not that it would make her job any easier, but... Honestly she didn’t care much.

    That being said, she did not enter with the rest of her pack, it made it look too much like some sort of gang rush and as a reporter, she didn’t feel like having to write about it, or luna forbid worse: read about it in the next morning’s paper. After all she was one of the three people who announced this particular event through the press, and Sacramento had only about 475,516 people in it, what’s the odds that she happened to walk into a bar with the same six people from her pack and get called out on being a gang.

    Well actually pretty low, but there was still a risk.

    Actually as she was walking in, she noticed a work partner walking out. “Oi, Preacher. Didn’t expect you to be here.

    Really though, what were the odds?

    ( Samaritan )
    "My father says that almost the whole world is asleep.
    Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to.
    He says that only a few people are awake,
    and they live in a state of constant, total amazement."

  5. #25
    Asa's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Clark Miller)
    Prince Asa Clarke

    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking •• Handsome
    Presence ●●●●●
    Need to set these up
    The Prince's Ghoul • Cozette Muriel
    The Prince's Ghoul • Olivette Angeline


    "You," Asa pointed at Lilly Ganz with a wink, "Are a flatterer."

    It's only weird if someone makes a fuss.

    Asa nodded, drawing the moment out so that Firebringer 's reply seemed an interruption of his accepting the offered hand and introduction. Instead, he waved as he headed to the bar with the alpha.

    "A pleasure,"
    called over his shoulder.

    Asa also kept his back to the others, as well as blocking a view of Matthew from the dance floor.

    he answered the man. "Small city."

    Was it? He wasn't sure. It couldn't have been that long -- Matthew hadn't aged appreciably. He waved the bartender over.

    "I appreciate your discretion. Will your other companion -- Mr. Benavidez -- be here tonight?"

    "Cosmo, vodka tonic, both Goose, and a Glenfiddich, neat,"
    he told the bartender, gesturing for Matthew to add his order.

    Screw whatever the bartender was going to recommend.
    Description: 6'4, with an invitingly easy charm. Speaks with a slow cadence that borders on a drawl, but without an accent. Subtle hints of wealth in clothing and accouterments.

  6. #26
    Velma's Avatar

    Blood Potency
    Presence: Bewitching ●●●●●
    Striking Looks: Tempting ●●●●
    Distinct Voice: Honeyed ●●●●
    Velma Star


    Velma gently shakes her head. She allows a soft giggle to escape her lips, the succubus seems amused by something.

      Dancing (dex + expr) - 2 suxx
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-02-20 17:28:42 Velma Star rolls 7 to Dance: Dex + Expr (10 Again) 2, 1, 2, 3, 10, 2, 9, 4 2 successes

    ”I see!” Her observation seems to halt halfway through; there is a moment of pause while the Ravager seems to be thinking about what to say, or if she should say it at all.

    Slowly Velma pulls Michael, her greater expertize in the dance floor pulling her closer to him until she ends up speaking next to his ear again.
    ”I wasn’t expecting you to hand over leadership so easily…” Innocuous words whispered in the ears of the innocent.

    Then all of the sudden another step of their dance and she is far from him again, showcasing her jaw dropping silhouette. But her eyes, her deep blue eyes were fixated in Michael.

    ”Allowing me to lead!
    Especially when you know you can't follow through.
    And there is a small tease of a wink of an eye and the danse continues...
    Velma Star*

  7. #27
    Princess's Avatar

    Elaine leans over to guide the order in an acceptable direction - he offered a round, but it would take just a tad more than a pretty boy in a suit to unwind the deep rejection of liquor in the Ganz sisters. So, gesturing towards herself and Lilly, she remarks, "Two Shirley Temples, please."

    But given his apparent good intentions, she says it lady-like. No need to be rude at such a fancy party.

  8. #28
    Firebringer's Avatar



    Firebringer doubles the Glenfidditch, before glancing back up to Asa, a faraway look briefly flashing over his features. "Mr. Benavidez ... vanished into the night some time ago. The risks warriors face, I suppose."

    Shaking off the mood, he glances around the building. "I don't get many chances to travel this direction. Place like this, I can't help but wonder what sort of history it has."

  9. Likes Yumyumcrow liked this post
  10. #29
    Samaritan's Avatar


    Presence: ●●● (Professional)

    Status (News Media): ●
    Status (Concealed Firearms License): ●●
    Status (P.I.): ●
    Status (Consilium): ●
    Status (Guardian of the Veil): ●

    Bishop stopped dead in his tracks, when he heard someone call his name. When he turned, he saw the first familiar face of the evening. Even though he actually knew her only from the office. Nevertheless, he had asked himself, if she would have been here this evening, since she had written about it.

    <Good to know that from time to time I can be right.> he thought, while moving towards the other Journalist, realizing, that she was not really dressed for the occasion.
    <If she wants to stand out, that is certainly a way to go. Even though I would not wish the attention of all those predators in there.>
    He managed a genuine smile.
    "Good evening, Mrs. Howe ( Samantha ). I was wondering, if you would show up here." he said, his tone light.
    Health: [][][][][][][] | Willpower: ●●●OO | Basic Mana: 6/11 |
    „Spoken.“ | Thought | Done
    War is worse than Hell - in Hell, there are no innocent bystanders...

  11. #30
    Key's Avatar

    First of all, Sam noticed his eyes on her, and she instinctively looked down. There was the perfect self consciousness of a woman wondering if her decision to come to an event where apparently EVERYONE AND THEIR MOM (sometimes literally) had the money to just throw around on fancy costume clothes. Yeah, she was a journalist and IF she got paid by the hour (which she didn’t) after the bills most of her money would probably go to food anyway, barely $400 a month was not a lot in this day and age.

    But she could see expectation in some people’s eyes.

    Dude seriously, if I had the cash to throw around do you honestly think I would come to a cafe-place thing that was advertising one dollar burgers?

    No instead she leans closer to Andy and gives him a direct and kind of obvious look over, significantly different to the mostly subtle one he gave her.

    Damn that hat is half a month of paychecks for me, what did you get it for?” she paused when she noticed there was a bit of spite in her tone, but then that’s what happens when people flaunt their wealth around, eh?

    Sam, sam works just fine. And you know, working, I really can’t afford to not be. They want me to cover what actually happens here and my uh...sisters wanted to come. So I figured two birds, one stone.” she giggled nervously a little.

    Elaine and Lilly looked NOTHING like her, but ‘roomies’ sounded weird and ‘packmates’ was right out.
    "My father says that almost the whole world is asleep.
    Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to.
    He says that only a few people are awake,
    and they live in a state of constant, total amazement."

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