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Brews and Games

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  1. #1
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    The brewery had been mentioned in a previous conversation, and with the weather warming, it seemed like a good night to stop by. So she sent a message to the girls, as well as Campy.

    But what set this brewery apart in a city full of bars and places to drink? Aside from being a popular local brewery, they offered, once a week, game nights. Their tap room was stocked with every game, from Monopoly to chess, and everything in between. Some were games the employees brought, some were donated by regulars.

    On game nights, there was a special beer menu. Seasonal brews were offered at a discounted price, and samplers, offering up to five different beers, were half off. The typical bar food was offered, hamburgers, fries, nothing too fancy.

    The tap room was done in rich dark woods that were clearly done by hand. Next to the bar was a glass wall with a view of the brew equipment, and various workers doing their jobs.

    Outside there was seating and a few outdoor games.

    The Shaman went with a bright, and sheer flowing top. But don’t worry, she had a bathing suit top on underneath. Skinny jeans, boots and air-dried air completed her look. She was at the bar, selecting a sampler, and talking with the bar tender. It could be overheard that they were discussing different flavors of honeys and hops, laughing.

  2. Likes Yumyumcrow, Ruach liked this post
  3. #2
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    Unseen Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings reach around her with the sound of an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 2
    Armour - 6/5 (Forces 5, Trenchcoat)
    Health: 7/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 6/6
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 3/7
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    Phoenyx walked into the brewery, glancing around. She was pretty sure this was the place Aurora mentioned, but she did feel out of her element again. Still, she had found a summery dress and added her own touch with a red cardigan. Even if she disliked being weaponless, she had magic and her wits.

    If Aurora knew what ou were thinking she'd give you the time off lecture again.

    The thought brought a small smile to her lips. Still, there was a feeling of relief as she saw Aurora, and the Arrow made a bee-line for her. "Hi," Phoenyx says, looking up at the vats and pipeworks. "Guess I found the right place." She smiles at her friend, wondering what she had in mind. Between here and the cocktail bar, the latter seemed ahead for now.

    Y'know. From what she remembered.
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

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  5. #3
    Naga's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Academic (Law Degree))
    (Judicial (Law License))

    Cracks in space form around her body like an aura, through which demonic, snake-like eyes peer menacingly. A chorus of distant hissing can be heard.

    Smartphone, iron coin (magical tool), .38 revolver, mid-sized car

    WP (half pool):
    Armor: 0/0
    Defense: 2 (5 w/ Mind Armor 2E)

    Active Spells: 2/5 | Spell Tolerance: 2

    Personal Spells: Monthly Rits: MindSight Pot 4; 2E MindArmor Pot 4


    Naga strolled in like she owned the place, that sort of confidence that drew attention whenever she went. She came wearing a white dress covered in black dots, accompanied by a jaunty black hat and sandals. The woman was dressed for some summery fun.

    "Hello, hope I'm not late. This is a cute place," she smiled brilliantly, her eyes exploring the brewery interior.

    Monthly Rituals (Average): Third Eye (Mind Sight) Pot 2; Misperception (Mind Armor 2E) Pot 1

  6. #4
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    Accepting a piece of paper from the bartender, she turns as she hears Phoenyx, “Hey you!” paper tucked into her back pocket. Then she finally takes in the Arrow, “Wow, I kinda feel under-dressed now. But you look amazing! The red is a great touch!” it seemed to be a common theme for her, red. Favorite color? Or something else?

    “And you did! They have delicious seasonal brews on tap, and harder stuff if that’s your preference.” It felt like beer weather to the Shaman.

    Spotting Naga, she waves, “Not late at all! What a pretty dress! So summery!” new word, summery. Or was it already a word? She wasn’t sure. “And it’s now official, I feel under-dressed.” But she laughs, not too worried about it.

    “I’ve been enjoying visiting it. And these game nights are a fun way to just relax and meet new people. Plus the beer is really good.”
    As her sampler arrives, five beers, everything from light to dark.

    “So how’ve you guys been? Did we wanna grab a table?”

  7. #5
    Skye's Avatar
    Striking looks
    (Flawless movement)

    A flowering of wildflowers accompanied by their scent and the sounds of a calm wind dancing over the sea. The more vulgar the spells, the meaner the magic the stronger the winds, the flowers blooming only to quickly decay and spread the scent of death with them.

    Standing 152.4cm tall, her hair color changing on a regular basis, usually braided but not always.

    Her body seemingly quite petite and small but upon closer inspection so is it unexpectedly sturdy, her left arm well trained with more defining muscles than her right arm.

