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U-Pick Amber Oaks

11 - 18
Week I Week II Week III Week IV
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  1. #11
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    high Speech
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Spell tolerance: 2/3 +1/1
    Active spells: 1/6 + 1/1

    Paradox base: 2

    Monthly rituals:

    Fortunes protection + Quantum Flux (Improvised combined cast) (Both cloaked)
    Potency: 4/3

    Grim sight: (Rote) (Cloaked)
    Potency: 10


    This reference goes over his head. "You read what toasties are?" Better to ask and be sure even if it makes him look a little foolish then assume and blunder forward. "No that was a topic at the BBQ, the benefit of a little healthy competition. Promotes skill building, and advancement, and makes things a bit more interesting." And if it keeps people active, shows the benefits of working if not in tandem but to advance each other then all the better. Not exactly what a Consilium was for but hey he would take it.

    He does not seem to mind the memory of losing out that night, it had only been money after all, and the chips weren't even his dollars so the sympathy was not a real consideration there. "New years it is, got to say I have never been to casino on new years I can't help but wonder if the atmosphere." That was said innocently enough but to a mage was a loaded and veiled term. "Will be any different. You thinking same place or we try a different one?" Talking more over his shoulder now as he carefully plucks the fruits from the vines and thorns to add to his basket. Chambers makes good progress with his methodical approach, the basket is filling quickly.

  2. #12
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.


    "Yes, I have. I mean, it`s something new I found out about but still, certainly has an interesting twist to it."
    He said, frowning out of confusion mixed with a tinge of annoyance for having to repeat himself with regard to his knowledge of `toasties`, before responding to the comment about competition and the drive to succeed.
    "I meant all the time. Not just at the BBQ."
    He was half-serious, half exaggerating for effect. But he was quite excited that he managed to get Chambers to agree to new year`s at the casino.
    "Now, that`s the spirit. But you do make a good point. Should be an interesting vibe there at new year`s. Who knows. I mean, as long as the atmosphere doesn`t need to be cut with a knife. Hehehe."
    he interjected, before continuing somewhat light-heartedly with the undercurrent of a harmless jest by mentioning Vegas.
    "Never did that myself before, either. Well, at that time. If you liked the place, we could go to the same place. But I have no preference. We could even go to Las Vegas if you`re feeling really adventurous."
    he said, the hint of a smirk creeping back onto his face. But, during all of that, he continued gathering berries at a rapid pace, despite the risk posed by the thorns. Soon enough, he had a very good portion of his first bucket filled with the fruit.
    (in DYLF: Night Hawk Burrow)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

  3. #13
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    high Speech
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Spell tolerance: 2/3 +1/1
    Active spells: 1/6 + 1/1

    Paradox base: 2

    Monthly rituals:

    Fortunes protection + Quantum Flux (Improvised combined cast) (Both cloaked)
    Potency: 4/3

    Grim sight: (Rote) (Cloaked)
    Potency: 10


    Okay sure I guess, maybe we define that differently. "What interesting twist did you find out about toasties?" A toasted sandwich was not something the necromancer would call the height of interest, tasty sure, but not interesting. But hey it did not hurt to play into this little game.

    Turning a little, stopping picking for a juts a moment as he does to avoid the aforementioned thrones. "Yes I figured as much, I was just curious to your thoughts on that matter because it was a topic that came up recently." Or is it happenstance he brought it up? He returns to picking.

    He begins to wonder if his friend is alright, he had certainly not heard him giggle like that before. "It's a new years party not a hostage exchange I highly doubt it will tense." But speaking of. "You alright, you seem a little more , Hm. if I had to put a word to it expressive then usual." Whatever reference the enchanter had retired for seemed to have gone way over chambers head.

    He pauses. The invite out of the city was not expected. "How far is Vegas from here?" Trying to recall a map, but the gambling capital of the world had never held much interest for him so he's having a hard time. "Keep in mind I can't drive a car." And staying over night in another Consilium's territory involved reaching out and negotiating if they wanted to avoid potential political backlash. "You know anyone out that way or is this spur of the moment?" That would make it a bit easier.

  4. #14
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.


