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Between the Stacks

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  1. #11
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 1/4
    Personal Spells: 1

    PRPYLF - Grim Sight
    Witch Scenes


    Well. She didn't run. She didn't even give her that narrowing of eyes that indicate re-evaluation.

    She ... she tried to help. Witch smiled, it was a small one, but if Riley had been looking at her and not the book stacks around them, she would have seen in her eyes that a good one. But that was ok, she wasn't doing it to be seen.

    Even so, it would be heard in her voice as she spoke while nodding. Yeah- not quite the needle in the haystack but not far from it. At least we aren't in the South though- that would really make it a needle. Well ... at least on the not-Christian stuff. Taxidermy might actually swing in my favor," she chuckled.

    "Most boring for the win? Sounds right. I was thinking the hobby or arts and crafts section might have the taxidermy stuff. Right between needlework and carpentry." OK. Definitely not. N then T then C? Nope. But that wasn't the point. "I think the science section is to the left. I already browsed the back wall, and I haven't found arts and crafts yet. Though, process of elimination says it has to be-" she waved a hand toward a section of the library ahead of her.



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  3. #12
    Rlyeh's Avatar
    Dex ●●●●●●

    New ID: Riley Rivers | Danger Sense | Direction Sense | Trained Memory | Trained Observer | Allies (Street) |

    A slim Caucasian women, with frayed, frizzy bleached hair, chapped lips and irritated, red skin surrounding her eyes.

    Underneath her clothes are a myriad of scars, most notably on her back shaping like wings, and her stomach, Great wide slashes that never healed correctly.

    Oil black, miasma purple, and dishwater white, the pallet of the fox girl drowning in crude oil, her hair continues to spill only halted by her triangular fox ears, popping from the side of her head.

    Miasma fur lay neatly with dirty glass & black ice feathers, with a trio of smog-smoke tails, easily seen now, is a slash across her throat, yowling open. Acts more like tattoo now, withrows of yellow fangs, and a wet looking tongue lolling out.
    Mantle 1

    The feeling of sunbaked heat of a Summer roadtrip, paired with the wafting smell of gasoline from a roadstop.


    Blightbent Riddleseeker

    Attention drawn back by Morgan-(tentatively-slowly-hesitantly-she's-nice-and-wants-Answers)friend(?), she nods. "Interesting how location-region change information availability-offerings. But mail-internet-shipping helps with the gaps. If there are more gaps....in city-libraries. I mean."

    "Boring-equals-gate-equals-sleeping-and-not-learning. S'probably why." R'lyeh offers, before her head cocks, feeling like her ear should be twitching, but isn't because the Mask Is Hardened. She Isn't gross-bad-wrong Around The Books. Brows furrow and she frowns. Was that as joke? Was she supposed to laugh? Had the moment passed? Was it too late to laugh? "Uh-hah...?" she offers, a sound. It might be an agreement-laugh. But it's there and not letting the moment hang in silence.

    "Then a hunting we'll go?" moving her body in the direction indicated, instead of just her head. Neck hurting from the constant swivel. Moving into the stacks, she starts looking section indicators, and titles, frowning when things seem to be missshelved. Cupcake Kitty seems to be a pastel coloured children's book, and Vulture Without Faith might be a YA book, or maybe somehting in the alt religion genre but Little book of Big Rocks might be something Morgan-friend would be interested in. She pulls it and Vulture and offers them to the other women. "If you-we can't find what you are looking for, done-gone-home? Or willing to search-learn-find something else?"

    so, so, so sorry for the wait!!!
    ....and my book titles come from a random book title generator :P
    Wyrd ●●● | Heath: | Willpower: | Glamour: | Mantle and Noteable Merits in Minisheet

  4. #13
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 1/4
    Personal Spells: 1

    PRPYLF - Grim Sight
    Witch Scenes


    A nod, and then a laugh. She liked it. mail-internet-shipping that is. It was clear she was talking about Amazon but without saying the mega-corporations name, it was, different. Like a middle finger or something at free advertising.

