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London Dance Club

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  1. #11
    Yamiyo Lillich's Avatar
    Yamiyo Lillich
    Striking looks
    (Unknowing temptress)
    Narcissus’s Blessing
    (Romancer Kith)
    (Perfect grace and klutziness)
    Mantle (spring)
    (Fresh scent of roses, vanilla and cinnamon.)
    Yamiyo Lillich

    See picture link in signature, make slight adjustments for what your character find appeasing.

    150cm, 41kg/90lbs, small petite woman with an appearance slightly changing for each viewer to always be found appeasing.
    Long well managed hair, agile and dextrous but also slightly klutzy.

    A fresh air of newly blossomed roses with hints of vanilla and cinnamon. Small rose petals dancing behind her, around her ankles and occasionally around her hair.
    Hedgespun equipment

    Hedgespun equipment:

    Hedgespun AnkleBracelet (●)
    + 1 Defense
    Mask: Sturdy glistering silver chain with a pagan knot emblem on it.
    Mien: As if woven by the wind itself.

    Hedgespun level 0:

    Hedgespun Choker (0)
    Mask: Choker.
    Mien: Woven threads of glistering amber with the the sun, moon and star woven from the light they belong to lightly glistening when any form of light hits them.

    Small shield: +1 defense, +2 during dodge.
    Lockpicks: +3
    Smartphone - oneplus 7 256gb
    Sewing gear - (various, sheer's, thread's, needles, measuring tape, a couple of buttons, seam ripper)
    Hair/bobby pins
    Zippo lighter
    Ankle bracelet D+1
    A combined personal attack alarm/watch/flashlight - waterproof 160 decibel
    Pepper Spray
    Stun Gun (compact blue streetwise)
    Doggie treats

    Health: 7
    Base: 2,
    Total standard: 4/5
    Contract: 6/7
    Dodge: +2


    Succubus / Incubus Romancer

    Watching the cute couple, it was nice to see love around her, it did make her feel a bit jealous and envious but still it showed her what she was dreaming of.

    Looking over at Mable
    "Ohh it's an honor to meet you, and it's so nice to see young women in love and to be able to be so open about it. It's both so encouraging and wonderful to see, I would be delighted to share your company but don't be afraid to tell me to buzz off."

    Quickly trying to speak to Emily before she leaves.
    "I still want that girls night of cooking classes though."

  2. #12
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    "MMM!" Emily lets out a muffled squeal at Mable's eagerness. "Awww... poor baby... I think I know where all those brains have gone," she says, tugging playfully at the bottom of Mable's dress. "Maybe I need to stay over more often, hmm? And you do know keeping me fed is a full-time job, right?" The changeling can feel the Desire rippling between the two girls.

    There's a playful slap of Mable's arm. "Plain nothing. You are gorgeous. Now play nice and I'mma bring you a drink." The Werewolf starts to leave before being caught my Yamiyo.

    "Oh! Cooking class! Yeah! Babes, I offered to teach Sera and Yami how to cook. Can you believe they don't know how?" she says incredulously before slipping off to the bar.

  3. #13
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    As Em walked away, Mable looked confused at the statement that Sera couldn't cook. Then she looked at Yami, "You can't cook? I could show you some simple things sometime if you would like. But I am shocked Sera can't cook. I mean like floored. She always has such yummy things at her Cafe. And her coffees are so creative. Wow. Just wow, I never expected that." Of course Mable didn't even have a proper kitchen. Just a hot plate, microwave, and mini fridge. And she had learned to cook watching TV shows.

    Talking outloud to herself she said, "Oh, that reminds me, I'll need to pick up some supplies on the way home. I have eggs because of the chickens but not much else." and she typed it into her phone as a reminder.

    "So Yami, have you been in the city for long? What kind of bars have you tried?"

  4. #14
    Yamiyo Lillich's Avatar
    Yamiyo Lillich
    Striking looks
    (Unknowing temptress)
    Narcissus’s Blessing
    (Romancer Kith)
    (Perfect grace and klutziness)
    Mantle (spring)
    (Fresh scent of roses, vanilla and cinnamon.)
    Yamiyo Lillich

    See picture link in signature, make slight adjustments for what your character find appeasing.

    150cm, 41kg/90lbs, small petite woman with an appearance slightly changing for each viewer to always be found appeasing.
    Long well managed hair, agile and dextrous but also slightly klutzy.

    A fresh air of newly blossomed roses with hints of vanilla and cinnamon. Small rose petals dancing behind her, around her ankles and occasionally around her hair.
    Hedgespun equipment

    Hedgespun equipment:

    Hedgespun AnkleBracelet (●)
    + 1 Defense
    Mask: Sturdy glistering silver chain with a pagan knot emblem on it.
    Mien: As if woven by the wind itself.

    Hedgespun level 0:

    Hedgespun Choker (0)
    Mask: Choker.
    Mien: Woven threads of glistering amber with the the sun, moon and star woven from the light they belong to lightly glistening when any form of light hits them.

