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  1. #11

    This sounds like a Life 2 + Matter 2 + Space 2 advanced Unveiling spell to me.

    Life for "Seeing" living patterns, Matter for "Seeing" material patterns and Space for plotting them out in relation to your position. You could use the Scrutiny rules to scrutinize a subject to recognize it, but it wouldn't be equivalent to sight for reading - you'd need to adapt a spell that channels information directy into your head for that (I think there's spells that do that in Free Council/Mysterium books).

    The spell would also be pretty specific, to "See" ghosts and the undead you'd have to conjoin Death 2 to the spell and to see Spirits you'd have to add Spirit 2. Adding in Mind 2 would let you see mental projections. I think that covers everything you could see.

  2. #12
    Kelreth's Avatar

    Chris Laurent
    Chris Laurent

    Irraka Blood Talon

    Just as if someone who was a Life master would be trying to get a similar effect to "Telepathic Control" by arguing that "Triggering the Lizard's Brain" allows for some emotional/mental manipulation and thus they should be able to achieve similar effects by using Life creatively.
    I believe that West has talked about things like this before. Confusing Fallen logic with how things occur in the Supernal.

    Though as a person who like biology, I do find the "Control" aspects of Life and Mind to be very very similar as it all comes down to chemical signaling which also brings Matter into play if we really want a giant headache.

  3. #13
    Jag's Avatar

    elerium115 : Death 1 and Spirit 1 let you see ghosts and spirits respectively...so adding Death 2 and Spirit 2 just seems silly. Actually, anything at 2 seems a bit much really, since pretty much every unveiling spell can be cast by having the appropriate Arcana at 1.
    Kelreth : West has also talked about not using Prime for things that are the purview of Matter and the like...thus my point stands

  4. #14
    Key's Avatar

    The point still stands that to work in "Darkness" you would have to have Forces in one way or another as the idea of "light" and "Darkness" (Absence of light) exist as Forces concepts
    "My father says that almost the whole world is asleep.
    Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to.
    He says that only a few people are awake,
    and they live in a state of constant, total amazement."

  5. #15

    elerium115 : Death 1 and Spirit 1 let you see ghosts and spirits respectively...so adding Death 2 and Spirit 2 just seems silly. Actually, anything at 2 seems a bit much really, since pretty much every unveiling spell can be cast by having the appropriate Arcana at 1
    Yes, but at 1 you get a Mage Sight spell. A blind mage (well, any mage if they want to) that uses a MS gets the same information, but through a different sense, hearing most likely. I'm going on the following assumptions

    • that Forces 1's Nightsight would be the easiest way to see in the dark

    • other ways are possible but are both harder (you have to know more magic) and much less elegant than a 1 dot spell

    • something that bypasses blindness and not just being unable to see (and which Nightsight wouldn't work against) would be more than a 1 dot spell

  6. #16
    Jag's Avatar

    I stand by my point that creating a spell that replicates the same/similar effect to an already existing spell of a different Arcana is just silly. It sets a bad precedent for abuse of creative thaum in my honest opinion.

    A spell to deal with blindness as a medical condition rather than an environmental one due to darkness/poor lighting, would be the purview of Life...you wouldn't really need to start adding stuff on top if you could just cure yourself of said blindness for a number of turns/scene/etc.

  7. #17
    Key's Avatar

    Mage Sight does not allow you to see in total darkness. It allows you to access information given by Resonance. In order to See in the Dark you would need Nightsight or go further up in forces thorugh the Light Mastery tree.

    Generally the only other way to walk around blindness would be through removing it Via Life, but that would only deal with the physical inablility to process signals that are given to you through light. It would have no bearing on if you are acting in TOTAL DARKNESS™, for that you would need at least Forces 1.

    o/\o Jag for doing the same thing
    "My father says that almost the whole world is asleep.
    Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to.
    He says that only a few people are awake,
    and they live in a state of constant, total amazement."

  8. #18
    Kelreth's Avatar

    Chris Laurent
    Chris Laurent

    Irraka Blood Talon

    Kelreth : West has also talked about not using Prime for things that are the purview of Matter and the like...thus my point stands
    Yep and agreed

  9. #19
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes

    Couple of thoughts.

    First, mashing two spells into one doesn't really serve the intent of CT. Discrete spell effects, unless otherwise noted, should remain discrete. If you want two discrete effects in a single casting, there's a Combined Spell subsystem for that.

    Secondly, unless there's an actual good rationale for letting someone read a book in the dark with Space, it's not going to happen. For example, a Matter Mage could do it -- by discerning the difference in composition between ink and paper. Looking at Spatial Map, you have to understand it works like sonar/radar: it basically maps the empty space and whatever remains must be solid. It does not "let you see in the dark". There's a big difference.
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  10. #20
    linkrulesx10's Avatar

    Ok first of all, this isnt a combined spell effect, this is half a spatial map effect which I then added a second ability, most of this is already a space effect so its not like I am taking a forces spell. But I do see your point on the books and what not so with that in mind, second application of the spell made from stuff only available in space arcanum

    Spatial Instinct

    This spell grants a much more accurate sense of where everyone and everything is. The spell creates a mental spatial map that constantly updates the mage on the changing topography of her surroundings, from the guy with the shotgun sneaking up among the parked cars, to the stray leaf blowing by in tha sudden breeze.

    Space 3

    This spell allows a mage who is temporarily or permanently blinded to perceive her immediate surroundings with an acuteness transcending mundane sight (ignore blindness penalties when locating or targeting beings or objects). They however are unable to make out fine detail so whilst they may know there is a book on the chair they cannot read the title or any of the book.

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