Okay then! So how is this for a PLayer Run Plot:
Morgan makes an announcement to the Freehold that she is having too much demand for her courier services. She wants to offer jobs to other courtiers, but wants to make a contest out of it so she doesn't lose her reputation with couriers that are...too green. Morgan would be too soft/diplomatic too say "doesn't suck."
The contest can be a race of either free running or cycling, depending on preference of folks. If plenty of folks want to do one, we go with that one for the race. I'd probably use something like the PFS Chase sytem as inspiration for the race.
This means the race would be composed of several "barriers" that must be overcome with a skill roll. Success means you proceed ahead, failure means you are delayed. An option of a slow route is an instant success, but equals several "delays." First one to pass the final "barrier" wins.
Is that viable? If so, I'll try to think up some "barriers" for both a cyclist and a traceur race. if not...I'll try to think of some else.