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(1810) Meeting of the Mighty

21 - 30
Aug 17, 2009 : As I Lay Dying...
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  1. #21
    Winter's Avatar
    (West Point Grad)


    Dark shadows scatter in ordered symmetrical patterns traversed by a crackling pallid silver light that wraps Winter in a pleasantly numbing and icy coldness.
    When vulgar magic is cast, the frequency of the oscillation of the dark fluid surges until the shadows arrange themselves in a solid black halo around Winter's head, the white light darkens into a fiery black sunlight and his eyes are set ablaze with vivid incandescence.

    Armor: 1(General)/2(Ballistic)
    Defense: 3

    Active Spells: 1/6
    Personal Spells: 1/3
    Incognito Presence (Mind 2) Rote, Scene, Pot[1]


    "They are employing an invisible weapon to fight an invisible war", the Guardian asserted, "they attacked this Consilium from the Mists of Time itself, something must have gone wrong, because they didn't follow up. I assume their plan backfired somehow", he frowned.

    "It's something that has to do with the clock in your own headquarter, until a few months ago supernatural accidents in this town were being kept, I suspect artificially, low. But if the recent events are of any indication, the power supplying the mechanism is slowly fazing out, which means that those with less than pacific intentions currently lurking outside this town won't be kept at bay for long", he went silent for a second.

    "Of course we can't know for sure. Given that the only two members of this Consilium on the Path of Thistle are either more interested in their own little worlds, playing hermit bunkered in some hole, or would rather debate Political Science than join us. We explored the crypts below and found something interesting though. There, you have it", he concluded.

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  3. #22
    Kaze's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (An Extremely Fit and Healthy Glow)
    (Disconcertingly easy to talk to and open up)
    Toxin Resistance
    (+2 vs drugs, alcohol and toxins)
    New Identity(Steven Chojun Trueheart)

    Nimbus. The sound of rushing wind and flashes of lightning surround Kaze, and his clothes and hair move as if he is in a windstorm.
    Monthly Rits

    Monthly Rits Spell Cloaks Spells do not show unless scrutinized
    Transform Aura pot 1 (Aura is as a Sleeper)
    Organic Resilience (Life Mage Armor 2e) pot 3 ( Armor 2; Defense 2 + Higher of Dex or Wits)
    Body Mastery pot 1 (x2 rate healing Bash, Letha, Agravated; +1 success on all extended and instant rolls to resist diseases, poisons or drugs; +100 years lifespan)

    Scene specific spells: in mini-sheet 4
    Scene Specific

    (Portrait) Portrait of an Angel
    Armor 3 ( +1 vs Bashing: Kung Fu 1)
    Defense 5
    Vulgar -1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3
    Spell Tolerance: 3/3 Spell Rolls
    [1]Transform Aura[M]
    [2] Supernal Vision[D]
    [2] Organic Resilience[M]
    Key: Potency | Effect declaration if needed | Turns remaining ("M" = Monthly Ritual)

    (Bad House) The Return
    Armor 3 ( +1 vs Bashing: Kung Fu 1)
    Defense 9 (Dex 6 from Honing the Form)
    Vulgar -1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3
    Spell Tolerance: 3/3 Spell Rolls
    [4] Honing the Form
    [3] Organic Resilience Aurora's Life 5
    [2] Body Control [M]
    Key: Potency | Effect declaration if needed | Turns remaining ("M" = Monthly Ritual)


    "Excuse me, Sir." Kaze ventures, speaking to Weavebreaker and Winter as well as Phoenyx, "We, I met someone, the other day, who mentioned that several Councillors are members of the same Cabal. If they don't live here...shouldn't we, that is the Arrows, be protecting them? Their Sanctum at least?"
    Spells: Monthly Rits Transform Aura (aura appears to be a sleeper) Spell Cloaks (See mini-sheet)

  4. #23
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    2E Life Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings unfurl her with an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 6 (4 Dex+Life/2)
    Armour - 3/2 (Life/2, Trenchcoat)
    Health: Matriarch - 1B/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 9/9
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 2/3
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    "If three Councillors each selected from their Paths for their Wisdom cannot defend themselves, I would have thought them poor choices." Phoenyx says briskly. "We are four, not a phalanx, Kaze. Our duty is to the Diamond. Pentacle. Not any position or path."

