A ghoul in an outdated grey suit with a jade green dress shirt and silver tie waits outside the prince's office. When the Prince's ghoul is free to receive him, Mr. Kowalsic's ghoul presents a letter to him.

"Mr. Kowalsic is keeping himself free for any summons to rectify his wrongdoing. He can be found at his haven."
The ghoul shared.

The letter:
Prince Alessandra Antinori, Lady of the first estate,
I write to you to assure you that I hold myself ready to accept responsibility for my wrongdoing against the Alder Duchess Twist, Priscus of the Daeva, Judex of the Invictus, Archon and Hound.

I do wish to inform you that Isabella Kowalsic, my childe, has impressed me with her readiness through her education. I share that she has completed her education, and now stands as an independent person.

I stand ready to answer any summons.
Yours in humility,
Mr. Kowalsic

{Phone number 555 - 3850}
(Address that he can be found at)