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Art Expo Charity Event

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  1. #1

    Plenty of young and budding artists in this city- plenty of individuals wanting to get their names and works out into the world. That it was tied to a charity event for medical research meant that there were enough influential people who wanted to at least seem supportive of what was going on tonight.

    It was an admittedly strange mix- one glance might land on a resplendent individual in nothing but the best, gazing at a more traditional painting. Another might land on an eccentric art critic appraising a piece what's style was likely either too recent or too obscure to have reached widespread recognition in the public eye. Careful planning and positioning ensured that things ran at least a bit smoother. The ads for the event had been focused on universities and cultural centers, though the news had become widespread enough with local radio ads and posts that anyone interested could purchase a ticket (modestly priced). Some artists and organizers had also been able to invite others- friends and family- without or at a reduced enough cost.

    Catering was provided- simple foods, to avoid a mess. Alcohol was not available, but plenty of other delightful drinks were laid out. Tables set aside in a large open atrium for groups to congregate, and where the host of the Charity event welcome everyone and formally started the event.

    Papilio stood at the entrance to help welcome everyone, making a point to address those with a certain status more directly- there were plenty of individuals here that when put together held enough influence in a variety of fields, such that a sociable opportunist could perhaps gain a foothold.


    Wasn't at all sure who else to invite for this. Figured a shard would have the biggest pool for the holidays? Enjoy!

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  3. #2

    Although he put much less stock in art than some of his Free Council comrades, Shodan was attracted to such centers of raw creativity like a moth to a flame. Besides, since the proceeds went into technological research, attending the exhibition was a way to pursue his Legacy's goals, if only indirectly. That he could do some networking while sipping a colorful soft drink was just icing on the cake.

    Dressed in a mix of extravagance and restraint, Shodan planned to take in the atmosphere, maybe shake some hands and then leave. A plan that was forcibly altered when he saw... Papilio, was it? From before. Seems the day will have some unexpected perks.

    "Hey yo, P!" He walks towards the Mastigos, trying to get his attention, stopping before the mage "We passed one another at the office, but I didn't even get to introduce myself. So, name's Adam. You a greeter here or something?" No judgement, but - if he was a patron, or an artist, why was he at the door? Wouldn't it be better if he mingled, instead?

  4. #3
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP

    (-1 Vitae for Blush of Life)Vitae 1 Spent

    Ale, or rather, Sophia, had been slowly working her way into the charity and art aspect of the city. This event seemed like a perfect opportunity get out there a bit more. And who knows, maybe she’ll find some pieces to add to her collection.

    The queen of the criminal part of Sacramento went with black, of course, for the night. A fitted black leather skirt and matching shirt. Each allowing ample amounts of inked skin to show. Her hair had soft waves in it, her lips red, and her skin was warm to the touch. A healthy lively glow to it.

    For tonight, the predator would mingle among the prey. Always a good time.

    The ticket price hadn’t been an issue for her. Crime does pay after all.

    It wasn’t as big of an event as she had hoped, but, she needed to start somewhere.

    The guy at the door gets a nod and smile, the more flamboyant one got the same look. Though his outfit was, well, odd. Then again, this was the Kindred that knew nothing about fashion.

    Really? No beer? Well, water it was then and she picks up a glass, dark eyes roaming the room. Maybe looking for someone interesting, or maybe looking for a piece of art to take in first. Was hard to tell right now.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  5. #4

    Gentle bump Papilio Typhuzuzu13

  6. #5

    Papilio was happy to see a Mage present at the event- it was nice that even ones such as they might find joy in mundane creations.

    "Ah- It is Jean. And I helped organize the event; as such, I wished to personally welcome those that might assist this endeavor." That being the charity, and the deeper web of individuals that might allow him to help more people... Nothing so nefarious. On that note, the Mastigos welcomed some of potential benefit- a few business owners, a few sponsors, even some of the students from campus. "Feel free to ask if you require assistance, my friend? I can direct you to pieces you might find interesting." Some of the artists had a more unique taken, or a patterned style, that the Mysterium member thought a Free Council might enjoy.

    Once the majority were inside, Papilio followed suit; helping introduce some members, assisting in finding particular places of interest, and ensuring people found what they were looking for, if it could be.

    Someone else stood out among the crowd- Papilio did not recall seeing her on the list of potential donors, and her attire certainly matched someone of interest... Could she be of assistance? "Ah, hello. My apologies, I was unable to introduce you at the door. I am Jean- and you? And is there anything I can assist you with? A particular art style or prospective individual you were seeking to sponsor?" A charity you wished to donate to?

    My apologies for the delay.

  7. #6

    "Jean" Shodan echoes, and it sounds as if the mage tries the name for size. Was Papilio European? He certainly doesn't hear any odd accent "I'm here to play pretend. Like most people here, probably; the difference being I actually care about donating money towards research" Since he can't perform his own on the scale desired, much less publish it under his own name "Plus, I am severely lacking in the department of humanities. Appreciate the creativity, though. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside"

    Which comes from Order affiliation and personal belief both. Most other mages treat Sleepers with patronizing superiority at best and cold contempt at worst. The Free Council knows better "I'll be on the lookout for all things weird"

    The Obrimos disengages from Papilio for a time, letting him do his work. He occupied himself with the art and the forgettable faces, but eventually noticed someone quite out of place. The black leather outfit and tattoos provided much-needed discord to this room of fancy suits and dresses. Shodan appreciated that, and so found himself gravitating towards her and Papilio.

