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(1810) An Autumn Court

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  1. #21
    Blackbird's Avatar

    Public Identity: Lisbeth "Beth" Graham
    Striking Looks
    (Criminals, Academia)
    New Identity
    (Lisbeth Graham)

    Daeva Curse - Glutton for Praise:
    Blackbird's ego often gets her into trouble. If someone offers Blackbird praise or compliments regarding her abilities when attempting to recruit her for a task, she finds the request quite difficult to refuse, even if such an action might be particularly dangerous to her well being.


    To the giant Blackbird offered a deep dip of her head, as had become her custom when engaging with Kindred of a higher social echelon in Court. Currently, insofar as she was concerned, that was everyone, save the newcomer Hugh, but her formality remained in place for all. A handful knew Blackbird was not always like this, but Court was something she took seriously. How was she supposed to get ahead without it after all?

    "Good evening, Hierophant," she offered. A light caution skimmed along her friendlier tones.

    Despite the Beast raging against its cage and howling for her leave - again, Blackbird felt a strange sense of relief with the arrival of the Seneschal. In light of her comments regarding the members of the Circle's lapse in respect - and the fact that both Heirophant and Acolyte were now near her, the neonate felt some comfort that a senior member of the Succubi was now in attendance. And this comfort showed on her face... once she silenced the beast yet again, of course. Considering her place, Vivian was afforded a greater amount of respect. Canting her head down in a show of submission, Blackbird granted the woman a curtsy, much as she had done with the Prince.

    "Greetings, Seneschal York," she offered, keeping her voice kind, if subdued, "It has been too long." She would say nothing more, Davis had made a point to introduce a newcomer to Seneschal York and, considering her need to build new bridges in light of the recent... vacancy in her alliances, the neonate was not about to risk interrupting Vivian's official function. She had to save face. Nonetheless, the neonate briefly glanced up, meeting the Seneschal's face just for a moment. Her expression was analytical, as if wanting to say more, but, whatever it is, Blackbird seems to think better of it. Instead, she returns her attention to the greater conglomeration of Kindred.

    Blackbird offered John a smile. "As we both well know, there is truth in your words, elder," she offered, referencing the Court of September. As Davis is now also interacting with Vivian, she chooses not to expand leaving him the opportunity to gain some favor in the Seneschal's eyes.

    Hugh, however, had asked her details regarding the troubles. And Blackbird was not content to keep quiet on that point. Regardless of the fact he was a greater Beast, Hugh was new and Blackbird felt obligated to let him know exactly what he was getting into. Call it being a good neighbor...
    "Eager Hunters," she says to the new Savage, "One is a local group known as the Bushwhackers, the other is regional known as the Tribulation Militia. Previously, they worked together to destroy a cell of the Brood, but they also seem quite aware that more Kindred reside in the city. There are currently plans on the table to deal with both, but I am uncertain what all I can say on the matter."

    Blackbird was happy to stop there, she was certain Mable would discuss what regions Hugh should avoid in due time. It was not the neonate's place to mind the Gangrel and, with Mable's return, it felt unwise to coach him on the matter. Such a thing could be seen as offense. Then Mable called the Seneschal Priscus. Curious. A perplexed glint alighted Blackbird's face. Surely York once held the title, but now that title rested with Lina. A light blunder or a barely veiled insult? Regardless, Blackbird did not speak up to correct it. If the Seneschal felt it necessary to correct the slight she would, but it was not within Blackbird's station to do so.

    "I am well enough, Priscus Wood," she said, her smile somewhat lessened as she analyzed the woman's features, "Thank you."

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  3. #22
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable had returned to the little group forming around John. "Sorry to have rushed past before." She apologized to Hugh and John. "Mr. Keeping, I hope Mr. Davis has been keeping you entertained."

    "Priscus York, how are you this evening?"

    "Blackbird, hope you are well."

    Then she looks at Krieg. She presses her lips together and closes her eyes. She counted to ten before opening her eyes. She started to speak then thought better of it. She forced air into her lungs and smiled, "Hierophant Krieg, have you met Hugh Keeping yet?"
    Seriously tired Brain. I Meant Seneschal York Sorry please change wording!!!

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  5. #23
    Lina Moretti

    Smiling with a bow as she finished her brief conversation with the Prince, the small Daeva made her way directly for the "coat check". Taking her bag aside, she stepped out - but was back in short order, plainly satisfied and somewhat more at ease.