    The laugh transitioning into a grin as she stepped after Riley. Fingers lift to trail along the spines of the books. The faint crinkle from the plastic wrapped hardbacks sounding softly as they were passed. Looking up from the one she had pulled out, Artist Lonesome (seemed like a romance), she accepts the two offerings.

    "Oh! Nice... definitely better luck than what I had!" Flipping through the pages it seemed like they might be worthwhile but she would have to dig a bit deeper to see. Actually read them. Good thing it was a library. Meant no real commitment if they ended up being more romance.

    "Well- I would hate to not return the favor... can I help you search-learn-find?" A belated grin as she realized that maybe Riley would be offended. Think she was mocking her. She wasn't. And hopefully the grin conveyed that.

    No stress! Especially since I am late with this one. I love it and copied the idea for mine! lol


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  6. #14
    Rlyeh's Avatar
    Dex ●●●●●●

    New ID: Riley Rivers | Danger Sense | Direction Sense | Trained Memory | Trained Observer | Allies (Street) |

    A slim Caucasian women, with frayed, frizzy bleached hair, chapped lips and irritated, red skin surrounding her eyes.

    Underneath her clothes are a myriad of scars, most notably on her back shaping like wings, and her stomach, Great wide slashes that never healed correctly.

    Oil black, miasma purple, and dishwater white, the pallet of the fox girl drowning in crude oil, her hair continues to spill only halted by her triangular fox ears, popping from the side of her head.

    Miasma fur lay neatly with dirty glass & black ice feathers, with a trio of smog-smoke tails, easily seen now, is a slash across her throat, yowling open. Acts more like tattoo now, withrows of yellow fangs, and a wet looking tongue lolling out.
    Mantle 1

    The feeling of sunbaked heat of a Summer roadtrip, paired with the wafting smell of gasoline from a roadstop.


    Blightbent Riddleseeker

    She'd gone back to the hunt, a thumm of vibrancy-excitement-electricity zinging up her spine, eyes hunting-roving-spotting another book Sedimentary Rock which she pulls only to frown. Catching the staff lines and treble clef on the cover.

    Morgan-friend's voice pulls her attention upward and away from the book-hunt-scavenge. Part of her wants to snarl because she is hunting-searching-looking but. She can't. She's beaming before she realizing her lips had moved. No one's done that. Not in a good-nice-weird way. They always do it in a mean-hurtful-mocking way.

    This wasn't. She didn't think. hoped

    "Well..." she stops, thinking. She came here for something. But not Something. "I wanted to look-find-search for something interesting-nonfiction-unique. So. I came here to. Uh-taste test the selection. If that's something sense-making...?" her head cocks, "So. Honestly, your selection-looking-finding is in the area of what I want."
    Wyrd ●●● | Heath: | Willpower: | Glamour: | Mantle and Noteable Merits in Minisheet

  7. #15
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 1/4
    Personal Spells: 1

    PRPYLF - Grim Sight
    Witch Scenes


    She didn't exhale in relief, but she wanted to when Riley looked up with a smile of her own. No offense given and none had been taken. Instead, her own smile remained, and she gives a nod, "Uh- yeah, I think it does make sense. And-" she sketches a silly little half bow "I am glad to be of assistance in helping you get what you want. Even as you help me with what I want."

    Honestly though, talk about the best outcome there. Literally mutual benefit.

    "Onward with the hunt then!" And tucking the first two books under her arms with the probably-stupid-smile still on her face, resumes her finger trailing, title reading browse.



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  9. #16
    Rlyeh's Avatar
    Dex ●●●●●●

    New ID: Riley Rivers | Danger Sense | Direction Sense | Trained Memory | Trained Observer | Allies (Street) |

    A slim Caucasian women, with frayed, frizzy bleached hair, chapped lips and irritated, red skin surrounding her eyes.

    Underneath her clothes are a myriad of scars, most notably on her back shaping like wings, and her stomach, Great wide slashes that never healed correctly.

