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Beer, Food and Music!

21 - 27
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  1. #21
    Tiny's Avatar

    Oath's Bastion

    Honor 2
    Wisdom 1


    "No death while drinking is an admirable goal." Tiny says, though for those who look closely, its less a playful aphorism and instead touch more serious. Of course, the spirits showed that too many times, death was connected to anything. A vodka spirit could kill you just as easily as a happiness spirit.

    Tiny finishes his beer, "Any other recommendations, you seem to have a good sense of my palate. You should consider this as a serious gig"

    "Its how we live, to try and try and find something that works. If we are lucky, we enjoy it too. And if we are very lucky, it helps others. I think I saw a venn diagram of something like that.
    So, forgive me, but whats Cobra Kai? Is that related to Karate Kid? Did they remake it again?"
    He asks with genuine curiosity to both women.
    Elodoth | Storm Lord | Primal Urge 1
    Grapes [/] [] [] [] [] [] [] WP (6/6)

  2. #22
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    After taking another sip, “It is?” she asks, “I’ve never seen the whole series, and I don’t remember a whole lot from the original movies.” That had been a while ago. “So a bad sensei can make or break a dojo?” worth asking because she had no fucking clue.

    Smirking to Sonnie, “That’s one way of doing it! Also a good way to know if your pasta is done.” A wink added.

    Glancing around, “Well, I heard that Pyramid Alehouse has a hefeweizen on tap that is pretty decent. I’ve personally never had it, but I’ve heard good things. So that’s what I would recommend.” Shrugging a shoulder, “That’s part of the reason I’m here this evening, to network with the breweries and see if I can land an apprenticeship with one of them. Figured it was the best way to try commercial brewing.” And to see if she really wanted to move forward with her on place.

    “It’s always quite the journey though.” Sometimes a good journey…sometimes not.

    Eyes look to Sonnie, then back to Matthew, “I’m not an expert, just seen things here and there. But I think it's kinda like a continuation of the original story?” a questioning look given to Sonnie.

  3. #23
    Sonnie Wu's Avatar
    Sonja "Sonnie" Wu
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Sonja Wu)

    An alluring young beauty, Sonnie Wu is 5'2" and lean-bodied, with a light, nimble step and eyes that seem to say "Hey, you know what would be fun?" Her reddish-brown hair often seems slightly unkempt, and an amused smile regularly plays on her lips. Sonnie is usually dressed casually or for outdoor activity. She almost always wears a pair of red leather tabi boots.

    To the eyes of Fae, Sonnie's feet are like those of a monkey: Toes as long as fingers, with one on each foot being opposable like a thumb. A long monkey tail protrudes from the base of Sonnie's spine, covered in hair the same shade as her head. It appears to be prehensile, and often moves to react to her mood and dances about when she speaks, like people who "talk with their hands." Finally, her brown eyes turn golden.
    Mundane Equipment:

    Smart phone, messenger bag, quarterstaff, 2 throwing knifes (concealed), 3 goblin fruit (changes by season), mountain bike.

    Cloud-Stepping Shoes
    Hedgespun ● +2 Speed

    Riyu Jingu Bang (Staff)
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Damage

    Coin of the Lucky Monkey
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Defense
    Sonnie Wu Scenes
     Beast's Keen Senses
     Harden Mask, 



    "I mean," Sonnie grinned, "no death while doing anything is even more admirable."

    She looked at Matthew and nodded, "They made a TV show recently. Picks up the story in the modern day. They even got Daniel-san and Johnny to return. I think it's on season... 3? 4?"

    "Pasta's great. Love a good plate of spaghetti... with garlic bread. Yum." Great, now she wanted spaghetti and garlic bread. Was there a food truck for that?
    Spring Mantle (Scent of Flowers and Fruit)

  4. #24
    Tiny's Avatar

    Oath's Bastion

    Honor 2
    Wisdom 1


    Tiny nods along as Madison explains her suggestion for the hef, pleased she remembered his preference, and eager to try it.
    "Thank you. I'll have to try it." And with surprising alaclarity, he leaves and returns with three bears. "Hefs for us all!" He smiles, and passes the beer to each of them. Taking a deep sip, he smiles, "yes, this is exactly what I was looking for. quiet and balanced."