    Not feeling a compulsion to run into whatever conversation was going on, she found her way back to her comfortable seating area and settled into her chair, hooking one leg over the other as she observed the Court's proceedings. Those who wished to speak with her could easily find their way over.

  6. #24
    Rebecca Simmons

    There was such a thing as being fashionably late. Rebecca thought that her arrival time might have been even later than what was fashionable, but sometimes things could not be avoided. She had not been in her office that evening, but as Rebecca stepped out of her vehicle she formed her usual mask of friendliness around her face and filled her cheeks with the red of vitae. To all those viewing her, she merely appeared like a friendly woman, not a monster in disguise.

    As the Harpy made her way down into the depths of the Nox, a place that had almost become a second home, she looked around at all the monsters who were already there. Beasts collided with her Catalyst in a frenzy of fear and rage, but she kept her wits and her composure. Chaos would not take her that evening. She would remain calm.

    She was wearing a simple blue dress for the evening, nothing nearly as fancy as what she had worn to the formal court, but nice enough that her wealth was made clear to all. She was never one to hide her good fortune, even if she hid her feelings about such things.

    Greetings were second nature to Rebecca at this point in her Danse. Her eyes shifted effortless with each greeting that she gave. "Good evening Your Majesty. How wonderful to see you. You look stunning," she said offering Alessandra a respectful bow of her head. "Seneschal York, a pleasure to see you as well." The greetings continued, each with a nod of her head. "Priscus Moretti. Priscus Wood. Good to see you. Blackbird, wonderful as always. Hierophant Krieg. Alder Davis. You both look very nice this evening."

    Again and again she greeted people until finally her eyes rested on...a new face. She stepped forward more and tilted her head. "Why good evening. I don't believe we've met." She extended a hand and added, "I am Madam Harpy Rebecca Simmons. Welcome to Sacramento Mr..." she let the words linger for Hugh Keeping , affording him the opportunity of his own introduction.

      2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2018-10-23 17:11:48 Rebecca Simmons rolls 6 to Tatemae (Man+Exp+Kamen) (10 Again) 2, 10, 2, 2, 2, 9, 3 2 successes

  7. #25
    Aaron van Valen's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen

    Aaron's voice is usually quite flat and emotionless, almost rusty, but he tries to make up for this with his facial expressions.


    Soon after the Harpy enters Court, Aaron van Valen makes his entrance. He had sneaked into the club from the back. With no desire to bring more life to his features tonight, he had to avoid direct contact with Kine.

    This is the one place where they can all be themselves. He would embrace that.

    Had he chosen a flashy a Lordly display for the Formal Court, he is now back to his Dragon self: A nice shirt like always, yet now tucked under a deep blue jumper. A more scholarly look, if you will.

    Here we go again.

    A wave of Beasts bashed against a wall of his restraint. But Aaron would not break. Not even the one-eyed man would bring his composure down entirely. Had the new Beast been a threat, he is already surrounded. No need for bloodshed.

    'Good evening everyone,' he says to the group that was forming, not caring to say everyone's name. With some exceptions. 'Harpy Simmons, good to see you.' He offers her a polite nod before turning to Vivian with a small bow, 'Seneschal York, I hope you are well.'

    Then he walks past the group, passing the Prince and pausing for a respectful bow, 'Your Majesty.' However, he does not fully stop until reaching his friend Lina Moretti at her usual quiet spot. A playful smile appears as he speaks.

    'Regent. You seem happy.'

  8. #26
    Lina Moretti

    Lina and Aaron van Valen continue here.

  9. #27
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Their discussion done, Ale watches Lina make her way to the coat check then return to her seat. A smile and nod.

    She could make the announcement now, or do it when she unveiled the art. Which seemed like a better idea to her. And decided to give it a couple minutes.

    So she makes her way to where the Kindred seemed to be gathering in a large group. Usually there were small groups of conversation going on by now. So this was new.

    Noticing Vivian, and her Beast, Ale nods her head with a small smile. Her Beast still paced, wanting to rise up to the challenge and show it was more powerful.

    A smile was offered to Rebecca, “Madam Harpy Simmons, good evening. That is a lovely shade of blue on you.” Her Beast thrashed against its cage bars, wanting out. Wanting to shred and steal the life from the Lord. But the smile remained.

    Looking to the Kindred gathered, the smile didn’t budge, dark eyes observing each one. Before settling upon the new guy.

