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  1. #1
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    Morning comes. Or, at least, that time when everyone begins to stir. Fighting yourselves awake, past the sickly darkness that invades dreams at night. Dreams of nightmares; of running, of fear, of monstrosities that are too horrid to remember upon waking.

    The room is crowded. Mages sleep on every open space of the floor, some clustered like a litter of puppies, seeking warmth from the cold darkness that permeates everything. Here, in the old Bell building of Granite Park, is the only safe place. Safe, as long as you don't go downstairs. The same downstairs which protects everyone, consuming prying spells that might find them.

    It's been three months of this.

    Three months since Joshua Morris led the mages assault on the obelisks. Three months since that distraction allowed a concerted attack upon the Museum while everyone was occupied. Some still remember finding the remains of dismembered, torn bodies, whose blood smeared strange sigils on the walls, sigils that made you queasy just too look at. More queasy than the stench of bodies and gibbets of flesh.

    Two months since the Tower Bridge activated. Two months since the physical became a symbolic manifestation of The Spell. The spell that was a ritual. The ritual that bridged. The bridge that leeched and contaminated ley lines all over the city. The ley lines that cover the city in a web of Abyssal taint, making spellcasting all but impossible.

    One month since the ractains caught Armstrong as she opened the Portal. One month since those that didn't turn away watched as she was used, then torn apart and eaten. Or did it all happen together? And who betrayed the location?

    Vector and two other Wardens openly walk the streets of their city. They don't mind what they see. The flesh intruders, taking people at will. The taint of the Abyss, everywhere. The madness in the eyes of the homeless man, spiders pouring out of his mouth. The stillborn babies, crawling out of the dumpsters in the night. The Fallen don't see. They don't care. What the Lie doesn't blind them to, the pervasive apathy rained down by black, roiling clouds occludes. The mottled, pulsing black shapes skitter over the city, feeding, infecting.

    It's time to rise and shine.

    It's a new day.

    Time to take a handi-wipe bath and wait your turn to use the overflowing bathrooms of the derelict building. Time to eat your cheese and crackers. Almost time to draw straws, to see who will go for supplies.

    For some, this isn't right. This isn't what happened. For others, there has been nothing else -- and they can only wonder what madness or Abyssal taint makes their companions claim otherwise.

    Footsteps approach. Most can't help an involuntary shudder of fear, even knowing who it is... because it might be someone --or something-- else.

    "Tyria didn't make it," West says, standing in the doorway. He's gaunt; months of claiming he wasn't hungry have made his thin frame almost skeletal. The grey suit -- once tan -- hangs on him like a child wearing his father's clothes.

    "Racs and Fleshies caught her on her way back. I think they're headed this way." He delivers the news in a lifeless monotone, and shadows hide the sadness in his eyes. He pulls out a pistol and checks it.

    Characters roll their Gnosis pool to begin. Failure means this is the only reality they know, or remember. Success means their Soul knows that something isn't right, with brief flashes of what has truly happened. An Exceptional Success indicates the Soul retains all of it's knowledge of what has happened, and what should be. Please play your character accordingly.

    Any spell (including Covert) not cast on oneself (Sight, Shield, etc) is considered Vulgar (Vulgar spells cast on oneself are still Vulgar). Spells cast on oneself still have a Chance Die of becoming Vulgar. All characters start with half Mana, rounded down. There is no Hallow here, and Legacy Oblations yield 1/3 the normal Mana, rounded down. Attainments function as normal.

    This thread will close in 24 hours to new entries.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  2. #2
    Trench's Avatar


    He thought off the fatigue and the distant memories of nightmares, of crawling blackness with glowing eyes of colours that should not exist. What kind of hell had he entered? What sort of damnation did thoughts books lead him to? He looked up and was nearly ready to give up. Tyria was gone...They were [i]screwed![/]

    I see through the Lie

    Wait. Trench frowned as his mind and soul nudged at him. Something about this..wasn't right. Something inside told him that this wasn't happening. Not like a mad delusion for something better than this hell.

    No, it was truth. This never happened. All this, this end wasn't real.

    But that left him with a question on the tip of his tongue...How did I even get here?

  3. #3
    Kelreth's Avatar

    Irraka Blood Talon


    kind of know

    Falx looks up at West as he talks. The dream he had woken up from a few minutes ago just fading. It was him and his brother sitting in a house watching tv...No...that's not right...but this isn't either...He isn't sure shaking his head. Sadness plays across Falx's face at the news of Tyria's death. His hand gropes for the sub he had managed to grab along with some clips of ammo from the Circle before it had been taken. Those fuckers....

    He pushes himself to his feet and his hands check over the sub like its his hand. It might as well be. What ever was wrong here....just a dream.....no this it not a dream. Falx's frame has reduced as well, the hardness has left and his clothes hang looser than they were ever supposed too.

