Early in the evening, a ghoul lingers in the Necropolis, looking for the Nosferatu Whip. He presents a letter sealed with green wax and the seal is of a quill writing upon parchment.

Mister Connor O'Brien, Whip of Nosferatu
I hope that this finds you well. I have made note of the information that you have shared in your last letter. Is there anything I should know about the specifics of the meeting between you and this group? Can you tell me the specific titles of address that they prefer?
Is anyone else aware of this group or has met with them?
I shall be meeting with the group in their preferred meeting at Arkwright Cemetery two nights from this evening, if you wish to join me. I shall be proposing an agreement to sate the offense of the group being present without presenting themselves for acknowledgement.
~ Priscus Jennifer Hazelton, Lady Notary of the First Estate