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I Drink My Coffee at Night

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  1. #1

    Brittany loved coffee, or at least she did when she needed to drink coffee. While she didn't need the coffee, and in fact it provided her no benefit whatsoever, she enjoyed the act of drinking it. She enjoyed holding the cup while she sat in a coffee shop. She enjoyed surfing the web as the hot coffee threw its steam into the air. It was a ritual that she had in life and that she had dragged kicking and screaming into her requiem.

    She also enjoyed the Kine that congregated in coffee shops. To her left sat a man on his laptop, potentially writing the next big blockbuster. Off to her right sat a pregnant woman sipping her frappuccino. Perhaps her child would grow up to be President or cure cancer. She didn't know either of those things, but the hope and potential in Kine was always something she enjoyed to be reminded of. It reminded her to stay grounded. To stay connected to the mortal side of her. Not to let the Rage take control.

    She did of course enjoy being Kindred, but her transformation had not been voluntary. She was not a part of the discussion. It took her a long time to come to grips with the change, and while she was happy about it now, she still missed parts of being human. So she sat there, sipping her coffee that she didn't really need, pretending, just for a moment, that she was still human. Even if it was just pretend.

    -1 Blush of life

  2. #2
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Another night, another stroll through the Domain. She really had no destination in mind, just going where the mood brought her.

    Pausing in front of a coffee shop, she glances inside and decides to check it out. Sometimes interesting people could be found from sitting and just watching. And doing it with a coffee in your hand made you look a little less creepy.

    As she makes her way into the shop and towards the counter, she pauses briefly, overcome by her Beast taking notice of another. It stood tall, claws and teeth out, ready to rend and tear the weaker one. Getting control over it, she orders a black coffee and turns to find the offending Beast.

    She soon finds herself by an adorable blonde, also enjoying some coffee it seemed.

    Smiling, Salve,” greets the Italian Savage. Gesturing to a chair, “Mind if I join you?” She was of average height, long black hair and two full sleeves of tattoos were visible on her arms. Her shirt was sheer enough to allow the art work to show. One is visible on her neck when her hair moves.

    -1 Vitae for Blush
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  3. #3
    Phoenix's Avatar

    Gabrielle entered the coffeeshop with a bag containing her drawing materials, sketch book, pencils and so on. She wanted to capture the day to day life of the mortals living in Sacramento, wondering how the people here would be different from those of her home country. She started with the man who was typing on his laptop, discreetly trying to capture his demeanor and expressions on paper.

    It was so weird here, people out in the streets at very late hours, as if the city was never completely asleep at any given time. The place was also worth mentioning, despite being your average coffeeshop at first sight. She was interrupted in her reverie by the waitress who offered to fill her cup with coffee which she accepted. Not the best coffee in the world, though being kindred might play a role in that. Still, the USA had trouble making an acceptable dark nectar.

    After she finished sketching the man on the laptob and the pregnant lady, Gabrielle diverted her attention to the blonde woman who was sitting all by herself, sipping her coffee slowly. Brittany could feel the gaze of the young artist occupied in her work, at some point, their eyes are bound to meet at which point, the Toreador felt her beast surging at the sight of an unknown kindred.

    She tried to resist the urge to drive her wooden pencil in the blonde woman's heart and the decided, slowly, to approach her and talk to her in a very pronounced french accent.

    "Good evening there, I don't believe I've had the pleasure of seeing you before. New in town ? "

    Hopefully, this was an ack kindred and not a member of 'candy girl' coterie ... or badwin's ... or Erika's ... or god know what threat is currently dwelling in Sacramento ....

  4. #4

    Brittany looked down into her coffee when in an instant all her delusions of a moment pretending to be mortal disappeared. As her eyes looked to the black hair, tattooed hottie and angelic brunette the Rage stormed towards its cage. Quickly she was grappling internally with the Rage, suppressing it, holding it back from the rampage it so desired. Both of them would look so beautiful impaled on her claws, their blood trailing down her hands, but despite the rage's desire she had no interest in giving in tonight. She pushed it back inside just as a broad smile crossed her face.

    "Looks like I'm pretty popular tonight. Of course you can join me. Seat down, seat down," she said in a friendly tone to the tattooed woman, waving to the seats in front of her. "I am totally new to town," she said to the one with the french accent, "like...haven't even found a twenty four hour salon and nail place short time. Oh, duh," she said, making a funny face, "I should introduce myself. I'm Brittany, and I can be pretty savage sometimes," she said with a wink and a smirk to both of them. Subtlety did not appear to be her strong suit. She didn't know if they would be friend or foe, but if need be she could always run, leading any attacker right into a trap. She hoped they were friendly though.

  5. #5
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    And then there was the presence of another Beast. This stirred a challenge in her own, and it wanted to tear her angelic head from her body and prove its dominance.