    She turns back to Winter. "Since those on the Path of the Thistle are not willing, you are implying that there are also no other students of Time to try and assess the phenomenon. Perhaps there is some other way to assess it. If there is a dwindling power, the talents of out Path may be a better approach." She turns to Weavbreaker. "Have you been able to assess the artifact? And is there a Master of Force among us?"
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

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  6. #24
    Sand's Avatar
    Striking Looks

    Tiny sparkling particulates like dust motes are shed to reveal what is below. With vulgar magic, the shedding is more of a scouring and the motes obscure in the frenzy.

    Armor 0
    Defense 2

    Vulgar 0
    Active Spells: 1/5
    Personal Spells: 1/2

    [3] Supernal Vision (Rit)


    A laugh, "Uhh... just Sand is ok Kaze. But good to know in regards to your commitment."

    A no4 w/ Weavebreaker's words. "Aside from the quick aside in the Consillium some time back, this is the first Obrimos meeting I have been to in Sacramento. So no big agenda for us specifically,"

    Unless survival counted. That = priority 4/ all Sacramento Consillium mages until recently.

    A blink, a frown. "What are you talking about Winter?" A hand waved, translation of never mind. Frown remains.

    "You have a provided a lot of opinion and theory but little fact in your statements. If you are going to introduce the such a thing as the Seer's time dabbling, you should reverse those.""

    A look to Kaze and Phoenyx. We do not know why the Seer's time attacks have stopped. But in the time that I have been here, none have occurred. Either they failed as Winter proposes or as others have proposed, they succeeded in what they intended. We do not know. We also do not know what they are planning next... If anything. Our knowledge base for putting together hypothesizes is rather small at the moment." A glance toward Winter, "Unless you can provide actual facts to prove your theories...?"

    'Found something interesting' - vague & not proof
    Nothing = had.

    A confused & amused look. "I appreciate your concern for our welfare and Sanctum but ... Nidhogg's Bane I think is doing ok."

  7. Likes Ruach, Vincent liked this post
  8. #25
    Winter's Avatar
    (West Point Grad)


    Dark shadows scatter in ordered symmetrical patterns traversed by a crackling pallid silver light that wraps Winter in a pleasantly numbing and icy coldness.
    When vulgar magic is cast, the frequency of the oscillation of the dark fluid surges until the shadows arrange themselves in a solid black halo around Winter's head, the white light darkens into a fiery black sunlight and his eyes are set ablaze with vivid incandescence.

    Armor: 1(General)/2(Ballistic)
    Defense: 3

    Active Spells: 1/6
    Personal Spells: 1/3
    Incognito Presence (Mind 2) Rote, Scene, Pot[1]


    "Councilor. "I assume, I suspect, we can't know for sure", those are all hallmarks of a hypothesis and not of a theory. An hypothesis I'm willing to espouse until evidence of the contrary arises. They call it bounded rationality, I believe", a pause.

    "Had I known the whole Truth, don't doubt it, I would have already acted on the information", his words were measured. "As far as Seer's involvement is concerned. I could be wrong, but again, it's my job to be prepared for the worst. I'd rather be in doubt and prepare, than remain doubtful and do nothing. And until then, I'm taking Councilor Campanella's words at face value, that according to his judgement, it was the Iron Pyramid behind those attacks".

    He turned back to the two Arrows,"as you've seen, they're more than capable of defending themselves. I've been studying the arcanum of Time on my own, but it's still not enough I'm afraid, though, somebody better versed in supernal lore might".

