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Charity Street Dance and Bike Show

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  1. #31

    Vincet shook the woman's offered hand and smiled. "Thought so. I'm Vincent, nice to meet you." he stutters, he caught on the V and his face contorted a little while he forced his way past the hard concenent. Of course now he had made the approach and the introduction he wasn't really sure where he could go with the conversation. One of those spur of the moment decisions. "You popped down here for the bikes and the music too?"

  2. #32
    Swift's Avatar

    Skaald glances at Dale when he joins the conversation. He gives him a grin, though to his brother would likely interpret it to be what it actually was - a bearing of teeth. After the brief glance he turns attention back to where it should be: on the gorgeous woman he was talking to.

    "Warmer, huh? I wasn't aware the water here was all that cold. I suppose that after the North Sea anything will feel warm. You like swimming then?"

  3. #33
    Dale Hunt's Avatar

    Dale Hunt


    Dale flashes the girl a grin. "Cool, well you are quite fine yourself," he said to her, shamelessly throwing in a compliment in his answer. "Bike week? That must be quite the scene." A smirk formed on the corner of his lips as he noticed his pack mate's expression, for he got a kick out of it. He listened to the girl talk for a bit, which was enough for him to make up his mind about her.

    She's a bimbo...rookie can have her.

    "Well, you kids have fun," he said to the pair, flashing them a quick grin. "Don't be getting into too much trouble." With those words, the Rahu turned away from them and began to make his way through the crowd once more. There were a lot of hot women around, possibly a lot of bimbos too though...and he wasn't into those. They were just way too easy, and way too dumb.

    After walking around and scanning the area a few times, Dale finally decided to go say what's up to his Alpha...and possibly get a beer while he was at it. Besides, from his vantage point it looked like Chap was about to take a pretty sexy lady for a spin on his trike, which brought a shit-eating grin to his lips.

    That, I cannot miss!

    He didn't waste much time and headed in their direction. Once there, he gave Digger a nod as he approached, watching as his Beta started the ignition of his ride. "Well, well," he said to his Alpha, the grin still on his lips. "That's not something you see everyday." Dale let out a soft chuckle as he stood next to the Cahalith to watch Chap at work.

    "Got an extra beer?" he asked, hoping Digger would point him in the direction of a cooler...or maybe a keg.

  4. #34
    Ryan Deshane

    "Thats sin on legs there man. Temptation incarnate." Digger says and hands Splitter a beer. "If god wanted to tempt our Chaplin, thats a good way to do it." The Alpha says with a smile as he watches the woman walk away.

    "Hows the Prospect doing?" Digger asked.

  5. #35

    Violet eyes scanned the smooth shaven man and the bike. She didn’t see a helmet of his own in his grasp so she shrugged a little and tightly shook her head. “Well, if you aren’t wearing one, I don’t think I need one.” L’aire smiled thinking this was a reasonable conclusion. But she figured it would be easier to attempt speaking to him if that was even possible while riding.

    The Dancer didn’t know the difference between machines, only that they looked different. “Alright John, so do I hop on behind you? Is there a seat belt or handles or something?” Her fingertips rolled as if searching for what the restraints could be.

    “Where are you going to take us?” Her body language indicated she was eager for this unplanned small adventure.

  6. #36

    She nodded to Ciara's words, and responded in a loud enough tone to be heard over the bikes, but not too loud where others could easily hear her. "Mostly the music, I don't mind getting involved in charity projects and helping out, but I just found out about this one recently." Her recent charity outreaches went towards the homeless. She adds in, "I'm not much of a dancer. So what keeps your days busy?" Obviously sleep was the answer, but it was less awkward than oh, you work at night.

  7. #37
    Dale Hunt's Avatar

    Dale Hunt


    Dale cracks open the beer and takes a vigorous swig from it. "Yeah, I feel ya on that," he said in response to Digger's words. "She's a fine woman, that's for sure." His eyes drifted over to Chap and the blonde beauty, and he couldn't help but think how lucky his Beta was. Then again, she could be a bimbo as well, but he doubted it. Chap was an intelligent man, and if he was about to put his vows to the test, it surely would be for no fucking bimbo.

    "Prospect's doing alright," said the Rahu as he turned his attention back to his Alpha. "Talking to some bimbo." He let out a low chuckle before taking another swig from his beer. "Girl's got the looks, but not much else beyond that."

  8. #38

    Doctor Powell did not even blink as the man stuttered his way through his introduction; it would have been impolite to point it out considering generally, people were aware when they had a speech impediment and preferred it not to be brought up.

    Unless they were jerks, which the Haunt was not.

    Instead, she relaxed her grip in the handshake and let her hand fall back to her side a couple of seconds later, smiling slightly as she watched the comfort of other attendees in the biker environment. A couple of the Kindred she knew in passing seemed to be doing rather well for themselves, and she gave the two other women a short nod of acknowledgement, before returning her attention to Vincent.

    "You might say... that, although I have a limited... knowledge of motorbikes," Josephine admitted, but she was sure she could not be the only newbie around here this evening.

    She noted a couple of people, here and there trying out the bikes. The Haunt had never been on the back of one before - something about being confined inside a car seemed altogether safer than winding in and out of traffic on something with two wheels, at high speed.

    ... Not that she had too much to worry about, being what she was.

    "Whether I... walk out of here this evening, newly... informed about motorcyles remains to be... seen. But I think it's... a distinct possibility."

  9. #39
    John Holt's Avatar
    John Holt
    John "Chaplain" Holt
    Ithaeur, Blood Talons

    Presence 3 (Devout)
    Glory 3, Wisdom 3, Purity 2, Honour 2, Cunning 1
    Trained Observer
    Auspice Blessing (Occult)
    Status (Police) 1
    Status (Clerical Standing) 2

    Size: 6
    Health: 9

    Size: 7
    Health: 11

    Size: 6
    Health: 8


    John and Sasha continue here

  10. #40
    Ryan Deshane

    "The come in all shapes, and hers be fine..." Digger's voice is admiring, even though he doesn't state which woman he is talking about. "Yeah those types come running with the crome be rolled out." Digger looks around as the party continues. Its good to see a community like this come out in droves. Its also good to be out of the game, and be able to do things like this without having to worry about a drive by, or trying to launder money. "This is a good thing yo, we should do shit like this regularly."

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