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(1011) Eternal Court VIII

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  1. #121
    Martha Villiers's Avatar

    Martha Villiers


    Martha happily follows...and does so quietly...she watches, just for a few moments, the feline grace and action of the high heels moving...following Ciara to the office. Wide eyed, smiling slightly...and no doubt glad of the slow pace of movement.
    Health: 8 Willpower: 7 Vitae: Safari - -1 Striking Looks +2
    Very English accent. Flaw: Limps badly - most of her left leg is missing. Eidetic Memory, Combat Aware'. Danger Sense. Trained Observer

  2. #122

    It could be argued that Cassandra had been anything but Daeva since she had arrived at court. Having yet to have spoken to a single person this evening and just kind of watched the ebb and flow of the crowd of Kindred for the evening.

    Her clan was well known for finding various ways to take center stage at just about any gathering they could get away with it. Cassandra herself she knew could be accused of that on several occassions as well. Tonight instead she'd just found a chair in a corner and watched who had talked with who and just how they had treated each other. Becoming more of a silent observer.

    If anybody bothered to notice her it might be enough to question her clan or what she might be plotting but she simply remained where she was seated and continued to watch.

  3. #123
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

    Presence ••
    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford


    "No interruption at all your Highness," Victoria quickly said giving the man her full attention after dipping her head respectfully.

    When Asa delivered the news it did elicit a response from the former Harpy. For just a brief second anger flashed deep within her eyes leaving the rest of her features untouched. Reigning herself in her anger was gone just as quickly as it had surfaced leaving only the very attentive any hint of its presence.

    "I see," she began calmly with a smile. "I'm grateful for the swift delivery of the news Your Highness and I'm positive that they will perform their new positions adequately."


    After hearing Jillian speak Dirge paused to let the woman say her peace and then when she began her departure turned back to Ajax.

    "Excellent," the haunt said simply in response to the news that he had a place to stay. Then after a short pause continued. "I don't believe the Circle has any pressing needs at the moment beyond the obvious. Additional members would be nice but not absolutely needed, and I am working on securing a permanent meeting place since the brood have taken a liking to ours. Until they can be removed that is. I'll be sure to call on you if there is anything I require or so we can arrange a meeting."

  4. #124

    Wilhelm could hardly be considered inattentive. That even the smallest detail could be crucial was a lesson his Sire had drilled into him time and time again before she had met her end, and once he had taken closer to heart than perhaps any other. Which was one of the major reasons he preferred to avoid Elysia, without his heightened senses it became that much easier to overlook something.

    But the flash of anger in Victoria's eyes was certainly something he noticed, not that it particularly surprised him. He had not thought it particularly likely that a few short months would cool the rancor between the two women anyway.

    A part of him also noted that the Prince was likely to have noticed the reaction as well. And his eyes reflexively, as well as briefly, flickered to Asa to see if he would react to it. As for any comments he may have had...the Prince had given no indication that he wanted Wilhelm's feedback on the appointments, though he had certainly given an impression to the contrary. He had been a bit surprised that Asa had not had him leave the two with a bit of privacy.

    And hardly a man ever made a fool of himself by keeping his bloody mouth shut.

    Though where and when he had picked up that truism he could not recall. Regardless, at least for the moment, a respectful silence seemed to be the best option.

  5. #125
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    Asa Clarke

    "We'll see," Asa replied with a grin, as if sharing an inside joke. It was the sort of smile that made others feel as if they were welcome co-conspirators, even as his thoughts drifted to the contrary.

    Carthian or liberal or whatever, Ciara was still family. For a brief moment, he wished he had insisted on privacy, to remind Victoria. As it was, suggesting a family meeting in front of Wilhelm just wouldn't do.

    "Of course, I will miss having an exceptional Harpy... if you don't care for your new duties," he teased.

    Ishani Naetesh

    There was a soft rustle of silk as the Shadow appeared from the shadows, sitting next to Cassandra.

    "There isn't much point in having access to the Prince's ear if you disappear," she said, looking pointedly at the retreating figures of the new Harpy and Keeper. Although there was light reproach in the tone, there was also concern.

    "Have you been well?"
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  6. #126

    She glanced as the form appeared practically next to her and sat down with a smile.

    Leaning in her seat closer to Ishani and speaking softly. "Knowing when to use it can be as important as having it I think. But I am sure they are just rather eager to work and share their secrets."

    She took a quiet moment before she answered the actual question however. "Time got a bit away from me unfortunately. It hasn't been quite the same for me yet since my little brush with Mr. Reaper while crossing a street. But I have started the steps to creating and owning a little place of my own in this city."

  7. #127
    Premsyl's Avatar

    "Not at this time," Arnold answers Conner "But I hope to contact you soon in regard to that. Until next time, Mister Greyson."

    Arnold nods to Conner and takes his leave of him
    Cameron Levine - BP2 - Ventrue, Invictus

  8. #128
    Conner Greyson

    "Yes Lord Culler," Conner says with a bow of his head to the Lord of the Invictus.

    Conner turns back to his herd and gives the smallest nearly imperceptible smile to them. Conner notices the Royal Hound, the Prince's Consort and arguably the most power kindred in the city appear out of nowhere sitting next to the Lady Cassandra Dawes.


  9. #129
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    Ishani Naetesh

    Ishani nods, lifting an eyebrow at the mention of the brush with Final Death.

    she asks, after Cassandra continues. "A clothing store?" she guesses, grinning a bit.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  10. #130

    She chuckled and reached her hand out towards Ishani.

    "No not at all. You really think I could part with any of my clothes?"

    shaking her head a bit and still smiling.
    "Actually I'm working on opening and Art Gallery. It's probably a little cliche but I think it will find it's niche."

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