  9. Likes Ruach liked this post
  10. #26
    Kaze's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (An Extremely Fit and Healthy Glow)
    (Disconcertingly easy to talk to and open up)
    Toxin Resistance
    (+2 vs drugs, alcohol and toxins)
    New Identity(Steven Chojun Trueheart)

    Nimbus. The sound of rushing wind and flashes of lightning surround Kaze, and his clothes and hair move as if he is in a windstorm.
    Monthly Rits

    Monthly Rits Spell Cloaks Spells do not show unless scrutinized
    Transform Aura pot 1 (Aura is as a Sleeper)
    Organic Resilience (Life Mage Armor 2e) pot 3 ( Armor 2; Defense 2 + Higher of Dex or Wits)
    Body Mastery pot 1 (x2 rate healing Bash, Letha, Agravated; +1 success on all extended and instant rolls to resist diseases, poisons or drugs; +100 years lifespan)

    Scene specific spells: in mini-sheet 4
    Scene Specific

    (Portrait) Portrait of an Angel
    Armor 3 ( +1 vs Bashing: Kung Fu 1)
    Defense 5
    Vulgar -1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3
    Spell Tolerance: 3/3 Spell Rolls
    [1]Transform Aura[M]
    [2] Supernal Vision[D]
    [2] Organic Resilience[M]
    Key: Potency | Effect declaration if needed | Turns remaining ("M" = Monthly Ritual)

    (Bad House) The Return
    Armor 3 ( +1 vs Bashing: Kung Fu 1)
    Defense 9 (Dex 6 from Honing the Form)
    Vulgar -1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3
    Spell Tolerance: 3/3 Spell Rolls
    [4] Honing the Form
    [3] Organic Resilience Aurora's Life 5
    [2] Body Control [M]
    Key: Potency | Effect declaration if needed | Turns remaining ("M" = Monthly Ritual)


    Kaze nods, listening closely.

    "With respect to my elders and colleague," the young Arrow says, "Please let me ask you to consider three questions about the current situation."

    "First, if there is an issue with some not taking an external threat seriously, would it possibly set a good example if their leaders decided to...take visible precautions for their personal safety? As an example of how serious the threat is, even an example of setting aside their justifiable pride to take it seriously?"

    He pauses, "Second, could even an experienced, powerful Will Worker possibly benefit from a guard who is admittedly less experienced and powerful, but also undistracted by anything to focus on any threat, even just as a 'speed bump' between the attacker and the Councilor to provide extra, precious moments to act, in an ambush or otherwise unexpected and sudden attack?"

    "Lastly, if some do not see the value in traditional organization, could allowing the Adamantine Arrows their traditional role of serving as a guard of a sanctum possibly provide a demonstration of the benefits of a traditional organization of a Consilium? Possibly, by setting a humble example in their leadership, it could inspire someone who really needs protection to request it?"

    Kaze pauses, "I am just wondering these things." he says. "I only ask you to think about it."
    Spells: Monthly Rits Transform Aura (aura appears to be a sleeper) Spell Cloaks (See mini-sheet)

  11. Likes Vincent liked this post
  12. #27
    Winter's Avatar
    (West Point Grad)


    Dark shadows scatter in ordered symmetrical patterns traversed by a crackling pallid silver light that wraps Winter in a pleasantly numbing and icy coldness.
    When vulgar magic is cast, the frequency of the oscillation of the dark fluid surges until the shadows arrange themselves in a solid black halo around Winter's head, the white light darkens into a fiery black sunlight and his eyes are set ablaze with vivid incandescence.

    Armor: 1(General)/2(Ballistic)
    Defense: 3

    Active Spells: 1/6
    Personal Spells: 1/3
    Incognito Presence (Mind 2) Rote, Scene, Pot[1]


    "Are you suggesting stalking the Councilors? Aren't you?", he said perplexed, "you can't exactly force a security detail over them. Besides, it's not like they hold the keys of the nuclear football or are entrusted with the secret plans. Nothing of the sort, really".

    "You'll find out that most of the Magi of Sacramento are, well... non-conventional. Traditions don't have that big of a pull here"

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  14. #28
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    2E Life Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings unfurl her with an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 6 (4 Dex+Life/2)
    Armour - 3/2 (Life/2, Trenchcoat)
    Health: Matriarch - 1B/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 9/9
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 2/3
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    Phoenyx sighs. "Kaze, I think you are confusing the Mighty with the role of the Arrow. The Councillors cannot be forced to be guarded. Even so, we hold to ideals, not the individuals that sit in the positions of power. Our responsibilities as the Arrow are to all Awakened, whether they take the threat seriously or not." She turns to Sand. "Meaning no disrespect, Councillor. Simply that the Councillors serve the Concillium, not above the others but as those chosen to represent their Paths."

