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  1. #71
    Idun's Avatar



    Idun smiles at the comment about her hair and nods in confirming her identity. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, her curiosity sparked as she couldn't think of what kind of business they had been involved with as she hasn't done much within Magi society since arriving. "I find myself curious about what it is you wish to speak to me about as I haven't done much since I arrived beyond try and get my clinic off the ground." She tells Pulp honestly and follows him.

  2. #72
    Pulp Noir's Avatar


    "It's nothing you've done, just something that has come up involving a number of seemingly unrelated Mages." Which was the truth, hell one of the reasons it would be good to speak was to try and connect some of the dots. "We'll have to talk about you're clinic later though, ideas such as that honestly interest me and I'd love to hear what you're doing and see if I can help, should you need any help of course."

    I make eye contact with the group and lead Idun over to the private room, unlocking the door and holding it open for all of the Mages I've talked to.

    Continued here

  3. #73

    Sunny judged the man before him, an inkling that he was something more but he decided to continue his current line of conversation for a little longer. He continued, giving a little pause between words as evidence that he was thinking about what to say very carefully.

    "Yes, I did see advertisements. I find it remarkable- how many people simply ignore them, I guess it takes a certain type of person to notice bookstore fliers nowadays. You could even say it takes an extraordinary person..."

    He trailed off his speech and took seat next to Leo. He took his coffee black and gingerly took a sip. "The reason why I asked about the cane... while I don't consider myself a patron of the arts by any means, I do confess to enjoying works such as that. Works that require the hands of a very skilled craftsman, not only gifted in technical merit but also a bit of creativity as well."

    He glanced at the stone book Leo pointed at, that inkling soon became more. He felt at ease knowing that he had found the place he was looking for. "So, uh, where did you come from? I mean, you said you just moved here too, right?"

  4. #74

    Leo smiles. "London, originally, but recently a bit of everywhere else." he says, watching Pulp lead the small group he gathered in a back room. "And yourself, sir?"

    He's either Awakened or a Sleepwalker. Leo thought, As nervous as he was, he's might just still be getting used to it.

  5. #75
    Ixidor's Avatar

    Gnosis ••
    Adrian Isaacs


      Mage sight beforehand
    Date Action Roll Result
    2011-11-13 19:18:31 Ixidor rolls 6 to Aura of Gloom (Grim/Mage Sight)(Wits+Occult+Death (10 Again) 8, 4, 4, 9, 4, 7 2 successes
    Ixidor walks once again into Written in Water, after trashing his smoke, looking more strung out than usual. Perhaps he got a little too wasted last night, or perhaps he just hasn't slept in days. The truth is a bit of both.

    Point is: he looks like death, warmed up in the microwave for a minute or two. His blazer looks pretty pimp, though.

    After ordering his usual tall, stout black coffee-- with less sugar than before-- he begins to look around for familiar Magi. Yawning hugely, Ix gives a nod to recognized and new faces alike.
    "I got a PhD in Bullshit, and a Masters in Procrastinology..."

    Adrian "Ixidor" Isaacs
    Fame ••• (Guitar Hero)
    Striking Looks •• (Eccentric)
    Presence •••• (Center of Attention)

  6. #76
    Aenigma's Avatar



    Aenigma leaves the new arrivals in the hands of Demise, Lux and the Herald. He figured the newbies were in good hands, so he could go talk with Pulp. Whatever he wanted to talk about seemed important, so Aenigma heads into the private room where Pulp and the others had gone into.

  7. #77
    Fractured's Avatar

    Tug walks into the bookstore feeling anxious and relieved at the same time. Relieved that there was a place beside Jammer's that was Pentacle-friendly; anxious about being around a bunch of books. Tug wasn't stupid or anything, but like most former collegiate athletes, being around so many brought back the hectic days of trying to balance football with study. Unlike some of his teammates, Tug had actually obtained an education while he was at USC. Nothing like the education the Arrows had provided, though.

    He's wearing his mullet wig, trucker hat and sunglasses to disguise his identity as usual, along with jeans and a Black Sabbath tee. He wasn't surprised to see the Magister here, but as he looked busy with some other guy that Tug didn't know, so he busies himself looking about for the magazine rack. When he is inevitably disappointed in the lack of glossy pictures of chicks in bikinis posing suggestively on monster trucks, he settles for an espresso at the bar. The Sentinel nods at its other occupant. "I know you, dude. You're in a band or something, right?" He reaches out his hand to shake. "Tug. Word to the wise- watch out for the papparazzi in this town, they're as vicious and stubborn as they come."

  8. #78
    Ariadne's Avatar

    Mastigos Guardian

    SL 2 (Red Hair, Blue eyes)
    Pres 3 (Diplomatic)
    Consilium: **
    Path: **
    Guardians of the Veil: ***

    Under Control: McEl Mis/MS(5 armor, 4 suxx), SuperVis(1 suxx), CreativeThaum@Leo, SpatAwar(Ari,Maich-3suxx) -H: rB,/6, W: 2/6, M: 1/13:4, TPC 1/4 remaining Pledge+2subt
    Consilium: Mis/HS(3 suxx)
    Down by the riber: H: /8, W: 6/6, M: 13/13:4 Misc/MS(Cloaked-3 suxx), Third Eye (cloaked-3 suxx)


    Ariande walks up to Tug and her hands on her hips. "You know, I feel like we keep forgetting something." He gets a warm smile then half of a smile as Ariande glances to look at the man Tug is talking too. Blue eyes look back at him before blinking. Ariadne takes a step back and looks between the two men.

    "You look familiar.." She says addressing the other man.

  9. #79
    Ixidor's Avatar

    Gnosis ••
    Adrian Isaacs


    Ix clicks out of his vague stupor with a friendly sort of smirk an grasps the proffered hand, after switching the coffee to his other. He wonders briefly if the mullet is the guy's real hair. Hell, if it was, the rocker certainly had no room to talk...

    "Ixidor. Nice to meetcha, Tug."
    He gives the hand a good, firm shake. A nod and glance to the lady welcomes her to the conversation. She also gets a quick, but not necessarily rude, appraisal. Checking her out while he answers them both. "And I'll try and keep my head down, thanks. Never been in a band, per se; Stayed pretty much solo. I might be changing that soon, though, if I can find enough talented people to tolerate me." There a flick of a gesture to Tug's shirt. "I guess I'm going about it backwards from Ozzy..."
    "I got a PhD in Bullshit, and a Masters in Procrastinology..."

    Adrian "Ixidor" Isaacs
    Fame ••• (Guitar Hero)
    Striking Looks •• (Eccentric)
    Presence •••• (Center of Attention)

  10. #80

    Gideon walks into the bookstore, his hazel eyes taking it all in at a glance. Not wanting to disturb the other guests, he quietly moves to the table at the cafe which he occupied at his last visit. .oO(wonder what is going to happen this time) he thinks. Gideon lounges back grateful that he chose to wear street clothes this time instead of his security uniform.

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