    Small shield: +1 defense, +2 during dodge.
    Lockpicks: +3
    Smartphone - oneplus 7 256gb
    Sewing gear - (various, sheer's, thread's, needles, measuring tape, a couple of buttons, seam ripper)
    Hair/bobby pins
    Zippo lighter
    Ankle bracelet D+1
    A combined personal attack alarm/watch/flashlight - waterproof 160 decibel
    Pepper Spray
    Stun Gun (compact blue streetwise)
    Doggie treats

    Health: 7
    Base: 2,
    Total standard: 4/5
    Contract: 6/7
    Dodge: +2


    Succubus / Incubus Romancer

    Watching the two women, a smile coming to her lips, she loved love and nothing was better to see than the love between two women, even if it wasn't hers so did it give her something to dream about.

    Looking over at the blonde woman.
    "Sadly no, I have been on traveling feet for most of my adult life and either eaten out or had people give me food so I never learned how to cook and I am quite picky with what I eat."
    Looking over herself
    "Trying to maintain this slim figure takes a lot of careful planning with what you eat especially when you have a habit of consuming far to much alcohol, my diet is probably 55% aloe water. I know what you mean about Sera though, I thought she were quite good and baked herself but according to herself so is she apparently just a master at ordering takeouts. So why not gather both Sonnie and Sera so can you and Emily both show us all how to cook. It could be a fun girls night."

    A smile as Mable played with her phone.
    "Also I hope you don't mind me saying it but you're quite the beauty yourself, just the type of girl any girl would be lucky to call their own and sleep next to each night. You're really lucky to have found one another."

    Taking a sip of her drink.
    "Ohh no just for about a month or so, still trying to get used to the city and to not travel to be honest. I am currently trying to test all the bars but my current favorite is the Depot club, best place to make sure you come home with a woman and not get hit on by men all night."

  5. #15
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    Emily slips back from the bar with a tray of drinks - two vodka and cokes, two shots of tequila and a double whiskey.

    "Everybody doing okay?" she says, smiling. "Ah, Depot. Many a fun night there," the werewolf sighs happily, catching the end of Yamiyo's comment. She drops gently next to Mable and starts serving the drinks - a shot for her and Mable, before moving the whiskey to her girlfriend as well.

    "Here's to the weekend!" Emily says brightly, downing her tequila in one.

  6. #16
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable smiled again, "I eat out a lot also. At my house I have a very small food set-up. Nothing fancy. I understand the traveling bit. Until I came here I traveled a lot. I have worked in so many places. I feel pretty much at home here."

    She looks over Yami and herself, "Well I appreciate you thinking I am a beauty. That's very sweet coming from a woman as perfect looking as you are. I can't believe you have to watch your figure too much." She shakes her head. "I think your idea of a girls cooking night is brilliant. I could show you all some basics. I can't bake but I can cook almost anything. My secret is my addiction to reality TV and cooking shows. They now have stepbystep boxes of food that you can order. It's pretty cool. Hmmm I think I can get into the cooking lab at the community college some evening."

    Em came back about that moment, "Thank you, Love. Which are mine?" Mable knew that Emily usually ordered several drinks at a time for herself.

  7. #17
    Yamiyo Lillich's Avatar
    Yamiyo Lillich
    Striking looks
    (Unknowing temptress)
    Narcissus’s Blessing
    (Romancer Kith)
    (Perfect grace and klutziness)
    Mantle (spring)
    (Fresh scent of roses, vanilla and cinnamon.)
    Yamiyo Lillich

    See picture link in signature, make slight adjustments for what your character find appeasing.

    150cm, 41kg/90lbs, small petite woman with an appearance slightly changing for each viewer to always be found appeasing.
    Long well managed hair, agile and dextrous but also slightly klutzy.

    A fresh air of newly blossomed roses with hints of vanilla and cinnamon. Small rose petals dancing behind her, around her ankles and occasionally around her hair.
    Hedgespun equipment

    Hedgespun equipment:

    Hedgespun AnkleBracelet (●)
    + 1 Defense
    Mask: Sturdy glistering silver chain with a pagan knot emblem on it.
    Mien: As if woven by the wind itself.

    Hedgespun level 0:

    Hedgespun Choker (0)
    Mask: Choker.
    Mien: Woven threads of glistering amber with the the sun, moon and star woven from the light they belong to lightly glistening when any form of light hits them.

    Small shield: +1 defense, +2 during dodge.
    Lockpicks: +3
    Smartphone - oneplus 7 256gb
    Sewing gear - (various, sheer's, thread's, needles, measuring tape, a couple of buttons, seam ripper)
    Hair/bobby pins
    Zippo lighter
    Ankle bracelet D+1
    A combined personal attack alarm/watch/flashlight - waterproof 160 decibel
    Pepper Spray
    Stun Gun (compact blue streetwise)
    Doggie treats

    Health: 7
    Base: 2,
    Total standard: 4/5
    Contract: 6/7
    Dodge: +2


    Succubus / Incubus Romancer

    Smiling at the blonde beauty.
    "Ohh I have a proper kitchen I just don't really use it much I am afraid. Ohh working travels that sounds nice, what was your favorite job? I don't think I ever had a single job at all."