    Rarely seen without an armguard and archer glove on her left hand.

    Each and every movement always precise, rarely if ever wasting any more effort than needed to achieve her desired result.

    Rituals September:

    Combo Organic Resilience and pulse of the living world (pot 6, armor 4)
    Body Mastery +2 (pot 8)
    Honing the form dex +4 (pot 8)

    (Expanding body mastery to last one day.)Mana 1 Spent

    Body Mastery
    Organic Resilience 2E monthly pot2

    The morning had gone into preparing her ever so trusty daily spell.
    body mastery

    But now it was later and she wanted to see more of the city having a bit of money to walk with nowadays made it easier to fit it an as well and as luck would have it so did her eyes catch onto one of the people she really wanted to get to know better.

    Getting inside in her dark outfit she had managed to pick together from various thrift stores.

    Slowly getting up to her, keeping her usual calm demeanor.
    "Is there something special happening here or would it be all right of me to join in? I would love the chance for us all to get to know one another better in a more calm manner." Her eyes walking over to her boss as she smiles a kind smile towards her.

    "Evening to you both lets see if my memory serves so Adi and" looking towards Naga "I'm sorry I cannot remember your name I am afraid." Or rather she had never heard another name than Naga and she doubted that she wanted her to say that here.

    152.4cm tall

  8. #6
    Campanella's Avatar
    Allies (City Hall)
    Allies (Criminal)
    Allies (Culture)
    Allies (Finance)
    Occult Skill
    Campanella's Scenes


    Armor 0
    Defense 2

    Vulgar +1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3/1

    [2R] Analyze Artefact (Deep Scrutiny of Artefacts, Prolonged, 1 scene)
    [4R] Dark Matter (Matter Sight, Prolonged, 1 scene)
    [2R] One Mind, Two Thoughts (Prolonged, 1 scene)

    Tangled Threads

    Armor 4
    Defense 2

    Vulgar +1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 1/3

    [4] Aura Perception (Concentration, 1 scene)

    [5] Third Eye (Mind Sight, Prolonged, 1 scene)

    [2R] Unseen Aegis (Armor, 1 scene)


    Campanella strolls into the brewery accompanied by a sense of contained excitement. There is a slight turn to his lips that one does not normally see and his eyes sparkle. He is still in his casually formal attire, but on this occasion his suit is mismatched: blue trousers, light grey jacket, a white shirt with black dots covering the fabric. Freshly polished shoes in yesteryears style. His collar is unbuttoned.

    He drifts, lazily, at first. Purchases a seasonal craft brew and most definitely was interested in observing the artisanal brewers at work. It was at this point that he becomes aware of the other mages - and Aurora .

    Perhaps the former Hierarch has the ability to read minds. He nods generally and gestures companionably, pointing out a spare table all alone in a corner. Then he is off to order some slides and some fries for their 'table' before he makes his way over to the corner where he has staked their claim.
    Gnosis: 4
    Occult Skill: 3

  9. #7
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    Unseen Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings reach around her with the sound of an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 2
    Armour - 6/5 (Forces 5, Trenchcoat)
    Health: 7/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 6/6
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 3/7
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    The Arrow continues her small smile as Naga arrives. She blushes slightly at Aurora's compliment. "Thank you. I had to made sure I can still kick in it. Though I... haven't really had beer before," she admits slowly. "But I can have a rum and coke or something."

    Then Skye arrived. Phoenyx cocked her head slightly, watching her with dark eyes. Maybe it would be a good idea to know one another. "I'm sure that will be fine," she replied, trying for a small smile.

    "Adi? I thought it was Madison?" She asks Aurora, obviously a little confused.

    Was that.... Campenella? The Obrimos had never seen him out of the Circle. It was a little strange to see him in the real world.
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

  10. #8
    Naga's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Academic (Law Degree))
    (Judicial (Law License))

    Cracks in space form around her body like an aura, through which demonic, snake-like eyes peer menacingly. A chorus of distant hissing can be heard.

    Smartphone, iron coin (magical tool), .38 revolver, mid-sized car

    WP (half pool):
    Armor: 0/0
    Defense: 2 (5 w/ Mind Armor 2E)

    Active Spells: 2/5 | Spell Tolerance: 2

    Personal Spells: Monthly Rits: MindSight Pot 4; 2E MindArmor Pot 4


    "Why thank you, Madi," the Ladder smiled brilliantly. "Oh, come now. You're no slouch in the fashion department." A smile was flashed to Phoenyx as well, "Same goes for you."

    She looked around the place curiously, "A table would be lovely. Any particular brews you'd recommend?"

