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The Ten Ten Room

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  1. #51
    Connor OBrien's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Boxer's Build)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Connor OBrien


    Connor does as he's asked and heads to the bar to order two craft beers to go, and begins making his way back toward Quinn. He takes a sip from his own cup as he waits for the scene between the Mekhet and her Cousin to play out. He hands Quinn her cup and takes Conner's hand firmly. The look on the Lance's face is easy enough to read, and the Haunt takes a look back to Quinn for a moment before locking eyes with Conner. "Your Cousin is safe with me, Conner, I give you my word." He vocalizes, a man was only as good as his word, and the same held true for Kindred to a degree.

    With that situation finished, he looked back over the small crowd gathered. "Have a good night, Madison and Alice." He says, pointedly leaving out Dirt Nap. This wasn't court, but openly ignoring an introduction was beyond rude, and you reap what you sow in the world of Kindred politics.

    When all is said and done, he puts his arm back around Quinn as they head towards the exit, ultimately leaving for the night.
    Nosferatu Curse: An Aura of Danger, like the feeling that causes the hair to stand up on the back of your neck.
    The Vanishing:

  2. Likes BoxingUnicorn, Ruach, pisces liked this post
  3. #52
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    “Uh,” she says, thinking, “I think in the early 90’s, but I could be wrong. I wasn’t much for tv then, so don’t quote me on it.” They were too busy on the road, barely any time for tv.

    Shrugging, “I think you’re doing fine. And I’ll hangout as long as you want me to.” She wouldn’t stop Phoenyx from enjoying the night.

    With Conner and the fries returning, she picks up her drink and takes a sip. And realizes she might need to slow down a bit on them. Or hit the bathroom and wave her hand to take care of some of the buzz.

    Looking to him, “I’m only here as long as she wants me to be. She’s an adult, doesn’t need my permission.” She says, taking another sip, “I’m ok heading out for the night so you two can chat.” But only if the Arrow said she was ok with it. If not, she could be that annoying third wheel, wouldn’t be the first time.

    There was a gentle shake of her head as she chuckles, “Never had fries with gravy?” she asks, curious. “Used to be a staple of my childhood and fair food. But yah.” She had a better metabolism then, no way she could like that now.

    Her attention turning to the other two, who seemed to be leaving.

    Glass raised, “Have a good one.” Watching them leave and a bit curious about why they ignored the other guy. But not curious enough to actually care. Not her friends, not her problem. Though it did seem rude.

    “Well that was exciting.” Not. "Who's beer did you piss in?" she jokes to Clay.

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  5. #53
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    2E Life Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings unfurl her with an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 6 (4 Dex+Life/2)
    Armour - 3/2 (Life/2, Trenchcoat)
    Health: Matriarch - 1B/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 9/9
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 2/3
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    An eyebrow arches at the flourish, but Phoenyx certainly looks amused. She takes the number and folds it gently, slipping it inside her dress with another smile. "And just what did you wanna talk about?" She leans in a little, propping her elbow on the table.

    She waves goodbye to Quin and Connor. "You should. I'm very likable. Nice meeting you too!" she slurs, nodding. Eyes linger on the dark-haired girl just a moment as she walks off, causing the Arrow to frown. But like a cloud passing over the sun, it is gone in a moment and she sucks on the straw of her cocktail again.

    She looks Back to Madison. "That might be it. I wasn't even alive for some of then, so it would make sense I don't remember those bits." She looks confused as Conner and Aurora talk. "Nooo! I want you here. We came out together! We can still talk. All of us, together." She didn't want to leave her friend in the lurch.