    She looks back to Kaze, forcing her tone into something more conversational. "Lastly, If people already reject a Traditional ideal, why will reinforcing that ideal convince them in a new way? Leading by example means little if the people sought to teach are not even present for the lesson."
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

  15. Likes Ruach, Vincent liked this post
  16. #29
    Kaze's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (An Extremely Fit and Healthy Glow)
    (Disconcertingly easy to talk to and open up)
    Toxin Resistance
    (+2 vs drugs, alcohol and toxins)
    New Identity(Steven Chojun Trueheart)

    Nimbus. The sound of rushing wind and flashes of lightning surround Kaze, and his clothes and hair move as if he is in a windstorm.
    Monthly Rits

    Monthly Rits Spell Cloaks Spells do not show unless scrutinized
    Transform Aura pot 1 (Aura is as a Sleeper)
    Organic Resilience (Life Mage Armor 2e) pot 3 ( Armor 2; Defense 2 + Higher of Dex or Wits)
    Body Mastery pot 1 (x2 rate healing Bash, Letha, Agravated; +1 success on all extended and instant rolls to resist diseases, poisons or drugs; +100 years lifespan)

    Scene specific spells: in mini-sheet 4
    Scene Specific

    (Portrait) Portrait of an Angel
    Armor 3 ( +1 vs Bashing: Kung Fu 1)
    Defense 5
    Vulgar -1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3
    Spell Tolerance: 3/3 Spell Rolls
    [1]Transform Aura[M]
    [2] Supernal Vision[D]
    [2] Organic Resilience[M]
    Key: Potency | Effect declaration if needed | Turns remaining ("M" = Monthly Ritual)

    (Bad House) The Return
    Armor 3 ( +1 vs Bashing: Kung Fu 1)
    Defense 9 (Dex 6 from Honing the Form)
    Vulgar -1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3
    Spell Tolerance: 3/3 Spell Rolls
    [4] Honing the Form
    [3] Organic Resilience Aurora's Life 5
    [2] Body Control [M]
    Key: Potency | Effect declaration if needed | Turns remaining ("M" = Monthly Ritual)


    Kaze nods in agreement, "Of course, my thought is not to try to force anyone to receive something they do not want, even if it seemed to me to be for their own good." he pauses.

    "From the few I have met, I wouldn't assume that the 'non-traditionalists' either do not notice what is going on among the Consilium or that they really have ever experienced the benefits of the traditions that they reject. It seems that here in Sacramento, the previous state of things was such that traditions were not really seen as more than empty formalities. At least, that was the impression I got talking to people who were here before I got here."
    Spells: Monthly Rits Transform Aura (aura appears to be a sleeper) Spell Cloaks (See mini-sheet)

  17. Likes Vincent liked this post
  18. #30
    Sand's Avatar
    Striking Looks

    Tiny sparkling particulates like dust motes are shed to reveal what is below. With vulgar magic, the shedding is more of a scouring and the motes obscure in the frenzy.

    Armor 0
    Defense 2

    Vulgar 0
    Active Spells: 1/5
    Personal Spells: 1/2

    [3] Supernal Vision (Rit)


    A frown. Was it worth the words though?

    A hand waved. No disrespect taken.

    "I do not think it is wise to dismiss those who did not stand for a Consillium as non-believers in tradition. Kaze has a better understanding of the situation. As far as not taking an external threat seriously ... there is no Mage in the city that I am aware of who is not serious in taking a threat seriously."

    But while person A pulled all nighters before test, person B studied consistently the week prior & partied the eve before. Both got a B.

    Head tilt, consider Kaze. "Do you have a cabal Kaze? I think your ideas have merit but maybe on a different scale for Sacramento?"

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