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(Familiar Stranger) People Are Strange, When You're A Stranger

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  1. #31
    Conner Greyson

    Conner turns to Wooding and raises an eyebrow and silently nods his head, compliments for good ideas would come after they all survive this little onslaught that they face. "Do so..." he says in equal quiet calm.

  2. #32

    Doctor Powell saw no reason to speak. Sometimes actions spoke far louder, and she moved outside to take up position a couple of feet away. Time would tell if Staley would answer the Reeve's summons. She presumed he was out there somewhere, invisible to the eyes of those who did not possess the powers of the Mekhet.

    But whatever may come the seven of them would need to stand firm together, or fight together if necessary.

  3. #33
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    Conner opens the door.

    The two strangers approaching stop; the others began moving sideways, sliding towards the sides of the building like a sea parting. The movements are slow, casual. In the night, with his enhanced sight, the Shadow can see a pinprick of blue light here and there below the hats, in the shadows.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  4. #34
    Chris Wooding's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    SL •• (Handsome)
    Domain ••• (Reeve)
    Circle ••• (Hierophant)
    Mekhet •• (Recognized)
    (-1 Vitae in Requiem for Blush)
    Chris Wooding

    Mask of Tranquility
    Circle of the Crone

    - 1 Vitae for Blush of Life in Requiem Subforum


    Chris nods and does a few steps back again. Meanwhile he holds his katana firmly, not at the grip but just a little further down the blade, subtly making a cut in his hand. Then he returns to sword to the scabbard on his back. He walks back to the door, closer to safety, before he makes the blood come out of his hand.

    Sacred Mother, may your tears pour down on the Earth and wipe away all of our fears.

    While he seems to be just walking inside... and folding his hands together, the scene changes when he suddenly extends one hand and a drop of blood falls on the ground. Kabammbaboem! With the sound of thunder hell breaks loose. Heavy rain comes down from the heavens...

    ... the Vala allows himself to smile.

      4 turns of casting
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-03-09 18:08:34 [02] Chris rolls 4 to Man+Occ+Cruac to Rain - 1 - 5 (to create heavy rain) (10 Again) 4, 2, 8, 6 1 success
    2012-03-09 18:08:34 [01] Chris rolls 4 to Man+Occ+Cruac to Rain - 1 - 5 (to create heavy rain) (10 Again) 3, 8, 7, 6 1 success
    2012-03-09 18:07:42 Chris rolls 4 to Man+Occ+Cruac to Rain - 1 - 5 (to create heavy rain) (10 Again) 2, 2, 6, 2 failure
    2012-03-09 18:07:12 Chris rolls 7 to Man+Occ+Cruac to Rain - 1 - 5 (to create heavy rain) (10 Again, WillPower) 1, 7, 4, 9, 2, 7, 7 1 success
    - 1 wp, -1 vitae. A stormy rain starts, and imposes a -5 penalty to everything that could be penalized by rain.
    Presence •• (Easy Going) | Striking Looks •• (Boy Next Door) | Mask of Tranquility | CotC ••• | Domain ••• | Mekhet ••

  5. #35
    Sidor Grigoriev

    The rain blasted away what vision Sidor had. If it had mattered- without the senses of the Mekhet, he was blind anyway.

    Such a tactically poor thing, that the Clans here hoarde their knowledge like gold, and damn the possibility of strength in unity. Ah well.

    The water vanished beneath the shadows, but his gaze remained steady in the downpour. He would never be able to make a clean shot in the pouring rain. Nor, he judged, would it be any easy feat to wield the powers of the blood. His line of sight was lost. He had no way in which to make up for it.

    He would expend himself to the utmost to do what he could, regardless of the outcome.

    "Stay close to me," the Bishop said to Ariana, over the pouring rain. In a sharp, sudden gesture, he put his hand on her shoulder as he moved them away from the others, obeying the order to fan out.

    Lord, may it be that Your favour is upon us in all things. I pray that You will guide our hands.

  6. #36
    Ariana Donovan

    She had heard Conner ask the question of Staley, with no response. Not only was he a menace to the Domain he was rude on top of it.

    As the rain began to fall, the Lordess looked up for a moment and let it hit her face. Ariana loved the rain and seemed tonight much more than others. Her beast growled at a request, but knew it was best. Nodding to Sidor she moved with him.

    Is there no way to reason with someone like Heathcliff? Surely he was once clear thinking. As far as Ariana knew, no one present had done anything to him. Twist may have been the only one who knew him more than the rest. Yet, unless someone deserved it, the Lordess could not see the Daeva cause anyone misery that that did not deserve it. Those like Eric Drag did not last more than a month in the Domain of Sacramento.

  7. #37
    Conner Greyson

    Conner saw the pinpoint blue light...

    "Do you see that Mister Heinz?" Conner asked raising an eyebrow as he looked to the pinpoint and tries to identify a possible power usage. Something about this whole situation just doesn't seem right...

      1suxx to try to identify any power maybe?
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-03-10 13:46:43 Conner Greyson rolls 5 to Identify the powers (10 Again) 4, 4, 9, 2, 5 1 success
      2suxx before Resistance, at a -2 for Color Patterns
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-03-10 13:53:10 Conner Greyson rolls 7 to Aura Perception -2 (10 Again) 7, 1, 3, 10, 3, 10, 7, 6, 6 2 successes

  8. #38
    Max Heinz's Avatar

    Maximilion "Max" Heinz

    Maximilian "Max" Heinz
    Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation 2
    Auspex 1 (Unflinching Eye)
    Presence 3 (Nonchalant)

    City : 2
    Ordo: 3
    Mekhet: 1


    *As the group moves outside, Max moves to Conner's side and a few steps behind. He didn't want to leave the Reeve all alone, and wasn't there an old saying about safety in numbers? He can only blink as the rain starts, never taking his eyes of the sea of meandering bodies that shuffles, zombie-like, about the theater. He would have to figure out just how weather control fit into his view of the universe after they made it out of this mess...*

    Max nods as Greyson asks about the blue lights, the thin Shadow's mind working overtime to begin formulating theories.* I do, Sir. Bluetooth, or maybe radio headsets? ...Or remote detonators...

    *He pauses for a moment, also sharing his fellow Mekhet's concern that this didn't add up.* Did you catch the smell of old blood on them? Ghouls, perhaps?

    *Max turns over as many possibilities in his mind as quickly as he can. One frightening thought came across as he wondered about the rituals of the two religious Covanents.* I... don't suppose you could tell if they were breathing, could you?

  9. #39
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    The rain beats down on the Kindred, soaking them instantly. Pools of water form, and the sound of it fades into a indistinct background roaring. The clear night greys, then blurs as mist saturates the air, and even the Shadows have trouble piercing the gloom. As the strangers moving away from the front door continue, they fade into the darkness; those closest stop and hold up their arms in an aiming gesture.

    For @Twist , and the others, it's as if they stepped closer, through the rain, as their Cloaks fade.

    The rain imposes a -3 environmental penalty to any Actions involving Sight or similar senses.

    Please roll Initiative.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  10. #40
    Conner Greyson

      Initiative is 19
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-03-14 23:55:50 Conner Greyson (+9) rolls 1 die for initiative 10

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