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Info, Rules, Status, XP (Read 1st Post)

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  1. #1
    Changeling ST's Avatar

    MiniSheets and Signatures

    It is a requirement for you to have your Mini-sheets and signatures for your characters. There are two methods, you can place most your information on your signature line or in your mini-sheet. Personally I prefer mini sheet but the choice is yours. The information only needs to be displayed once in either your mini sheet or signature.
    • Seeming / Kith
    • Court & Mantle Level
    • Any Constant Effects Affecting The Character
    • Glamour
    • Willpower
    • Health
    • Striking looks / Physical Deformities
    • Defense
    • Brief details of oaths / pledges taken
    • Any other information other characters would easily know.
    It is up to you if you put these on your signature or mini sheet. More Information on Mini-sheets can be found Here and Here. If players do not keep their Signatures and/or Minisheets up to date with Scene information, XP will be docked.

    Wiki Pages

    Some of these are shockingly bad. Could you all make sure you have set up a Wiki Page with character description, details of their mien and details of how their mantle manifests.

    This means that those details are easy to find. Another good idea is to include details of any oaths and pledges taken.

    XP and XP Reports

    Changeling XP Report form!

    Just a couple of small reminders:

    Starting from a week left in the month, you can turn them in.

    Like Glimpses, it's not mandatory, but it does affect your evaluation.

    It's the last day of the month, midnight. Few exceptions. You have a week to get them done, which is pleeeeeenty of time

    After You Submit
    XPRs will be graded and the results pushed out to your character sheets' XP Log. If you're new, you'll find a post in your character sheet thread that shows the XP Log, and it will be there.

    Longevity XP
    Every calendar quarter, active toons receive a Longevity award. If you were active from Jan 1 to the end of March, you'll be getting a 5XP bonus. This is to encourage active, sustained characters. If you qualify for Longevity, we'll factor it in. If you think it should be there and it isn't, feel free to ask me about it, but be prepared to possibly​ be told you just weren't active enough to qualify

    What's the usual amount of XP given per month?
    Since the awards are 0-10, the average is 5.

    What is the XP award based on? Number of posts? Length of posts?
    - Activity
    - Engagement with others/the venue
    - RP Quality
    Last edited by West; Apr 28th, 2017 at 08:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Cayce's Avatar


    A reminder about Changeling Status, it's generally done only around Coronations. Which means 4 times a year. This is the time to make those status posts count.
    Please see below for a guide to status. A lot of people don't participate in Status posts because they're unsure if they're "doing it right." It took me a while to figure out how the numbers correlate, and it was also suggested that I share my 'cheat sheet'.

    Remember, these comments/ratings aren't just political, but social as well. Let's say Joe is third level Bloodbound to Jane. Jane gets 5's from Joe, even if she's a street thief who's on the verge of being run out of the city.

    • Public is what you would say to a group of strangers.
    • Private is what you would say to your very close friends.
    • You must be a member of the Freehold to hold status in the Freehold. Attendance to a formal event such as a Coronation is required to accomplish this.
    • There need to be a minimum of three Public Freehold Status posts to calculate new status.
    • If Private Status includes less than three people, it will go into the tally calculator as the same value as Public Status. So if Public is 5 and Private is 1, but only given to two people, it will be counted as 5 (the same as Public).
    • Use numbers. Using Power Icons doesn't replace the need to leave numbers for tallying.
    • If you're giving out higher Status than is appropriate, it might reflect poorly on you.
    • Answering Status is considered around XP time
    • Details on Status.
    Last edited by West; Apr 28th, 2017 at 08:40 AM.

  3. #3
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes

    Can Changelings see Contracts being used?


    Quote Originally posted by Changeling: the Lost, p.124:
    Changelings perceive the satisfaction of Contracts as being adorned by the powers that negotiated them: they have visions in which they see faces in the fire, or hear bullets make noises like dying songbirds as they try to slow down or see a glittering shower of shadow fountain from a changeling’s hand as he dulls a person’s vision. A changeling’s understanding of a Contract in effect is dictated by Wyrd, and anthropomorphizes the forces at work somewhat. Naturally, the higher one’s Wyrd, the more pronounced this effect seems.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

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  5. #4
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    Quote Originally posted by West/YYC :
    Posting for YYC:

    Mage is going to start play-testing a change to the Willpower tracking system.

    Full pool, tracked between scenes, +1 for each new Scene

    Half pool (rounded down, minimum 1), per scene, with no more tracking between Scenes or recovery per new Scene.

    This should emphasize Willpower as a finite resource a bit more and be less of a headache to track. It's effective immediately and we'll give it a month or three to see how it works. Your indicator (top right of each post) has been adjusted to reflect the new formula.
    OG Post

    Okay! I want to try this too. Less things to track throughout scenes the better imo!

    For things like Dream Combat where WP is your Health, you'd have the full amount and not the half pool, but you can only spend what would be in the halved pool.

  6. #5
    Vincent's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    How do we deal with contract clauses that require a WP expenditure. Because effectively it means that the potential of your toolset has been cut into half (mages don't need WP expenditures to cast spells).

  7. #6
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    Then you spend the WP.

    Using this we're testing to see how it works, if it does or if it doesn't. WP is a precious resource, and is using X Clause worth spending the WP?

    And of course there are ways to regain your WP in-scene. Virtue/Vice. As well as certain Goblin Fruits.

  8. #7
    Abyssalstar's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    I think it's important to note that Contract clauses which require Willpower expenditure are some of the most powerful fae magics in the game. They are usually 5 dot clauses or are clauses with a WP option for much wider-ranging effects. Thus the high cost. Those aren't magics to whip out just for the hell of it.

    Think of them as big guns with limited ammo. Is it worth taking the shot? Are you certain you'll hit the target?

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  10. #8
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar


    Best way to find out is play test it

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