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Naughty Lady of Shady Lady, Saloon

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  1. #11
    Vivian York

    Trigger words, fine, okay, short sentences, all added up… then again, sometimes the Daeva read into things. After all, despite being a Kindred, she was still female. “Understandable, Edwin.” A quick nod, maybe she’d ask at another time, or leave it at that. His choice of his seat was intriguing. The temptation to let her hands wander and touch that belt buckle were on the edge of her fingers; alas she went back to twiddling the straw in her glass.

    “A shark, hmm?” Biting her lip, the smile beneath her teeth. There were plenty of witty comments about biting she could speak; dreadfully funny but may gain some odd looks. “A gang, well there’s a tidbit I didn’t know before.” Turning to grin at the Lord softly.

    “So why is this such an addiction? I’ve heard once you have one created, you crave more?” Vivian wondered if that’s how Edwin fed at times.

    Her fingers waved back and forth, indicating the Savage and Lord respectively. “If either of you wouldn’t mind, could you both show me your favorite?”

  2. #12
    Edwin Bridges's Avatar

    Blood Potency ●● (Aspect of the Predator)
    Presence ●●●● (Magnetic)
    Distinctive Voice ●● (Husky)
    Status ● (City)
    Edwin Bridges


    "The Santa Monica Sharks," Edwin mused, looking at the beer before him, lost in another time. The silence lasted a few awkward seconds until he picked up the bottle and took a swig. "We ruled the pier," he suddenly laughed, "I was just a kid back then who wanted to be a rockstar. Wasn't any good with a guitar but I had a flair for inking. One of the guys owned a studio on the pier and taught me the craft."

    At Vivian's question, Edwin didn't move, simply thinking, overthinking. He then shrugged off his leather jacket to display a pair of complete sleeves on both muscular arms. He then tugged on the left sleeve of his tee to reveal said tattoo of choice.

    "Its Hel. Goddess of the Underworld."

  3. #13
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Looked like her and Vivian were on the same page about the gang info. But considering she had only talked to him a couple times at best, there was probably still a lot of things that would surprise her.

    “There are a few different reasons, and each person is different. But there is the adrenaline rush of getting the tattoo done, it’s hard to really explain unless you have felt the high of getting the tattoo. For some it is a stress relief, others it is a sense of accomplishment.”

    So that was how he got into being an artist, she thinks, and makes a note to ask about seeing his work.
    When Vivian asked about them showing a favorite, she thinks it over while Edwin showed his. It wasn’t something she was familiar with, but the work was well done.

    “Now I bet that has an interesting story to it.” She says with a smile, “And it’s been done well.” Compliments the Italian.

    Standing, she puts her right leg out in front of herself, only having to lift her skirt a small amount. The tattoo was on her upper thigh.

    “This would be my favorite, Beethoven. And thankfully I wore this dress, otherwise things might have gotten a little provocative.” She says, her tone joking.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  4. #14
    Vivian York

    Dwelling for a moment in the past didn’t bother her. In fact, in her opinion, staved the angry beast within. Reflecting was necessary at times. “You are certainly ‘rocking’ your ink dahling.” Her eyes, heavy with curiosity as to what lay beneath his shirt.

    It was then she recalled that he was an Acolyte. “Mythology I am unfamiliar with most other than your typical Greek, Roman or Egyptian. Hel, where does she fall?” Vivian nearly reached to touch his arm, but she’d seen some that didn’t take kindly to that. Thankfully her attention turned to the other beside her.

    “Stress relief you say?” That piqued her interest more than the rush. “That may something I could relate to…” Clearly she wasn’t that stressed, but Vivian was probably in it more for a thrill, which was her stress relief.

    “Wow, that is brilliant. Clearly a fan of his music?” Naïvely, the Daeva asked. One word about music and she was all but wanting to reach out and stroke the hair on Beethoven’s head. Again, her hands were kept to herself. “And I’m quite positive we wouldn’t have minded another way to view the ink.” Mischievousness trolled her lips.

  5. #15
    Edwin Bridges's Avatar

    Blood Potency ●● (Aspect of the Predator)
    Presence ●●●● (Magnetic)
    Distinctive Voice ●● (Husky)
    Status ● (City)
    Edwin Bridges


    Edwin nodded in agreement to Ale's assessment and understanding on the psychology of tattooing. For the Lord, it was simply part of who he was, a craft he could focus on when he needed to create something worthy to the Crone.