    In between picking berries, soon having completely filled up his first bucket-full, he answered his Moros friend:
    "Interesting in the sense that different names for the same recipe leads people to some startlingly different menu ideas. If you know what I mean."
    he said, shrugging.
    "No thoughts. At least, none I can think of yet. But alas.... I guess greed really does get the best of me at times try as I might, or might not..."
    Frowning when Chambers brought up `hostage exchange`.
    "Oh? You never know. Atmospheres will surprise you."
    he quipped back, before giving Chambers a confused look, expecting Chambers to have understood his references, or at least not take over Acanthus tropes and make a fool out of himself.
    "Expressive? This is how I`m always like. What do you mean? Is something wrong?"
    Chambers` seriousness about Vegas gets a brief smirk seeing as he`d meant it as a joke.
    "Oh, yeah, it was spur of the moment. I was only pulling your leg. It`s an eight hour drive. Unless you want to? But I`d be totally fine with the place we went before, too."
    (in DYLF: Night Hawk Burrow)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

  5. #15
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    high Speech
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Spell tolerance: 2/3 +1/1
    Active spells: 1/6 + 1/1

    Paradox base: 2

    Monthly rituals:

    Fortunes protection + Quantum Flux (Improvised combined cast) (Both cloaked)
    Potency: 4/3

    Grim sight: (Rote) (Cloaked)
    Potency: 10


    He did not know what the enchanter meant, not in the sense of toastie anyway. "I understand the concept when it comes to homophones, but what other name do toasties go by?" Menu ideas, I mean you can change the filling I guess? It was becoming a question if Philip was being vague on purpose or if he had truly found some hidden wonder in the world of toasted bread and hot fillings.

    Maybe they had not spoken enough recently because this conversation was quickly becoming hard to follow. Pausing to make sure he heard him right. "Greed? I mean good for to recognise your shortcomings but how does that tie into a bit of friendly competition? If there's no prize what do you have to gain?" Noting the some already full bucket. "And while you might gain enough fruit to feed a small contingent, that is going to be costly." Pick your own was not free after all just fresher.

    Okay he is acting odd today. "Surprise me? what is that supposed to mean? It's a casino on new years eve and I guess it what the atmosphere will be like, and if I'm wrong I doubt I'll be to far off." And certainly not caught of guard, that had become much harder to do of late.

    The rebuttal gets raised eyebrows, both of them. "You, the man known for his deadpan poker face just giggled like child being mischievous not a few moments past." Not wrong just startling out of character from what the Moros had come to expect of the curated calm shown by the enchanter.

    Turning back to his section of bushes, but keep a side on on the other now, this conversation was a little odd. "I would much prefer to stay in city myself, so same place as last time works absolutely fine." Less hassle, less paperwork and more familiar.

  6. #16
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.


    "It`s similar to homophones in a way, yeah.

    Anyway, call your toastie a `croque monsieur`, or whatever that`s supposed to sound like in french, instead, and it sounds incredibly fancy. And then you can find it at fancy restaurants way overpriced, but at least somewhat fancily made, alternatively as a side or main dish.

    Call it a `grilled cheese, or- anything- really- sandwich` and you get it at your average fastfood restaurant. And call it a toastie, and call me crazy- but that seems like the middle of the previous two to me. And I could see that with some nice hot rasberry jam, with that different twist, I talked about. If that makes sense? I guess you could also call it a culture thing, regarding the recipes."

    He tried to explain. Of course, he didn`t know french. So he was sure he completely butchered the french name and wasn`t at all sure if Chambers would know where he was coming from, but it was the best he could do.
    "It ties in, when I excessively tryhard, I guess, when I have to have more. But in general, you`re right. Competition has to have a drive, else it would be pointless."
    he said, somewhat exasperatedly, before acknowledging Chambers` look at his filled bucket.
    "Oh. I thought we were competing for who could gather most. But yeah. Ought to make some people happy at work. At least that`s what I`m hoping. Obviously I`m putting most of this in the freezer, though. But price is no concern if I can get something that`s fresh and pride myself on a job well done."
    he said, smiling, in between picking even more berries.
    "As for surprise, well. You were the one that brought up `hostage crisis`. I was just kidding around."
    Chambers` explanation got a silent, mouthed "Oooh!" when Chambers explained. Note to self, be less serious. he thought, smiling.
    "YeahI was just thinking about an earlier New Year`s where the tension could be cut with a knife. But I don`t always do stoic. Certainly not among friends. We are friends, right?"
    he wanted to make sure they were on the same page, glad that initial confusion was over and was now replaced with new confusion.
    "Sounds great. Same place as last time. Got it. It`ll be fun."
    silently adding When I get all your money.
    (in DYLF: Night Hawk Burrow)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