    Yet, she smiled to Gabrielle, “Great to see you.” She greets, not sure if the Daeva used a different name when out around Kine.

    Placing the coffee on the table, Ale sits and listens as the blonde speaks. Quite a bit.

    She picks up on the savage term, and if this Brittany was indeed a Cousin, she wasn’t like any other she had met. But, looks could be deceiving, and if she was a Savage, then surely she could hold her own.

    “Nice to meet you Brittany, I’m Alessandra, Ale for short. Sounds like we have something in common, as I can also be pretty savage if need be. I’m also known to whip my family into shape.”
    Dropping her own hints, and still hating veiled talk. “But welcome to town.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  7. #6
    Phoenix's Avatar

    The place was getting crowded with Kindred as her beast so 'gently' reminded her. Among thoughts of murder, Gabrielle wondered why is it you could not hunt some place in the city without bumping into at least two other vampires. There were not that many kindred in Sacramento ... or where there?

    And on the subject of having double talk ...

    "And I am Gabrielle. I can be naughty at times, but what's the point of this existence if you can't sin now and then? Anyways, Why don't we get a seat somewhere?"

    She pointed an empty table on the corner of the coffeshop, hopefully more discreet than discussing in the middle of the establishment. If and when the two savages accept, she'll try to keep the conversation civilized ... as much as her beast allows it at any rate.

    " Sooo ... what draws two people like you to this place? Me, I wanted to capture the nightlife of the city into one of my drawing."

    And that's all she said for the moment ...

  8. #7

    "Oh...my...God. What are the odds of running into family right?" she asked with a shocked but happy look. "So nice to meet you Ale." So this was the Gangrel whip. Certainly a woman to be jealous of, though Brittany wasn't sure if she was even interested in politics right now. "I got to say, your tattoos are so freakin' awesome. I absolutely love them and am super jealous. Any time I think 'hey, you should get a tattoo,'" she said, looking away as if talking to her self before looking back, "I always wuss out. Like, not from the pain though, maybe like, regret? I always think I'd pick the wrong thing and it'll be stuck forever like a bad penny."

    "Ok sure," she said with a friendly shrug to the suggestion of moving to a more private location. "And nice to meet you too Gabrielle." So she was naughty and sin focused? Not Ventrue...Daeva probably? The only one that made sense in the context of their double speak. She definitely looked the part.

    At the new table, after hearing Gabby's question, Brittany said, "well I came to just like, have a moment and take in the city. Do some people watching." She paused in her tracks then shock her head. "That sounded so totally creepy, I don't like...stalk people. I just mean, like, sit and take in the world kind of thing. Kind of relaxing you know?"

  9. #8
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Looking to Gabrielle and smirking, “Oh, I defiantly agree! Being good all the time just seems like a bore.” With years, sometimes centuries to live, you had to keep it interesting.

    “I was just out and about, seeing if I could finding anything fun and interesting.” Or dinner, or a new member for her Herd, or new Kindred, whichever came first.

    She bring her cup of coffee up to her nose and inhales the scent, her eyes closing briefly. While it didn’t smell as good as the caffé back home, it still smelled wonderful.

    Brittanys voice brought her back to the present, smiling. “Odds are slim, our Family is quite small here.” She said with a hint of disappointment. More Family would maybe help keep her a little busy, which would be a welcome change. Even having Family members who didn’t always behave would be good. At least in her opinion.

    At the mention of her tattoos, she glances down to her arms. Super jealous huh? She thinks with a smirk.

    “That’s why time and thought should go into picking a design. Not something to be decided spur of the moment. Could always get something small and easily hidden, see how you feel after that.” She offers.

    Laughing, “I get it. I find myself out sometimes and just sitting and observing people. You can tell a lot about someone by simply sitting back and watching them, well, at least I think you can.” She shrugs. “What about you Gabrielle?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  10. #9
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    Eventually, more than a few people are staring at the angelic, animated corpse.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  11. #10

    "Well," Brittany said with a smile, "you found two interesting people for sure." She took a moment and enjoyed a sip of her coffee, though to be honest it was less coffee and more hot coffee creamer milkshake. That's how she liked it.

    "That makes a lot of sense. I think my problem is I tend to have a problem being fickle and indecisive. Not exactly great qualities with long-term decision making you know?" she said with a laugh.

    Suddenly she noticed that a few people were looking over towards there group with concern. It was then that she realized Gabrielle was decidedly more dead looking than the other customers.

    "Um Gabrielle. Are you alright? You're looking a little pale. I hope you're not sick because I totally don't want to get sick because, like, I totally have work tomorrow. Maybe you should freshen up." She hoped that her subtle hint would give the Daeva a clue to fix her undead symptoms.

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