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(1810) An Autumn Court

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  1. #11
    Lina Moretti

    "Please, excuse us..."

    Lina and Alessandra continue here.

  2. #12
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The Prince offers a smile to those around them and follows Lina.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  4. #13
    John Davis

    Davis tips his hat to both Moretti and the Prince. The tempers of their glares apparent. The Prince had not responded to his message following the previous court, therefore, it was safe to bet he was not yet back on her acknowledged kindred list. Davis tried not to let that bother him. He failed. Others garnered more favor, other received awards. Davis, he was the resident punching bag. The court jester. The outcast. The discarded refuse of a time forgotten. Another miserable court this was turning out to be.

    As Davis was about to retreat back to the streets, he was stopped by the appearance of an unfamiliar face. The new blood in town introduced himself.

    "Hugh, most agreeable to make your acquaintance. I am the good Colonel John Jefferson Davis of Vicksburg, Mississippi. But you can just call me Colonel Davis." Davis greeted with a bow. As Davis stood up straight just as Mable entered quick and determined, pausing long enough to say hello and make a direct line to Moretti and the Prince. Davis didn't even have time to respond to her invitation.

    Mable was immediately followed by the one known as Blackbird who didn't acknowledge anyone as she headed in the same direction as Mable. The feeling of abandonment returned, but Davis refused to let it show anywhere but in his aura.

    Turning back to Hugh, "I say, I say, I don't recall seeing you around lately. New to Sacramento I take it?"

  5. #14
    Hugh Keeping

    "Well. Colonel Davis, nice to meet you too." Hugh is a little stunned, though his smile is nothing but good natured. The attire, the accent, the title, the...makeup? He can't decide if this Stiff is particularly old or particularly crazy. Both? Mind you, Hugh's not surprised necessarily. It's just a lot to process at once.

    Luckily, a series of events unfolds that gives him a little time to recover.

    Mable sweeps by and Hugh is about to greet her when she invites both himself and the Colonel to follow her toward the Prince. He's seized by indecision for a moment. Not sure he's ready to meet the most powerful monster in the room. The whole city. Not yet.

    Just as he's resolved to plunge after Mable into what are surely deadly waters, another Stiff struts by and drops a curtsey before a heavily tattooed woman. This supplicant's weaker Beast rouses the Thing Inside and Hugh finds himself wondering what it would sound like, bending each of her fingers back until they snap at the knuckle.

    Stop, he chides his Beast silently. At least you know who the prince is. Mable had given him a name, but now he has a face.

    Besides it's all too perfect. The Joke in action: a bit of jockeying for favor among the well-dressed and glamorous walking corpses.

    But then the moment passes and the Prince steals away to confer with a companion. A mortal? The Thing Inside says otherwise.

    Davis speaks again and Hugh nods: "You'd be right, Colonel. Just got into town earlier this month. Mable," he says, his good eye finding the Priscus, smile broadening, "Priscus Wood, I mean, was good enough to welcome me not too long ago."

    Eye back on his strange interlocutor now, whose seeming eccentricity Hugh decides has its charm: "How about you? Native son?" Somehow he doubts it.

  6. #15
    Blackbird's Avatar

    Public Identity: Lisbeth "Beth" Graham
    Striking Looks
    (Criminals, Academia)
    New Identity
    (Lisbeth Graham)

    Daeva Curse - Glutton for Praise:
    Blackbird's ego often gets her into trouble. If someone offers Blackbird praise or compliments regarding her abilities when attempting to recruit her for a task, she finds the request quite difficult to refuse, even if such an action might be particularly dangerous to her well being.


    Blackbird understood.

    The Prince sought a private audience with Moretti, but had nonetheless taken the time to acknowledge the neonate, even complimenting her dress. It wasn't much... but it was something. Additionally, Blackbird had only sought to afford the Prince her due, thereby showing she had knowledge of her place on the social ladder. Thus, the move, while bold was deemed a success and Blackbird decided the the time had come to turn her attention to the greater gathering here at Court.

