Okay, I know I have voiced a aversion to "Aura's" as Nosferatu curses, but I will be the first to admit when I am wrong. So now that I understand what he wanted to go with for a curse, allow me to give Credit to Parable . If your going to go with an aura curse, this is the way to do it.

Quote Originally posted by Parable:
Curse - Looking at Kenneth you feel disgust, as if you saw a lowly yet dangerous vermin like a spider or centipede or leech.
By choosing this curse, Parable has embraced the idea that being a Nosferatu is hard, and has handicapped himself for the sake of interesting game play and storytelling. Nosferatu curses should cause us difficulty. Our curses should not be something boiler plate or easily ignored. So again, credit to Parable.