    Sorry for the delay. We need to ge tthis scene wrapped up soon!
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

  6. Likes Ruach, BoxingUnicorn liked this post
  7. #54
    Conner Wells's Avatar
    Blood & Faith
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Eidectic Memory
    Conner Wells
    PRP Stats

    HP: 0/7 [7 Bash]
    WP: 0/2
    Vitae: 2/6

    Equipment: Reinforced Jacket, Broadsword, Messenger Bag (flashlight, pen, notepad, binoculars, duct tape), Phone, Wallet ($50 cash)
    Combat Stats

    Def: 3 (Dex; Tonfa +1)
    Armor: 1/0 (Reinforced Clothing)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9


    "Taste in movies? I know I like a nice mix of action and narrative, hence ye olde classic mentioned earlier." He allows a chuckle at his expense. "But what about you." He opens the floor up to Alice, an eager expression as he mimics her gesture, again leaving just enough space to be closed quickly if the night so offered. Slipping the paper into the dress may have been innocent enough, but Conner's predator senses picked up on it. Fiesty little firebird aren't you? Or maybe just without pockets...

    Either way, foot's in the door.

    Conner nods to Madison, quietly acknowledging her confidence in her friend. "Glad to hear it. It's great to see you two looking out for each other." A brief surge of Bestial envy ripples through his stomach. How easy for them to trust each other. To look out for each other. He wanted that for his family, but between his tension with Quinn, Quinn and Maeve at each other's throats, and...whatever he and Maeve had it just wouldn't be easy. Not impossible, just not easy. 'Human Again' from Beauty and the Beast begins playing in his head...

    But, for all intents and purposes tonight, he was human. And he was going to enjoy it while he could. Before he left for the Barrens and the hunger became his nighttime companion.

    Alice cries out in distress and Conner can't help but laugh. And honest to God laugh with breath out of his lungs.
    "Well then, I guess it's settled. We're closing the place down. Just the..." He suddenly remembers Clay. "Four of us." Assuming he doesn't find a way to choke on those fries.

    I'm game to close if the rest of the crew is! Thanks so much for a fun Shard!

    PRP Stats: In Minisheet

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  9. #55
    Dirt Nap's Avatar

    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap


    Dirt Nap nods belatedly obviously as an afterthought at the backs of the exiting Quinn and Connor.

    He nods again acknowledging Conner's acknowledgement of his existence, half hearted or even grudging though it might be.

    He looks guilessly at Madison and says, "I'm not real great at paying 'tention to more than one tricky thing at a time, and for me, socializing is tricky. I missed a step in the dance with them just now, maybe even stepped on some toes. I'm real rusty in situations like this, well maybe to tell the truth never have been real natural at it, but I need to get a handle on that and learn now." He 'explains'.

    He shrugs slightly. "It will be what it will be. Either way, it will work out, one way or another., and I don't aim to quit."

  10. #56
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    A smirk, then shake of her head, “Way to make me feel old Alice.” She jokes as she takes a sip of her drink.

    Shrugging, “Up to you.” If she wanted her there, then she’d stay. “So what are we talking about?” asks the Shaman.

    Glancing at Conner over her glass, “One can never be too careful when they go out.” And she had issue turning him into a fish if he hurt Alice.

    “If we’re closing the place down, I just might need another drink.” Probably not. She was already feeling this one and the one before it. Might be time to either get sober or drink something else.

    A sage nod to Clay, “Ah, well, the social dance can be a dangerous one.” She had just learned to be social with people at a young age. The more social and approachable you were, the more money you could make. “But, hey, a good way to learn is to get out like this. Have some drinks and get to know people.”

    Also good to close when you are Was fun!

  11. Likes Ruach, BoxingUnicorn liked this post
  12. #57
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    2E Life Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings unfurl her with an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 6 (4 Dex+Life/2)
    Armour - 3/2 (Life/2, Trenchcoat)
    Health: Matriarch - 1B/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 9/9
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 2/3
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    "I'm not a huge movie person," Phoneyx says with a shrug, pulling a fry from the plate and popping it in her mouth. "Though I like mysteries. I like trying to figure it out befoe the film tells you." She nods. "Yep! Madison is the best. I trust her with my life."

    "Whaaaaaat? You know how old I am!"
    she says brightly to Aurora swaying a little. "You can't be that much older than me. But films, apparently." She sucks on the cocktail, reaching the bottom of number three, and hiccups squeakily. "'m really glad we did this. Maybe we should make it a regular thing!"

    Closing all up. Thanks everyone for a fun scene!
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

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