Ram wandered around the gym. He’d gotten a day pass and he planned to work out. However, there was a greater purpose to his coming here today. The Ogre was scouting.

It wasn’t really his forte but at least in this situation he didn’t have to worry about enemy combatants laying in wait to attack him. He glanced at the large mirror covering the wall of the weight room. Well… may be he did but he couldn’t let that stop him.

He’d been searching for a place that filled all his fitness needs. Which turned out to be fairly tough. Just finding a spot with heavy enough weights was problematic, but when he was also trying to find a place that taught a variety self defense, preferably with weapons), allowed sparring, included yoga, hopefully had things like climbing walls and pools, not to mention sport courts for variety. And most importantly had other good people training there.

It was asking a lot, Ram knew that, but being able to find such a hidden was the mission. If he happened to fullfill some fitness needs on the way, so much the better.

He decided to stick in the weight room for now. Try some of the equipment to see what kind of shape it was in and maybe chat up some locals. See if he (and anyone he might recommend coming here no matter skill level) would welcome here.