A letter is delivered to Connor.

Good evening Whip O'Brien,
I wish to inform you of our excursion to Arkwright cemetery is leaving at 8 PM tomorrow evening. I plan on Helen accompanying me. I do hope that we will see you as well.
I plan on returning the same night to the Necropolis after driving a bit once in Sacramento proper to throw off any possible trails.

I shall be conveying us two hours out from the city proper at 8 PM. I plan on parking a distance from the gate and walking up the street as quietly as possible. Dressing in a way that assists practical movement and not attracting attention is advised. I did note some security the last time I visited, so I advise moving quickly and quietly.

I have given them the punishment of banishment these past few months as they were abandoned by their sires, and did not present themselves for acknowledgement. I plan on appraising if they have been taking my lessons to heart tomorrow night. Hopefully, they can be welcomed to court.

If you are able to accompany us, I would be pleased. If not, I understand.
I do not expect trouble, yet if you do not see the two of us in the Necropolis after our excursion, I do hope you look for us.
~Priscus Jennifer Hazelton, Lady Notary