Before a certain Waspish Spring Courtier disappears from the Freehold, she might find a hastily wrapped package placed snugly admits her luggage.

A small note taped to it reads:


I don't know what to say. I know I want to say something. But....I'm just writing what I think first. Which is why I'm babbling.

You are my friend and I'm going to miss you.

I don't want to be a selfish bitch and try and make you stay. Especially when it's going to twist you up inside.

I don't want you to be unhappy, because you're my friend.

So no scene, ice-cream and movies were great! It's just...well...I guess you understand.

My number, skype, email, neopets, and everything else I can think of is on the back.

So this isn't goodbye,


PS. I backed some cookies for you. Sorry that they're kinda burnt. '