    Not expecting Skye, she was surprised, but not unpleasantly so. "Hello. It's Vanessa, dear. Just call me Vanessa."

    The appearance of the former Hierarch was much more surprising. Naga's eyebrows raised as she looked to the others. "Well, I guess our table has been chosen. Shall we?"

    Monthly Rituals (Average): Third Eye (Mind Sight) Pot 2; Misperception (Mind Armor 2E) Pot 1

  11. #9
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    Looking from her sampler when she heard Skye, there was a shrug, “Nothing going on, just an excuse to get out and relax.” And in a calmer manner? “Not sure where things haven’t been calm, but,” another shrug, “whatever.”

    One of the glasses was picked up, the lighter colored one, and she takes a small sniff. “Oh, smells delicious!” believe it or not, beer can have a pleasant smell depending on ingredients.

    But spotting Campanella surprised her. Sure, she had mentioned the place, but hadn’t thought he’d actually show up. Setting her glass down, she returns the nod and smiles, waving. “Looks like we have a table.” To the others.

    “Still kick in it?” a small laugh as she shook her head, “There shouldn’t be any need to kick tonight. Sorry to disappoint you.” She was joking, of course. “It is Madison, but it seems to be a nickname she’s given me.” Didn’t bother her. “Really? Never had beer? Huh. Well, we’ll have to fix that! It’s not for everyone, but I think you should give it a try.” Always try it.

    “I always recommend the seasonal brews. This place makes some incredible flavors. Like this one,”
    pointing to one on her sampler, “is a tropical pale ale, it’s passion fruit, guava, and citrus hops, sweet and very good. And this one, has watermelon in it. So yeah, seasonals, all the way.” She may or may not know her beers. "Yeah, lets head over!"

    “Hey! Great to see you!” she greet with a genuine smile, eyes looking down shyly as she puts her stuff down.

  12. #10
    Skye's Avatar
    Striking looks
    (Flawless movement)

    A flowering of wildflowers accompanied by their scent and the sounds of a calm wind dancing over the sea. The more vulgar the spells, the meaner the magic the stronger the winds, the flowers blooming only to quickly decay and spread the scent of death with them.

    Standing 152.4cm tall, her hair color changing on a regular basis, usually braided but not always.

    Her body seemingly quite petite and small but upon closer inspection so is it unexpectedly sturdy, her left arm well trained with more defining muscles than her right arm.

    Rarely seen without an armguard and archer glove on her left hand.

    Each and every movement always precise, rarely if ever wasting any more effort than needed to achieve her desired result.

    Rituals September:

    Combo Organic Resilience and pulse of the living world (pot 6, armor 4)
    Body Mastery +2 (pot 8)
    Honing the form dex +4 (pot 8)


    Seeing the professor arrive or well perhaps he wasn't one but she did remember people better in ways like that than using actual names. Smiling and gently waving towards him, wondering if they all would look like his students if they sat around him or what people would think.

    Smiling a warm kind smile towards Phoenyx.
    "Thank you and may I add that you look especially lovely tonight, it's nice to see you in other clothes sometimes to get remembered just how beautiful you truly are." Perhaps not the best wording but the sentiment was genuine at least.

    Nodding along when Aurora answers that it's a nickname she had given her, she had tried it out several times before now and never gotten any word against it so it did feel safe to use.
    "I like using nicknames on people it feels a bit closer and friendlier, it's just nice and warm in my opinion."

    Looking at Vanessa, her eyes wandering over her a bit.
    "Would you mind if I thought up a nickname for you as well? I do not feel like your'e a Nessa though."

    Rolling her eyes a bit.
    "Perhaps I should say in a none work environment based one or team building based event but rather in a calm and just have fun environment rather than a calm one. It is always nice to meet people when they can just relax and be free."

    "Beer is not a strong suite of mine either, when alcohol was around back home so was it mostly cider or stronger stuff so I am not that good with beer myself, no clue what's the difference between them all to be honest. I know some about mead though and have had various kinds but not beer." Holding back a chuckle "Well then we are both inexperienced in this department dear umm" not knowing what to call Phoenyx in sleepers presence, why couldn't everyone just use their shadow name freely. "Nizhóní then at least we are being truthful and don't be all to sure three beautiful ladies out with just a single man amongst them might very well make you have to kick away some annoying drunk person." She was far from a master of the tongue but some random words still existed in her mind at least.

    Looking over all the bears.
    "Hmm what would you recommend among the cheaper ones? My money flow is quite low for the time being, hopefully it will start to improve in a couple of months though."

    Following everyone along to the table.

    152.4cm tall

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