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New Year Knock Out: Live Wrestling

11 - 20
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  1. #11
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)


    Verity snorts. ‘If they manage that they’ve done better than anyone I’ve slept with.’ A smirk makes it clear she knows that isn’t what Jennifer meant and is just being playful. ‘I’d need to watch for a while I guess see who stands out.’ She pulls at her shirt so she can read it a little better. ‘Whoever I’m wearing has good merch, so that’s a start. I really liked the catchphrase on it.' She then takes off her jacket, not because she's hot in a crowded energetic room, seems she forgot that, but to better see what she is wearing underneath.

    A good hype team is one thing but wasted if the talent sucks.’ She has seen enough bands fizzle to know that. ‘They couldn’t find a better way to say Ankle is gonna break an ankle?Energy hype over clever hype, is still hype. ‘Still must have been a good watch if it stood the test of time.’ However long that might be, it could have been last week for all Verity knows.

    As the crowd screams Verity adds her voice to it, not holding back she has no fear of ripping vocal cords or damaging her voice because … come the next night it'll be right as rain.

    Then she turns, quickly to Jennifer, eyes alight with excitement. ‘Was that, yeah, to signing up?There’s no way, she seems so proper and respectable
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  2. #12
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    Jennifer glances over to read Verity's shirt. "Hm, don't know them. But they'll announce them." Her eyes scan for the catch phrase.

    "Angle. They may have? It was awhile ago." She admitted. She wouldn't be able to remember how it was phrased, although the video could be looked up.
    "Here?" A smirk. That was a bit tempting. Yet she was erroring towards no, to think of the masquerade. She was rather slight in appearance. Was she a good enough actor to act as though she's giving it her all while losing?

    "No, I don't think so. You?"
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  3. #13
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)


    Verity’s shirt is black with the word EDGE written large in white script above a fist that is throwing horns/making the rock on sign that morphs into the mid and lower part of a skull, in turn this sits top three red roses and is framed by two black lightning bolts. On the Back in the same font and text the slogan ‘YOU KNOW ME’ is imprinted.

    ‘Oh, Angle yeah.’ Verity glosses over getting that wrong. Seems she hasn’t been missing out on a career as a hype girl after all. At least not for wrestling. She screams approval with the crowd as some rope work results in a resounding crash and bodies hit the mat. ‘So, if this goes wrong, people get badly hurt right?’ Something that had just occurred to her, good thing she wasn’t that achingly hungry.

    She feigns a disappointed pout as Jennifer turns down debuting in the squared circle. But she is having to much of a good time to really worry. ‘Shame. Just with you talking of wanting a fighting instructor and all.’ Someone has to train these people surely?
    Then surprise fills her misty green eyes, followed by a grin and a moment of total stillness as the idea circulates. ‘Me? No. I already know how they would want to use me.’ It came with the looks, the way she made people feel. The way she made a crowd feel. ‘Besides I’d get snapped in half.’ Unfortunately, it was true that most kine could overpower her, it was part of the allure.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  4. #14
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    Jennifer turns to the ring as someone flies across the ring. "It is an interesting display of athleticism. If someone misses a cue or a move goes wrong, yes." She states. Were they not surrounded by wrestling fans, there were a few things she could say. Yet jobs and work might not be taken well by some.
    "You might like looking up Maria on RAW. She was an announcer and personality who used her acting ability to become a part of the production. I believe she was put into matches to manipulate others, yet she never displayed wrestling talent." Jennifer stated.
    "Yes, I may ask around at the company to see if anyone would be interested in granting me that favor."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  5. #15
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)


    Verity continues to cheer, groan and boo with the crowd. For those who didn't know otherwise it would be very hard to determine she was a predator in the midst of prey, as was the way of clan Daeva, Social predators, their food comes to them it isn't run down in allies or cornered in dark rooms. It comes willingly and unknowing.

    'Well here's hoping no such thing tonight.' It was a complication she didn't want to spoil the night.