    "I thought you knew everyone here. Good to know I'm not the only one exposed to surprise tonight" He says with a slight smile, catapulting the words towards the space between the sharp-looking woman and the Frenchman.

  8. #7
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Her attention was pulled to the guy who was at the door, Jean.

    “Oh, no worries. You seemed quite busy, and with this crowd, it’s certainly understandable. A great turnout!” Greets the Italian with an easy smile, “I’m Sophia, pleased to met you Jean. And I’m not sure yet. I do enjoy local artists in my collection, but most of these are new to me. Are there any that stand out to you?” redirect to him.

    Ah, the flamboyant one.

    The smile was turned to him, “I don’t usually come to these, which is why you don’t know me. I tend to remain behind the scenes. But, that gets boring. I’m Sophia.” Look at the Savage, being all social and shit.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  9. #8
    Lenora's Avatar
    Lenora Black | Public: Lenore Greene
    New Identity
    (Lenore Greene)
    Striking Looks
    Lenora Scenes


    So it was that Lenora dawned her persona among the cattle: Lenore Greene, socialite and occasional patron of the arts.

    She had heard of the event in advance, of course, possessing some friends within the cultural side of Sacramento. Coupled with her understanding of etiquette and the quiet pride she possessed of her financial success, Lenora was well aware how to dress for the affair, choosing a long beaded dress. She accessorized the outfit simply, choosing a plain gold bangle bracelet, a pair of gold disc earrings, and a matching ring.

    It didn't take long for Lenora's eyes to find the back of an all-too-familiar figure, her Beast raging in its cage with no small amount of fear. However, after taking a moment to pause and ignore the thing's instincts, she approached as Jean spoke of his part in the event.

    "And a fine event it is," she offers as she finally enters the venue proper. Per her usual modus operandi, the Hidden Lord's expression is cordial in nature, "I must say I was quite pleased when my friends told me the details. It's quite rare for a showing to rise with so much... variety."

    A pause as she looks over those assembled.

    "Ah, yet I forget myself," she says, extending a hand to the greeter, "Lenore Greene. I apologize for the intrusion, I simply had to offer my compliments."

  10. #9

    "Ah... I see. Well, there is plenty to find here. Should you need assistance, I will gladly assist you." Papilio's accent was only faintly present at times- being away from his home for so long had seen to that. However, a few aspects of his speech could certainly lead one to consider a non-American background.

    As per his current inquiry; what was her voice... Italian? It might have been Portuguese as well- Papilio was admittedly unfamiliar with the cultures of the city, aside from the basics. Regardless- she seemed capable. "The artists? Eh... I know several University students that are seeking a promising sponsor for their works; purchasing their artwork and donating to their efforts. A portion of such a donation will also go to local charities... If that is something of interest to you." Support the Arts, Support a Charity, if one were really so interested. If not, some goodwill on the forms never hurt either. "Ms. Sophia- if you require assistance tonight, feel free to ask; I am readily available for the event's duration." Shodan might serve interesting company to the woman- as it stood, Papilio sought to introduce himself to another newcomer.

    She seemed a friend of someone here, which would explain why he was unaware of her. "Ms. Greene. Thank you for the compliment- I will pass them on to the other organizers as well- and I am glad you find this to your liking. The ones that invited you here... Ah, I would like to thank them for inviting someone so interested. I hope you enjoy your night here- and if you need assistance, I will provide what I am able to." From the turnout, it seemed he might be able to branch out his efforts after tonight.

  11. #10

    "Nice to meet you, Sofia" Shodan can appreciate her shortening the distance with first names already, and he can return the favor of civility "Name's Adam. Behind the scenes, you say? That's not literal, is it? Nah, you don't look like a spotlight operator. Pretty sure you attract plenty of spotlight yourself" Bare skin, covered more by ink than thread. Painted nails and red lips. She had a sharp-edged beauty, this one, and her clothes only added to that "So, what is it that you do?"

    The Obrimos allows himself a glance as another woman approaches. She might have overheard his name, so the mage doesn't bother to re-introduce himself, devoting the time to a study of her look and manners. Both Lenore and Sophia had a certain grace to them, but the blonde woman went with quiet elegance planned down to the smallest detail rather than ravishing presence. Shodan knew a HR manager like that once.

    He hated her, and the feeling was very much mutual.

    "Intrusion?" He decided to try and rock her boat a little, see how deep the manners run "No such thing in open events like this one, far as I can tell" For all he knew, it was filled with random people, randomly picking partners to converse and connect with. If it was otherwise, there'd be a bouncer at the door.

    The Obrimos looks to Papilio, who seems to take this greeter shit way too seriously "How did you get involved with the art folk here, anyway?"

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