Looking upon him with wide eyes for a moment easily seen thanks to the glowing paint around them, not really following at all.
”You mean star photography?” That was it right? But shining up as she heard more familiar words, easing up with a wide grin upon her lips. ”Really? Now that is interesting, it´s so seldom that I get to meet someone else that knows how to survive in the wilderness and even less that hunts. What kind of hunting do you do? Traps, rifles, something else? Big gains, small gain, birds?” The interest shining within her eyes plain as day. ”Bounty hunting? Now that sounds fun, how does that work exactly? I reckon most dont wanna come willingly so how do you bring them in and keeping up with the laws?” Now this is intriguing.

Softly chuckling at the question.
”Nahh I am not a bowler, I am a gymnast, skater girl, and traveler of the lands. Recently came back after having spent a few years walking across the nation, hunting in nearly every state, tasted what the woods had to offer wherever I traversed. But most of my time is spent either walking around, running through the woods or hunting whenever possible hence my curiosity of how you hunt.”