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Thar Be Pirates Downtown!

11 - 14
Week I Week II Week III Week IV
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  1. #11
    Svelte Sven's Avatar
    (Notably spindly)
    New Identity
    (Devon Edwards)
    Svelte Sven


    Svelte Sven is, true to his name, very slight of frame. Standing at 5 feet and 4 inches tall and weighing barely more than 100 pounds, he is best described as scrawny. His dark hair is pulled high and tight and looks to be waxed. He has sharp cheek bones and there are deep circles under his eyes. His thin lips are often pursed in a polite, empty smile. His dress of choice is a black suit with a white bowtie. He is not particularly handsome, nor is he strikingly ugly.
    Behind the Mask


    Without the benefits of the Mask, Svelte Sven is unmistakably a Darkling. His pallid complexion, sallow cheeks, and blackened flesh under his eyes give him a ghoulish appearance. Combined with his natural thinness, he looks almost skeletal. His ears have an elfin point to them, extending and tapering out for five inches. Occasionally, they seem to twitch in response to some far-off conversation.
    Svelte Sven Scenes
     Hardened Mask, 


    Whisperwisp Chatelaine

    Just as in their previous meeting, Queen Circe marched to her own beat. Despite being generally antithetical to his own Court, Sven couldn't help but find it a bit endearing. No doubt she'd fit right in if she had been born a few centuries earlier. "Not too shabby. Offerin' an ear and a shoulder to crewmen who need it." He offered as an answer to Seraphina's inquiry, not bothering to mention the potential glamour harvest.

    There was something a little funny about the unfamiliar woman calling him 'lad', but he refrained from commenting. "Oh, I was just trying to use the right pirate slang. Maybe 'mates' would be better? Hard to say... Yarr." He offered flatly, genuinely having trouble keeping up with the vernacular and not wanting to overstep or misspeak about his relation to the two most important Lost in the city.

    "And, I'll have a glass, please." Though he wasn't normally a heavy drinker, a nagging voice urged Sven to accept the offer of another drink. He'd managed to get by with nursing a single shot over about three hours, but he felt inclined to get a little more into the spirit of things. Just don't start singing. Consciously, he knew that he could keep ahold of his faculties and resist the temptation as long as he limited his alcohol intake. Subconsciously, he was already picking tunes to him if he grew too intoxicated.
    Darkling - Whisperwisp/Chatelaine | Health - | Willpower - | Glamour -

  2. #12

    Brown eyes move over the people present. Jennifer notes one exotic looking woman – was that Mary? Possibly. Jennifer put some attention into seeing how the beautiful woman was addressed by the others.
    “Thanks.” Jenna grins in response to the remark about her hat in her Cursed voice that slithers like a snake moving over dead leaves.
    "It looks like you put some time into your look."

    The Beast stirs in its cage. At a glance, Jennifer can see that the breathtaking Daeva is present tonight. Jennifer is the mindful and political figure in Kindred social arenas. Jennifer would not draw unwanted attention to Ms. Silvers or herself by giving a proper greeting. Jennifer notes Ms. Silvers reaction.
    “Lady – like charms have steered me well.” The brunette gave a cheeky smile to the enthralling dark-haired woman.
    “Ahoy there, crewman.” She speaks to the spindly man of the group.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  3. #13
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.
    Circe Scenes
      Toll and Good Customer Pledge, tip, Fairest Blessing
     Hardened Mask, 


    "Paint cannons, free movies, swashbuckling in the rafters, and get angry if folks take away our P?" She says as she downs the rum. It isn't as smooth as tequila for her, but she can work with it yar. Then she sighs, "Ya know somethin' mates? I don't get why that scallywag Roger is always in a good mood. Never seen him be anything but jolly with his neighbors. Ye can't even be mad at him for it, nar!"

    Circe does notice the Kraken Pirate get distracted by another arrival. And tense too it seems. A boss from work maybe? That'd do it.

    "Keeps the Kings' Guard off balance, tis true. And we've the rum too Sarah," she assures her. Then leans towards Kraken Pirate Girl. Raising her hand to give a stage whisper, "The really good stuff is flammable, but mostly the bottles are thick and heavy." Then straightens back up, the picture of innocence.

    "Good on you Matey. Mates is fellow crew, yar, works for everyone Devon," she clarifies. She looked it up online, "Yar! I'd like to think meself a boatswain at least. I nay wanna do the cap't's paperwork," Circe hisses as she says the word, "Yar! Tis scarier than Horatio's navy. Wait? Do lil' boats count as being a captain? Or just the bigger ones?"

    Okay, the new girl gets a raised eyebrow at her voice. It was familiar. "Avast!" She points the, now empty, glass at the newly arrived mortal. "Ye be Jenna do ye not, lass? I am sure of it. What is kraken? Wanna join us ne'er-do-wells for a round of rum??"
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

  4. #14
    Alicia Silvers's Avatar
    Striking looks
    Doll Face
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers Scenes
     Blush of life, 
     Blush of life, 
     Blush of life, Investigation check


    Keeping her eyes on the enthralling beauty.
    "Thank ye captain, it shall be a merry delight to spend the evening with yer crew, even if we ain´t sailing the ocean blue."

    A gaze upon the man with a cocking of her head, fingers upon the edge of her hat.
    "Ahh a first mate who just recently set to sea, no shame in being fresh salt ye will gain sea legs in due time matey. A glass of rum shall be yours, just don´t get to squiffy to quickly, else I shall claim yer patch for myself." Softly chuckling with a light wink, taking note to be a bit kinder on the man, not sure if he was just in a shell or a bit taken of by the play of the night.

    Showing a playful grin with bit down teeth at the exotic beauty.
    "They came for our movies just weeks ago, hunting us from coast to coast, not even Tortuga nor me own Labadee Bay safe no more, if they come for our P" attempting to draw her sword. "So would they have met me cutlass had they not stolen that to." Finding herself laughing at the jest of Roger. "Course he be jolly Bucko, he gets to sail the ocean blue high atop, even the captain sailing under him, always there for the merry songs. Now excuse me for a moment."

    Swirling away over to the bar, not being one used to have to wait for service nor would this time be any different as she soon returns with a tray of several glasses of rum around a pitcher of ale and some glasses for it. Placing it down upon the table as she takes one glass to hand to first mate Devon, another to the exotic beauty. Then grabbing two other´s to hand one over to the new arrival to the group with a friendly smile. Had she chosen to be around the same group so would this be the opportune moment to see how she should interact with her during chance encounters around the Kine.
    "Might I offer ye a glass o rum?"

    Daeva Vice: Lust BP:1

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