    “I see we have a new face with us tonight.” Says the Italian. It wasn’t her place to introduce herself, time to see who would.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  11. #28
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable was about to do some formal introductions of Hugh when the Prince joined the group. She gave a little curtsy, and wondered where that came from because usually she just gave a head bow. Hmmm. Then she spoke up, "Your Grace, Seneschal York, Harpy Simmons, Blackbird..." Mable also nodded to the gentlemen who had already been introduced, "May I present Hugh Keeping clan Gangel. Mr. Keeping, this is the Prince, Alessandra Antinori, Seneschal York, Harpy Simmons, Blackbird, Hierophant Krieg, and Mr. Davis." Mable did a quick look around the group gathered here hoping she didn't miss anyone. "Ok, hopefully I have all titles correct? and didn't leave anyone out?" Mable glanced at Rebecca briefly hoping she did the etiquette thing correctly.

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  13. #29
    Hugh Keeping

    "Eager hunters..." Hugh repeats Blackbird's words back at her, as if tasting them. "Well, that does sounds like a problem. I'll have to figure out some way to help." Helpful Hugh, always willing to lend a hand, the Thing Inside mocks him.

    He does mean it, though. That he'll help. Even if it's always the same, everywhere he goes. The Stiffs can't seem to understand why people, regular people, might want them dead. Really Dead. Just like the rich never seem to comprehend the anger of the poor. Not that Hugh has any love for hunters. He just sees something in them more than an existential threat. He sees proof of his own guilt. Of the collective guilt of all so-called Kindred. Still, he's not eager to end up ash on some fanatic's basement floor, whether he get why said fanatic might want to put him there or not.

    Mable's approach cuts short his parlay with the neonate, however. He offers his Priscus a nod of the head, sure to offer her the proper respect, "Priscus Wood, good to see you." There's something in the way he smiles, in his subtly playful tone of voice, that hints at a private joke. See, he wants to say, Mr. Polite has arrived. "And Hierophant Krieg," he continues, turning back to the giant on the heels of Mable's introduction. His title feels strange in Hugh's mouth. "It's a pleasure. I've heard good things. I'd love to see this farm of yours, if you'll let me."

    More arrivals, more introductions. Rebecca stands out though. Hugh immediately likes her. Understands her warmth and returns it: "Hugh, Hugh Keeping," the one-eyed man answers, taking up her cue and her proffered hand quite naturally. "A delight, Madame Harpy." He takes an immediate shine. "Really," he adds for emphasis.

    They'll have to continue the pleasantries later, though. Because Alessandra Antinori has just appeared in their midst. He knows who she is already, how could he not after Blackbird's performance earlier in the evening. She's the Prince of the whole fucking city. The Top Monster. And she's standing before him, ragged as he is, asking who he might be.

    His Beast may treat all others like rivals (save for those weaker than himself) thanks to the gift of his Blood, but the Man knows he should be afraid. And he is. Hugh lowers his one good eye. And then performs a bow that seems much less awkward than the one offered to the Seneschal. Terror has a way of ironing out all of that pesky self-awareness.

    "Your Grace," he says, picking the title up from Mable. "I'm--well--I'm honored." Scared shitless is more like it.

  14. #30
    John Davis

    Responding to Hugh, "Don't pay it no nevermind. The trials and tribulations of the Colonel are nothing one wants to sully their hands with... but if you must know, I am somewhat of the black sheep around here, a pariah of the community regrettably."

    The pressing of beasts was intensifying as the grouping at the bottom of the stairs got larger.

    Davis caught a glimpse of Lina leave the Prince's office with determination as she beelines for the coat room.

    What is all that about? he thought. Ohgawd. Simmons had arrived. Davis smiled at her in acknowledgment. Speaking of Blackbird had acknowledged his age, so had Simmons.

    The next to arrive was Aaron but he failed to acknowledge Davis's presence. Pity. Perhaps I spilled precious vitae in signing that oath for naught. Somewhere a mason jar of crimson glass begins to develop liquid veins.

    It was expected for the Prince to overlook him. More of a blessing and a curse. Davis was a fly in her ointment at the moment. But the biggest stake through the heart, Mable referred to him as 'Mr. Davis.' In front of the Prince and the Harpy. Mable might have well have staked him and decapitated him right there on the spot in the middle of court.

    For a rare occurrence, Davis was speechless.

    If Hugh doubted anything Davis had spoken about earlier regarding his status in the domain, it was just laid to rest.

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