Just as in their previous meeting, Queen Circe marched to her own beat. Despite being generally antithetical to his own Court, Sven couldn't help but find it a bit endearing. No doubt she'd fit right in if she had been born a few centuries earlier. "Not too shabby. Offerin' an ear and a shoulder to crewmen who need it." He offered as an answer to Seraphina's inquiry, not bothering to mention the potential glamour harvest.

There was something a little funny about the unfamiliar woman calling him 'lad', but he refrained from commenting. "Oh, I was just trying to use the right pirate slang. Maybe 'mates' would be better? Hard to say... Yarr." He offered flatly, genuinely having trouble keeping up with the vernacular and not wanting to overstep or misspeak about his relation to the two most important Lost in the city.

"And, I'll have a glass, please." Though he wasn't normally a heavy drinker, a nagging voice urged Sven to accept the offer of another drink. He'd managed to get by with nursing a single shot over about three hours, but he felt inclined to get a little more into the spirit of things. Just don't start singing. Consciously, he knew that he could keep ahold of his faculties and resist the temptation as long as he limited his alcohol intake. Subconsciously, he was already picking tunes to him if he grew too intoxicated.