    With a deep nod of reverence to the Prince and her Priscus as they went aside to have a more private discussion, Blackbird remained in place only until the pair had fully left the group's orbit. Then the neonate remembered herself. Looking to other Kindred, she noted another family member, dear John Davis. His intentions to speak with her in the past had not fallen on deaf ears and now, within Court yet away from the machinations of more established members of their family, Blackbird saw an opportunity to make inroads.

    Thus did the neonate approach the Colonel, enduring the renewed fear that he and the newcomer with him caused in her Beast, rattling as it was against its bonds as it begged her to flee. Nonetheless, the fear was swallowed. Blackbird had weathered her status as neonate among elders well enough. It was the very nature of Court and so BB ignored her primal fear yet again.

    "Alder Davis," she offered, dipping her head in respect to the older Kindred as she clasped her hands before her, "I humbly apologize for not taking notice of your presence upon my arrival. I merely wanted to afford Her Most Gracious Excellency the respect she was due. I trust the night keeps you well?"

    Looking to the eccentric man, Blackbird adopts a practiced smile, the barest hint of her fangs glinting beyond her lips as she looked upon him. "Another newcomer to Sacramento?" she asks, her voice treading towards friendliness, "Truly a blessing considering our current tribulations. Welcome! I am Blackbird of Clan Daeva."

    Mable received a deep nod in recognition of her titles, but the neonate did not speak to her for the moment beyond this greeting, perhaps still pondering the Priscus of Savages' view on her own clan leader and, perhaps, her clan due to Wood's recent recognition efforts regarding Moretti. Outspoken as she was, Blackbird had made her view on the subject rather plain, stating openly that she found Mable's recognition of some of her fellow Prisci lacking considering their contributions. It didn't take a genius to understand that the neonate had found offense in Mable's recognition of Lina's status. And the status of her clan was important to the neonate. In failing to recognize Lina's efforts, Blackbird silently wondered what the Gangrel Priscus assumed the status of the Domain would be without the contributions of the Succubi.

    Thus, cautious cordiality appeared to be the game of the night.

    Nonetheless, she had also spoken of a desire to speak with Krieg and Mable considering their recent interest in herself. They had been interrupted by the coming Sun in the previous Court and the neonate remained curious as to why Krieg in particular had sought her out that night. What did the Hierophant and his hound faithful follower want? Blackbird intended to know, but that wholly depended on Mable's and Krieg's willingness to discuss.

    That next step was in their hands.

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  8. #16

    The giant arrived dressed for a very specific occasion. It was the Season of Harvest. The light was dying. Nights were growing longer. He served as the Goddess's reminder that death was an ever-present reminder. Dressed in a black clergyman's robe, the Crone's symbol stitched into the sash. He wore black and red face paint. It stood to speculate, it could be the ash collected from the execution last month.

    The presence of other Beasts riled up his own. He silently wished that others had spent time developing Obfuscate. If only for the enjoyment that it did not stir up his own fight-or-flight instincts.

    The Hierophant approached Mable Wood , he acknowledged John Davis , Blackbird and a newcomer. He greeted them, "Blessed Samhain to you."

  9. #17
    Vivian York

    Vivian was running a little later than usual. So tonight, it was 'see the first thing in her closet and run with it' look. Perhaps not entirely the face of Invictus, but it wasn't as if this was Formal Court. The blue satin number was matched with spiked silver heels and silver gloves. The color of the dress may have made her eyes pop a little too much. Thankfully she could dash in the back door to gain access to the Nox Underground.

    Her Beast was not too thrilled being rushed in, she clutched her purse a little more as the press of everyone was enough to make her nails dig into the handbag. She threw on a smile by the time she'd hit the bottom of the stairs.

    The Daeva was a whirlwind of a woman, and her entrance was a match to her persona. She bowed a nod of her head to Alessandra if the Gangrel were to look her way. Hopefully Lawrence Taft would be in attendance tonight so she could debrief him.

