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  1. #1
    Tug's Avatar


    Tug drives the small contingent of Arrows through Downtown, and eventually finds street parking for his truck off Fifth Street, near the Wells Fargo Center. It was an impressive landmark, and Tug was reminded that he ought to visit sometime.

    "We're pretty close to the Tower Bridge," he announces, "we can walk from here. Assuming the guy's on this side of it today." He shuts the engine, exits the vehicle, and waits for the others to join him before setting the alarm remotely and walking towards the Bridge, to find the owner of the Fate-touched books.

  2. #2
    Orphan's Avatar



    Orphan get out of Tug's truck, carrying the sandwich and the drink, and starts looking for someone panhandling. "Start with the mundane before going to the magical," he thinks to himself.

  3. #3
    Rosyn's Avatar

    Teegan joins the others outside the vehicle, and as she walked beside them toward the bridge she thought that if she ever got a bonus she might have to finance herself a truck that nice.

  4. #4
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes



    The Arrows approach the Tower Bridge, and see it alive with light traffic -- people getting off of work early, or simply running errands. The areas around it are dotted with benches and street performers, and more than one panhandler. The begin to realize they'll need a way to narrow down which panhandlers to approach or observe.

    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  5. #5
    Orphan's Avatar



    "Hm, this could take awhile," Orphan thinks to himself. "Or not..."

    Orphan closes his eyes for a moment and attempts to coax Fate into guiding him to the person he's looking for.

    Wow, it must be Destiny!

    Orphan's eyes snap open, ready to follow Fate's lead.

  6. #6
    Argent's Avatar


    Like a river, Destiny is a forceful thing, pushing ever onward. Rocks in the river are tumbled along, banks are eroded, and fragile leaves are crushed. There are those to whom Destiny will bend knee to, though, like that same river crashing into a boulder, and ultimately parting to pass around. The frothing crash of water, tumbling rapids, and swirling eddies are like beacons to the eye of a seasoned river runner.

    Take that same boulder, and flatten it to two dimensions. Then turn it into the river. Watch the river slide past it effortlessly, giving no more mind to the razor edge than to the clouds in the sky.

    Orphan feels the power of the Lunargent Thorn, unusually strong, empower his spell...

    ...and nothing happens.

  7. #7
    Orphan's Avatar



    Orphan is confused. Perhaps they were at completely the wrong place, the man he was looking for not here at all.

    But, he felt that connection with his Watchtower, how strong it was. He knew that he was not Fate's master, and that perhaps he just had to wait for things to unfold. If Fate would guide him, he trusted he would recognize it when the time came. Meanwhile, he would try to learn more while he waited for that insight, and try other means of solving this puzzle. Perhaps Fate would best help those who help themselves.


    Orphan then starts to study the area, the people present - particularly but not exclusively the panhandlers - and anything that catches his attention, attempting to read what sorts of interconnections they have with each other. The suspected connection between the guy and the books should show up, he figured.

    ((OOC: Assuming the spell works, I'm not sure whether you want me to just do a lot of rolls, or if you want to let me know who/what is there and pick what I study, or what. Either way, Orphan's plan of the moment is that he will continue to focus on discerning connections until something happens that disrupts his concentration. ))

  8. #8
    Tug's Avatar


    Tug stands around with his hands in his pockets while Orphan does his Fate thing. He winks at Teegan as he says, "We could always just go ask some panhandlers if anyone knows a guy who works this area and comes around with books. I figure a bum with books instead of booze is probably unique, and it couldn't be that expensive for them to give 'em up."

  9. #9
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    (( Orphan my use Interconnections to facilitate an Extended Mental Task of Int+Investiagation. Target is 5 successes, with a maximum number of rolls equal to the base Int+Inv pool. If Orphan does this, each roll will take 10 minutes, during which time the other characters are free to declare actions/post. ))
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  10. #10
    Rosyn's Avatar

    Teegan looks to Tug after the long moments of silence and walking, "hm? Yeah, I suppose he would be pretty unique.. Lets find someone to talk to."

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