Plain paper folded into a brown envelope is left half tucked under the harvest King's bread maker in Edna's kitchen the envelope has his name on it.
Dear Harvest King Anatole

I met with Vincent as we agreed someone should. It did not go well. But I learned a great deal.

Firstly and of most importance. He admitted to revealing our existence to someone else, in a dream but he said he told them we were not normal either so who knows what there were, or what that means. he said Sarah was there and she reacted badly, as would be expected given revealing our existence can risk clarity.

That's why she was pissed, that's why she cast him out, and I think maybe the starting point of this whole cascading situation.

Vincent also said stuff about losing his home several times over and spending considerable extended time alone in the wilderness, away from humans. Add all of that up and his clarity can't be doing to well at this point. He claims otherwise but acts real different.

Across the course of the conversation he made claims to be an unfeeling machine, a creature, and human. Separately as I confronted him with different reasons that can't be so, peeled back the layers. He stuck on the human thing insisting beyond all reason he is still human. He can't face what he is.

He claims to be incapable of feeling fear and impossible to intimidate. I will say I had a bad moment his jabs and jibes, provocations and disregard brought out the worst of me. (I did not hurt him, it was a close thing but your rock saw to that). I gave him a show of fear, and it wasn't that he held himself composed, there was just no reaction at all, he was totally clueless to what was going on in front of him. He later went on to claim he was scared not of me but what I would do, contradicting himself.

In that declaration he laid his sins at my feet unable to face what he has done. He worries I will harm the freehold and of the threat I pose. Well good at least he can feel. But I worry for the mess he has made and will go onto again if he can't see why revealing us to others is a danger, it makes it is possible he will do so again.

He suffers from some delusion that me inviting him to my place of living is in someway him reaching out to help me, he made no effort to contact me even though he stated he was aware I was seeking help, when I opened up and laid my trust in him, trying to give him a sense of understanding what the is going through. He told me its all in my head and to get over it, he wanted a quick and easy fix I think and ego boost to say he did something.

He says he reached out to Sarah and they reconciled, well they were getting on at the Summer party so that seems possible.

He might also think he's an Ogre? Not sure on that one but he spoke of how his durance was an experience of being shaped by beatings and violence.

What he did claim was to be a member of something called the court of the solstice and that during our heated exchange he was being feed, I pointed out that we feed on mortals not other lost, he then claimed I had said I was leeching which I most certainly never did. So I have to think his grip on reality is as bad or worse then mine if he's hearing voices.

Among his many claims was skill in dreams in which claimed physical strength serves no purpose, not the case I have found so be careful when he claims skill in area, it seems he is often misinformed or less experienced then his bluster would have others believe.

Finally he thinks himself unbroken, more in touch with humanity then humans themselves, but calls humans the societal norms monsters. I don't know what that means for him, your welcome to try and pick that apart for meaning.

All in all, the image he creates, all the contradictions and bluster and ego. I think he might be the most broken of any of us, he certainly gives enough reasons to support such a claim. And he just can't face any of it.

I'm not calling for you to do anything unless you think it's needed just keeping you in the loop of what's going on and what I've found out.

Yours Sincerncerly


Anatole Yumyumcrow