    Smoothing her dress and adjusting herself, she was able to glance around and take stock in all who was in attendance that evening. Another new face was most surprising and she smiled to the newcomer. There were conversations currently taking place and she'd wait to see if anyone else arrived after her before suddenly joining in another, unless she was called over of course.

  10. #18
    John Davis

    Responding to Hugh's question, "Native? Heavens no. Though this is my second residency in this western domain."

    Then Blackbird returned, "Quite alright Miss Blackbird. Quite alright, indeed. And understandable. Being on good terms with her Majesty is something we all strive for lest we meet final death by her hands." Davis was ever worried he was next on the culling list.

    "As for my evening, I continue to exist and for that, I am most eternally grateful. Some danses are more eventful than others and mine frequently seem to be plagued with peril and misfortune."

    As if on cue Krieg arrived. "My God!" Davis exclaimed with surprise. "All Hallows Eve is not until the end of the month. I do so hope you didn't scare anyone to death on the way here."

    As if the tension of a towering demon figure wasn't enough, Vivian appeared. "Seneschal York." Davis briefly ignored the rest and bowed. "You look ravishing this evening. May I introduce a newcomer to our city, Hugh Keeping."

  11. #19
    Hugh Keeping

    “Figured as much,” Hugh responds to Davis’s incredulous reply about his non-native status with a friendly smile. “Thought I’d ask anyway, you know?”

    Mable seems distracted, but Hugh is a little preoccupied himself. Seems half the domain has entered court at once. And they all want to say hello. The Thing Inside does not like this state of affairs. It howls for blood, rakes it’s claws across the inside of Hugh’s skull. But try as it might, the one-eyed man does not give in.

    He patiently waits as Blackbird—and what a name that is—executes her rather formal greeting of the Alder-Colonel-Gentleman Davis. Trying to maintain his good-natured demeanor despite a touch of exasperation at the length of her how-do-you-do.

    Davis’s answers to her queries are...revealing. Final Death by her hands? Had Mable sold him a bill of goods concerning this Prince’s disposition? Only time will tell.

    When Blackbird turns her attentions on Hugh, he answers pleasantly enough. “You’re right, Blackbird. As green as Sacramento grass. It’s a pleasure—I’m Hugh Keeping. Gangrel.” In other cities he might play a game here, cautiously keep his parentage a little mysterious. But a Savage prince runs this city. So why not?

    “Trouble, huh?” Hugh arches the brow above his good eye when the Daeva mentions tribulations. “Of what stripe?” Never hurts to figure out the type of mines in the field.

    Before he can go further though, a giant with paint all over his face joins their growing circle, wishing everyone a blessed Samhain. Hugh tries his hardest not to stare. It’s not polite—and politeness can be the only thing standing between the new Stiff in town and a date with sunrise. So, for a moment, he finds something very interesting about his shoes and then looks up again, having gathered himself. “And to you too?” He replies to the giant, sounding unsure about the occasion being referenced. It’s the most he can say, because Davis’s reaction nearly reduces him to laughter.

    The arrival of the woman Davis calls Seneschal York saves Hugh from embarrassment. Her beauty and her high title both strike the one-eyed man dumb for a moment. Finally he manages an awkward sort of half-bow. It’s clear he’s not practiced at such things. “Hello Seneschal York, very nice to meet you.” His Massachusetts accent shows itself by transforming that York into something closer to Yahk. “Colonel Davis has my name right. Just arrived last month—Priscus Wood was kind enough to greet me.” The last line is designed to let the powers that be know he’s followed protocol. Even if he sounds like a teacher’s pet.

  12. #20
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable had returned to the little group forming around John. "Sorry to have rushed past before." She apologized to Hugh and John. "Mr. Keeping, I hope Mr. Davis has been keeping you entertained."

    "Priscus York, how are you this evening?"

    "Blackbird, hope you are well."

    Then she looks at Krieg. She presses her lips together and closes her eyes. She counted to ten before opening her eyes. She started to speak then thought better of it. She forced air into her lungs and smiled, "Hierophant Krieg, have you met Hugh Keeping yet?"

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