    Gently laughing
    "You're one of the most attractive women here tonight dear, if I hadn't seen you together with Emily here so would I have looked for an opening myself to try and win a kiss from you."
    Quickly placing her hands over her mouth "I am sorry if that sounded wrong."
    Talking on in the hope her slip up will be forgotten.
    "Ohh it takes a lot to maintain it, a lot of moving and proper eating but it's not that bad. I could probably be less careful if I just cut down on the alcohol.

    "Ohh that sounds really exciting, to learn cooking from two women as lovely as you both and to have the adorable Sonnie there, ahh it could be a magical night and with her it might be best to not bake anything."

    A sudden return.
    "Ohh yes it's a nice place, a bit expensive though." Not that I pay for myself anyway.

  8. #18
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    Emily hands Mabel one of the tequilas and the whiskey. "There wasn't a great choice, but I got you something kinda smokey." She gives the vampire a quick kiss.

    Yamiyo's embarrassment earns a wide smile. "Oh, don't blush, babe. My May is very chase-able - I don't blame anyone for wanting a piece. But that's up to her."

    There's a cocked head. "Why not bake things? Baking is so easy! And fun!"

    A shrug. Expensive? "Maybe. But a good time is worth any price!" The werewolf adds with a wink.

  9. #19
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable is flattered and tries to remember to blush by pushing a little extra blood to her cheeks but it makes her feet ice cold. good thing no one will touch them yet. "You really are sweet Yami." Mable leans over and kisses Yami's cheek. "There ya go. You won a kiss." She grins mischievously.

    "OO smokey?" She accepts the drinks. And gives Em a kiss. "Oh wait a sec." She takes a big sip of whiskey then kisses her again. "There. Was that smoky?"

    "I don't bake because its a lot of measuring and I measure a lot for my job. I'm a forest ranger and a farmer. I measure and care for the trees. Right now I work for the Urban Forestry Project, plus I own a farm."

  10. #20
    Yamiyo Lillich's Avatar
    Yamiyo Lillich
    Striking looks
    (Unknowing temptress)
    Narcissus’s Blessing
    (Romancer Kith)
    (Perfect grace and klutziness)
    Mantle (spring)
    (Fresh scent of roses, vanilla and cinnamon.)
    Yamiyo Lillich

    See picture link in signature, make slight adjustments for what your character find appeasing.

    150cm, 41kg/90lbs, small petite woman with an appearance slightly changing for each viewer to always be found appeasing.
    Long well managed hair, agile and dextrous but also slightly klutzy.

    A fresh air of newly blossomed roses with hints of vanilla and cinnamon. Small rose petals dancing behind her, around her ankles and occasionally around her hair.
    Hedgespun equipment

    Hedgespun equipment:

    Hedgespun AnkleBracelet (●)
    + 1 Defense
    Mask: Sturdy glistering silver chain with a pagan knot emblem on it.
    Mien: As if woven by the wind itself.

    Hedgespun level 0:

    Hedgespun Choker (0)
    Mask: Choker.
    Mien: Woven threads of glistering amber with the the sun, moon and star woven from the light they belong to lightly glistening when any form of light hits them.

    Small shield: +1 defense, +2 during dodge.
    Lockpicks: +3
    Smartphone - oneplus 7 256gb
    Sewing gear - (various, sheer's, thread's, needles, measuring tape, a couple of buttons, seam ripper)
    Hair/bobby pins
    Zippo lighter
    Ankle bracelet D+1
    A combined personal attack alarm/watch/flashlight - waterproof 160 decibel
    Pepper Spray
    Stun Gun (compact blue streetwise)
    Doggie treats

    Health: 7
    Base: 2,
    Total standard: 4/5
    Contract: 6/7
    Dodge: +2


    Succubus / Incubus Romancer

    Her cheeks slowly returning to normal, it was a relief that she hadn't angered them with her comment.
    "Yes you certainly found a real beauty to hold close at night."
    A gentle smile, an undertone of envy but mostly she were just happy to see love around her. Then the kiss on the cheek came, lightly touching it, the warmth of it lingering there, damn her dirty mind nothing could ever just be innocent.

    Speaking a bit unsurely, afraid to see the blue haired beauty in anger, she had been face to face with many spurned lovers before after all and it had rarely been a good thing.
    "I kindly thank thee for thy noble blessing, I shall treasure it's memory for many a moons to come."
    What am I saying?

    "So umm cars and a farm, sounds like two interesting places to visit both of them, say do you have horses on your farm?"

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