    Oil black, miasma purple, and dishwater white, the pallet of the fox girl drowning in crude oil, her hair continues to spill only halted by her triangular fox ears, popping from the side of her head.

    Miasma fur lay neatly with dirty glass & black ice feathers, with a trio of smog-smoke tails, easily seen now, is a slash across her throat, yowling open. Acts more like tattoo now, withrows of yellow fangs, and a wet looking tongue lolling out.
    Mantle 1

    The feeling of sunbaked heat of a Summer roadtrip, paired with the wafting smell of gasoline from a roadstop.


    Blightbent Riddleseeker

    Pausing a moment, her smile faltering in the face of Morgan-friend's kindness (it's mocking and bad-mean-hard and it will bit you - !) Pushing it away, she regains control of her smile, keeping it there. Softer maybe, and says, "Thank you."

    Gaze quick to slide away, towards the aisles and books, spines and titles, before being drawn once more towards Morgan-friend's. Grin-bright, she fist pumps, and exclaims, "Yah!"

    We've got four days left, wanna start wrapping?
    Wyrd ●●● | Heath: | Willpower: | Glamour: | Mantle and Noteable Merits in Minisheet

  10. #17
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 1/4
    Personal Spells: 1

    PRPYLF - Grim Sight
    Witch Scenes


    A few more potentials were found and added to the stack in her arms. Of them, the odds were that one maybe two would be worthwhile. But in the end, she was hoping that the thing she would actually leave with of worth would be a potential friend.

    She knew she would come to know the local Mages. Likely even count some of them as friends. Better friends than Riley could ever become because of the whole secret magic exists thing. But still. Even just-friends friends were precious.

    "Any of these for you?" She asked, looking over the titles of the accumulated book. Riley had said she was good to help her search because that was the goal, but she hadn't actually clarified if she ultimately wanted to then read the finds.

    Maybe a meet up could be arranged to swap the choices if so though?

    4 Days that I blew through with being sick lol. But yeah- I'm good with a wrap. It was an enjoyable scene for sure! Thanks!!



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  12. #18
    Rlyeh's Avatar
    Dex ●●●●●●

    New ID: Riley Rivers | Danger Sense | Direction Sense | Trained Memory | Trained Observer | Allies (Street) |

    A slim Caucasian women, with frayed, frizzy bleached hair, chapped lips and irritated, red skin surrounding her eyes.

    Underneath her clothes are a myriad of scars, most notably on her back shaping like wings, and her stomach, Great wide slashes that never healed correctly.

    Oil black, miasma purple, and dishwater white, the pallet of the fox girl drowning in crude oil, her hair continues to spill only halted by her triangular fox ears, popping from the side of her head.

    Miasma fur lay neatly with dirty glass & black ice feathers, with a trio of smog-smoke tails, easily seen now, is a slash across her throat, yowling open. Acts more like tattoo now, withrows of yellow fangs, and a wet looking tongue lolling out.
    Mantle 1

    The feeling of sunbaked heat of a Summer roadtrip, paired with the wafting smell of gasoline from a roadstop.


    Blightbent Riddleseeker

    R'lyeh grins, all awkward but true, "Could-be-yes." taking a quick glance at the titles. A good thing about anything being a topic of interest was that anything that caught her eye was a good-win-yes.

    Still smiling and tapping a book with a finger pale-pink-not-black-gross-bad-wrong and nodded. Today was a good day. Normally she keeps to herself. Thinking-feeling-knowing that she's not-good-bad for other Lost, nevermind Mortals. Bliss-ignorant-mortals, but. Today was a good day. She was glad to have met Morgan-friend.

    Impulsive-hope she offers the other women her phone number. Because books-hunting-secrets-knowing. Today had been a good day.

    Hope you're feeling better! And this has been fun! Hope Riley and Morgan become great friends!

    End Scene!
    Wyrd ●●● | Heath: | Willpower: | Glamour: | Mantle and Noteable Merits in Minisheet

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