    "How long we got." His voice hollow as his hands work over the gun and check the clip. A smile doesn't even crack his face as he feels his shield wrap around him.

    unseen shield

  4. #4
    Jack Falley's Avatar


    Somethin' ain't right here
    Jack wakes up, relatively well rested despite these conditions. Once he can get to sleep somewhere, he usually stays asleep for long enough for it to mean something.

    That'll probably bite me in the ass one of these days... he thinks about his ability to sleep soundly. Then, he sees a flash of a doily on his dining table, of Theo's computer sitting in his backpack, and of him approaching the Museum with Trench.

    What the fuck..? Something ain't right here, son... He hears West's monotone speak. And Dr. Primoria gone now, too? Just fucking great... I'm just glad the Arrows have been able t' protect us for this long, especially someone like me with little magical or combat aptitude.

    He goes through the mudras Arthur taught him for the Armor of Time, prepping for what was apparently soon to come: the worst.

    Temporal Dodge

  5. #5

    The Lie is a Lie
    Errant rolls onto his back, then sits up. He feels the flicker of magic nearby. Probably someone's daily shield spell. He starts up the rote himself, unwilling to spend valuable mana for the per diem version.
    Good, no 'dox, he thinks to himself. Thank heaven for small favors. Wait. That wasn't right. Paradox shouldn't have been a factor. No, no. He shakes his head. They called him Errant for a reason.

    Upon seeing West and Falx check their gear, Errant does the same. He pulls the jacket he'd used as a blanket back towards himself and empties the pockets. His wallet and cell went into the pockets of his torn jeans. They were more for comfort than for use - a small reminder of his old, safe life. The 1911 had its safety checked before it was nestled in the waistband of his pants. His now-incomplete lockpick set went back into his jacket. He checks his watch before remembering that it had stopped working two months ago. A wry thought occurs - Time flies when you're in Hell.

    He looks to West expectantly for the answer to Falx's question as he stands up and dons the jacket.

    Most of a sleeve is missing.

  6. #6
    Writer's Avatar

    Sam Skrit, Wizened, Spring Court
    Tam, Thyrsus, Mysterium

    Tam is curled up in a corner under her jacket. It isn't big enough to cover her fully, but it was better than nothing. She wakes at the sound of West's footsteps, but she doesn't move. Confusion floods her brain as the light of consciousness creeps in. When West speaks, Tam sits up, rubbing a pain that shoots through her neck.

    She looks around the room. It was fact, reality, hard and quite uncomfortable.

    "No, she isn't," she says out loud. Her own voice startles her. She hadn't meant to speak, but the wrongness of everything pushed thoughts into spoken words.

    "I mean ... I don't know what I mean, but this is all wrong. Like, really wrong."

    She looks around the room at the ragged mages. They weren't supposed to be like this. Nothing was. But her mind was foggy, and she couldn't quite grasp what reality was supposed to be like. Her heart started to race and her breathing quickened.

    "Can't any of you feel it?"

    She could hear her Soul whisper to her, but she couldn't make out the words. Frustration welled up as tears in her eyes, but that just made her angry.

    I can't be the only one.

  7. #7

    Faith Taylor
    Henry Pym

    Took the blue pill

    Henry wakes, with a groan and a mumble. No matter how long it had been, he never got used to needing 8 hours of sleep. He reached up to his face, trying to brush an imaginary fly away. He was surprised to find his cheekbone where it was, before remembering in a flash that he hadn't changed his face for weeks. He was getting used to the original him again. That wasn't a good feeling.

    He slowly got up, brushing away the night's accumulated dirt, smearing it more than takign it away in the process. His light grey shirt was a mottled charcoal, his jacket discarded days (weeks?) ago. He'd liked that jacket.

    He took a long look at the others around him, geting ready for their day. Casting spells. They were crazy, all of them. There was more than enough Paradox in the city, without adding more. Henry suspected the tainted leylines and Paradox infestation had started to make its mark on the others, making them crazy, making them think this somehow wasn't real. Insanity will take them all, in the end.

    He didn't say anything, instead concentrating for a few seconds to try and remove himself from the world. If you aren't in the Lie, the Lie can't affect you.

    ((Attainment activated))

  8. #8
    Donan's Avatar


    Beverely wakes up groggily and blinks, then wishes she hadn't as she rmembers what had happened.. the sheer horror of the last three months replaying itself in her mind.

    She forces her face into an impassive mask and raises to her feet, preparing herself for the likely onslaught.


    After that she steps forward and glances around to see how the others are reacting.

  9. #9
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    Need a Chance Die roll (die pool 0 on the roller) for Bev's spell to turn Vulgar...
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  10. #10
    Donan's Avatar


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