  7. #17
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    high Speech
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Spell tolerance: 2/3 +1/1
    Active spells: 1/6 + 1/1

    Paradox base: 2

    Monthly rituals:

    Fortunes protection + Quantum Flux (Improvised combined cast) (Both cloaked)
    Potency: 4/3

    Grim sight: (Rote) (Cloaked)
    Potency: 10


    Not being able to speak any French the Moros will just have to go with it. "Right so they do exist state side then only capitalism has done what it does best." Capitalism and the perverse idea that people don't like to cook their own food as much any more. "I call it a toastie because back over the Atlantic that's what we call it, the only way it gets fancier is if you use eggy bread to make it." Hang on a minute. "No I can't say I do because when I asked what the twist was you said it was the name not the ingredients." What is this conversation? "But if you got a way you enjoy it then good for you." Maybe time to stop talking about toasties.

    Then Philip talks of greed as a motivator. "Now I don't want to lecture but that can be a slippery slope." Enough said. "Generally people do need to agree to be in completion I thought we were just having a happen stance chat." Because if you recall. "You might beat me at poker but the last time we had a contest, back at the fair I believe I won that one." So challenge me at your peril. "I still have that jacket somewhere." Mages can't exactly donate to charity, sympathy risks and all. "Yes I rather imagine it will, those who partake at any rate." To price being no object he just shrugs, not planning on a triple figure bill for his own fruit.

    Philip attempt at rebuttal finds him no ground gained on this front. "Only because you made some bizarre comment about cutting the atmosphere wit ha knife implying tension and danger." Uh-Huh. "Well if you've been to some super serious new years events I am still willing to assume the casino won't have that problem." And what an out of the blue question that was. "Yes, I would consider you a friend at this point." I've certainly trusted you with enough.

    A nod. "Same place it is." After all what's the point in taking a control variable if you don't routinely check it.

  8. #18
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.


    "I meant changes in name and ingredients, due to cultural differences. But not major ones. But above all, I didn`t think it needed such a big discussion."
    The comments he made about toasties, and the explanations Chambers had demanded as a response, from a not-that-deep topic were rapidly turning silly for Philip. And he had no problems expressing that, despite having contributed significantly to keeping that discussion going himself. Answering Chambers` comment about competition, greed and slipperly slopes next, he agreed.
    "You`re certainly right about that. But hey. That`s just what motivates me. I can`t help it. And yes we were just chatting. I was just over-eager, I guess. And it seems I misunderstood you there. So never mind."
    He then thought back to the fair, when Chambers had the gall to remind him in no uncertain terms when he`d been the one to beat him. He`d already mostly forgotten about it.
    "Oh yeah. So you did. Guess it`s one-one. Well, that should make it more interesting if you put it that way."
    he said, nodding. Meanwhile, Chambers` continuing inability to understand his sarcasm was somewhat grating for Philip. But he ignored it, and just shrugged and said: "Whatever. If that`s your takeaway from this, I really don`t know what to say."
    Internally, he added: You`ve gotta be kidding. I make a sarcastic quip and it`s immediately taken as some portent just because I`m an Acanthus. You really need to lighten up, bro, and stop taking every word I say about new year`s so seriously. Seriously, man. It`s new year`s for crying out loud!
    Regardless if he was teasing him, or just not quite certain about his own thoughts, unable to believe Chambers didn`t understand his sarcasm, he answered.
    "I guess we`ll see, won`t we."
    But he was at least glad they did agree on something- and that was that they were actually friends. So he nodded slightly, pleased with Chambers` answer about their friendship.
    "I couldn`t agree more. New year`s is gonna be a blast."
    (in DYLF: Night Hawk Burrow)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

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