"Blessings be unto you Madame Seneschal,

I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. It is my feelings of obligation to inform you that the Moore House matter is resolved. All Sanctified belongs have been removed per the eviction instructions of Regent Moretti. The loss of such a valuable site will be felt for decades.

Also, I have officially separated my affiliations with the Cardinal of San Francisco as I have completed the task for which she had given me. She has released me to pursue the requiem of my choosing. It is my hopes to prove my value to this domain by remaining and rebuilding the Lance of Sacramento. You indicated that you would wish to know my decision of residence and now you have it.

I would petition your permission to host Mass and Covenant gathers. However, it would be a difficult task as we have been evicted from the Moore House, All Hallow's Church remains in ruins, and the Nave in the Necropolis is inaccessible at the present time. The Lance of Sacramento are presently homeless it would seem. Not exactly an ideal situation for Second Estate.

Should you wish to sit and discuss the matter further, I am always at your service.


P.S. Please inform Her Majesty of these matters should you feel it appropriate."