    He nods to Sonnie, "Yes, but not nearly as glorious. It's hard to die gloriously if you keep surviving." He says it with a laugh and a smile.

    "Interesting, I'll have to see it. I feel like they are after my teenage years with all of these remakes, and I don't need to relive those." He shakes his head, remembering some of the less pleasant times. Being short in high school wasn't fun, especially with divorced parents and a less than conventional sexuality in the Midwest. Especially with a temper.
    Elodoth | Storm Lord | Primal Urge 1
    Grapes [/] [] [] [] [] [] [] WP (6/6)

  5. #25
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    A quick nod, “This is true.” She always liked no death in life. But, it was a fact of life, and she could talk with the dead if she needed.

    Was good to know her thinking of the show wasn’t off. It did continue the story. Shrugging, “Not sure, I’ve only heard about it and seen clips here and there. But it seems to be popular.” She just wasn’t a tv person.

    “Pasta is the best! There’s this little place downtown that is amazing, best garlic bread.” At least she thought it was.

    At first, she thought she upset him, but then he returned with beer! A happy smile appeared, “Oh! Thank you, kind sir!” accepting the offered cup. “I’m glad I was able to recommend one you like!” her memory was pretty good. Taking a measured sip, she gives herself a chance to savor the flavors, “It does have a nice, light taste. But I think I’d add a lemon to it, think that might kick it up a notch.” And she would stick by that.

    “I’ll have to watch the original again, it’s been a few years and I don’t remember much about it.” Life on the road and all. Then a frown to Matthew, “That sucks. Though I have to say that teenage years are usually the worst, kids can be dicks.” A slight eye roll, indicating she’d experienced it.

  6. #26
    Sonnie Wu's Avatar
    Sonja "Sonnie" Wu
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Sonja Wu)

    An alluring young beauty, Sonnie Wu is 5'2" and lean-bodied, with a light, nimble step and eyes that seem to say "Hey, you know what would be fun?" Her reddish-brown hair often seems slightly unkempt, and an amused smile regularly plays on her lips. Sonnie is usually dressed casually or for outdoor activity. She almost always wears a pair of red leather tabi boots.

    To the eyes of Fae, Sonnie's feet are like those of a monkey: Toes as long as fingers, with one on each foot being opposable like a thumb. A long monkey tail protrudes from the base of Sonnie's spine, covered in hair the same shade as her head. It appears to be prehensile, and often moves to react to her mood and dances about when she speaks, like people who "talk with their hands." Finally, her brown eyes turn golden.
    Mundane Equipment:

    Smart phone, messenger bag, quarterstaff, 2 throwing knifes (concealed), 3 goblin fruit (changes by season), mountain bike.

    Cloud-Stepping Shoes
    Hedgespun ● +2 Speed

    Riyu Jingu Bang (Staff)
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Damage

    Coin of the Lucky Monkey
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Defense
    Sonnie Wu Scenes
     Beast's Keen Senses
     Harden Mask, 



    "Well, if you got Netflix, enjoy!" she nodded to Tiny. Sonnie gave the blonde a shrug, "It's goofy at time, but overall pretty enjoyable. I mean, it's based on a teen karate movie from the 80s. It was never gonna be some gritty reboot."

    "Oh, beer! Thanks!" She smiled and nodded her appreciation to Matthew. She sampled it before finishing off her funnel cake.

    "Man, now I really want spaghetti..." the young Asian woman had a one-track mind when it came to food.

    Stop thinking with your stomach.

    I don't understand what that means.

    Yes, you do. You're me.

    More beer was sipped as her monkey brain derailed itself.
    Spring Mantle (Scent of Flowers and Fruit)

  7. #27
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    A thoughtful nod as she sips the beer, “Maybe I’ll give it a go, it’s been years since I saw the original. Plus a movie from the 80’s is always a good excuse to order pizza and veg.” she needed more nights vegging.

    “Think there is a diner that is open all hours and they have spaghetti on the menu. One of those small places near the bars, a hidden gem.” At least it was the last time she was there.

    “Ever notice how the tiny, out of the way restaurants have the best food? Or is that just me?” a chuckle and shrug.

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