The letter is hand written in a scrawling font.

Dear Ms. Keyes,
I hope that this letter finds you well, and that you'll receive it in good time. I wished to apologize, in a formal capacity, for my rude behavior on the night of my re-acknowledgement; and while I would gladly repeat such an apology in the flesh, I thought it best to use an epistolary overture out of respect for your time. Not to say that this is entirely a selfless gesture; as you've experienced, my company can be chafing even when I desire to put the best foot forward, and thus I find that at times ink is a happier medium to communicate in. Hopefully the form and the content within this letter is found acceptable. You see, I have to confess that I found myself unfocused and struggling to adjust during my first night back among the domain, and while I do not intend for this fact to excuse myself, I hope that it might explain why I took such a rude course of action. The deed was done, but it was not out of any specific intent and I hope that this might shed more light upon that night, at the least.

Thankfully, if there is one thing that our condition grants us, it is a longer stay on the earth, and I hope that some night soon you and I might find the time to speak and become acquainted.
Let me know if you are ever available. I can promise that, at the least, it won't be a boring discussion.

Sincerest Regards,
-Brenn Lawrence

Below the letter is a phone number and email address.