    That gets an eyebrow. Is that all she thinks I am? Is that all she sees to me? someone who relates to the manipulative and talentless. The seneschal had given Verity no prior reason to think such, and to target Verity with a slight here, quietly would be bizarre so Verity lets it slide more or less as something she was being paranoid about. 'If you don't need wrestling skill then we both know they'd through me in something skimpy and parade me around the ring to warm up the crowd.' No thank you.

    That was enough to get the image of the Seneschal choke slamming some fool back to mind, which definitely goes away to getting Verity's smile back. 'Well be sure to let me know if you debut. I'll make signs.'
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  6. #16
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    "Yeah, I would hate to see something go wrong." She agreed. It would not be a good mood in the crowd. Jennifer did love observing the crowd at these sort of things.
    Jennifer glances towards Verity, wondering if she had watched many matches. It was a curious thing to get different opinions. She nods slightly and turns back to the ring. It was an exciting time as someone climbed up to the top rope - and went flying across the ring, colliding with thier opponent!
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  7. #17
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)


    The roars of the crowd as the wrestles demonstrated their art made her ears ring. The lights around the ring bright enough to pull focus. The crash of bodies onto the mat was so audible it could be felt in the guts of the watchers. The wrestles worked the crowd and the crowd responded. It was what Verity needed in an event to consider it a good time, so close to being able to feel it properly again she likes to think she can still imagine it. And memories of crowds like this, if duller, colder, slightly askew in her dead brain did come to mind, keeping those things alive in her. And she, for her part, was right there with the crowd participating in every moment, trying to be apart of it, and not just the predator wearing social camouflage. Which in the end is all she was.

    'Scratch that.' As the bodies crash from the top rope moves. 'Even landing these dead on must hurt.' You don't just throw yourself ten feet in the area and bodily smash into someone without it hurting. Not if you still have nerves that can feel. And she cheers all the same for these crazy, reckless talented actors and athletes putting their bodies through their paces in the name of entertainment.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  8. #18
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    Jennifer turns from the ring slightly, her eyes trailing over the people watching the match. The expressions and reactions to the ring performers ran a gamit - cringing, cheering, emphasizing with the performer rolling on the floor in pain.
    Brown eyes move to Verity.

    "Yes, I think that it does. There is some theatrical work involved. That is the area where I would hesitate to learn in front of a large crowd. " Selling" a job can be problematic.
    I do love when the underdog wins."

    Her eyes returned to the ring.
    "Do you have upcoming plans? I am meeting with the mutual friend who dipped out of our meeting earlier in the week."
    Jennifer did not have to share her plans or more importantly, information. Yet I think she is establishing a ring of contacts or perhaps alliances based on rumors. As I do not give away this information, it could function as a currency.

    "Then I have several nights occupied with work, tidying up that project we were discussing."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  9. #19
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)


    'Oh, yeah I could see that being the hardest part.' For those like us at least with limited context for how its supposed to hurt and ... inconsistent ability to express that. 'I think I'd also find being hit repeatedly hard to deal with.' Well not me, but it certainly runs counter to certain survival instincts. She is on the Cheering side of this crowd as far as the wrestler on the mat is concerned, she might have no idea who the other one is but it seems she's supporting that one tonight.

    Green eyes sweep from the ring to the Official beside her. Oh, we are doing this here, and as if I wasn't having enough fun. 'Well I do hope the two of you have a good time, she seemed so out of sorts when we all got together.' And oddly absent from rumours given things occur that you think she would be involved in. 'Well if I can help to alleviate any of your burdens do let me know alright.' If I offer enough times maybe she'll relent and let me in on it.

    Verity Smirks. 'Myself?' Eyes flick up a mimic of having to think about it. 'I've herd of a decent bowling ally that offers a lot of choice, there's a roller disco I want to try out, oh and I'm taking your advice.' A moment to let the Seneschal think on that before she gives it up. 'I'm trying to bump into a few new friends, you know the ones you said I could find hanging around pretty easily.' Ideally both, but one at a time would be manageably and make cross references easier. 'Hopefully I'll have met each within a few months.' Flash of realisation. 'That and I'm still waiting on the call I told you about.' Those three were taking their sweet time with this.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  10. #20
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    The wrestling show winds down. The two kindred have had a plasant conversation and depart for their havens, the kine left unaware of thier unusual visitors.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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