    "Thanks," he replied to the compliment, sipping at his beer. His eyes turned back to Viv when she asked about mythology of the piece. "She is part of the Norse pantheon, although, technically, Hel is also the title given to the Underworld in Norse mythology, and certainly not to be confused with the Christian idea of Hell."

    It was strange, speaking of such concepts as 'mythology'. For Eddie, it was a religion, one he believe wholeheartedly in, even if his heart no longer beat without blushing.

    Eyes slid from the Daeva to Ale's thigh, and not with any sexual motivation. The artwork was pretty exquisite, faces a hard art to transcribe to flesh. To Edwin, his interest was most certainly artistic. The fact the canvas was on such beautiful canvas was simply a boon.

    "Wow, Ale, that is awesome ink. Check this out," he added, not wishing to be outdone, leaning away slightly and lifting up the left side of his tee to reveal his ribcage. "My musical desire expressed through my ink."

  6. #16
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    “Some people are able to enter into a meditative type state, fueled by the sound of the machine. Even finding the sound soothing.” She replied with a shrug. It had never done anything for her, but she heard stories.

    Nodding with a smile, “I am, one of my favorite composers.” His music was relaxing to her, and even after all these years, it hadn’t changed.

    Smirking, “But I’m sure the bars owners and whatnot would have had an issue with it. Unfortunately.” Not that she was really big into stripping down to show off her ink, but she wasn’t bashful either.

    She listened as Edwin explained who Hel was, finding it interesting. “Have to admit, I know nothing about Norse mythology, but you’ve piqued my interest about it.” Which was true.

    “Thanks!” she says with a grin, it was her favorite piece.

    Leaning forward slightly, she looks at the tattoo, “Wow, that’s very well done!” she complements.

    Leaning back, “I’d show you guys the one on my side, but my dress makes it a little hard.” she says with a pout.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  7. #17
    Vivian York

    The Daeva blinked quickly, “Oh…” She said apologetically. “Maybe some day you could to into more detail about it.” Vivian was hesitant, remembering he was an Acolyte and unsure what he could tell them. “Unless today is that day...?” Glancing to the Gangrel on the other side, she was also as interested as herself.

    Then, clothes started coming off… well, partially. Her eyes lit brightly looking over the art on the Lord’s chest, grinning ear to ear. “Is there a place not covered in ink Edwin?” Winking in that flirty way she does.

    “Ah, like the MRI machines, Ale?” Vivian had heard it in passing while listening to some older people discuss such mechanisms defined with age.

    Laughing gently. “Well, if you think the owners would have an issue with it, then perhaps we’ll have to take a look later…” It was dark enough, however, Ale’s dress didn’t look like just a shirt with a skirt, but Vivian could have been mistaken.

  8. #18
    Edwin Bridges's Avatar

    Blood Potency ●● (Aspect of the Predator)
    Presence ●●●● (Magnetic)
    Distinctive Voice ●● (Husky)
    Status ● (City)
    Edwin Bridges


    "I'll be more than happy to explain in more detail but this ain't the place," Edwin replied, not wishing talk about his faith among the kine. He took a sip of his beer as they spoke of tattoos and he had to laugh at Viv's mischievous wink. "My ass, honey," he joked, sending a wink back to the Deava.

    "Although, if you don't believe me, a private viewing could always be arranged. Hel, two birds, one stone," he added with a smirk, glancing from Vivian to Ale.

  9. #19
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    She nods in agreement with Vivian, “If not today, then someday I hope.” They had many years on the earth, might as well spend them opening their minds and learning new things.

    There was a quiet chuckle at the Daevas comment. She had actually come across a few people in her time who had 95-99 percent of their bodies covered. It wasn’t unheard of, just not as common as some would think.

    “Exactly.” She agreed, having never had one herself, she still knew what it was.

    Smirking, “Sure, I’m game.” Of her body or her ink. “You guys just name the time and place.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  10. #20
    Vivian York

    “Well, we could do this tonight, or put it to rest for another night.” She smiled with a shrug. Vivian wasn’t in a hurry. As much as she’d love to say that they had all the time in the world, recent events proved otherwise.

    And that thought hit the Daeva like a brick. Edwin was a nice guy, but he could be a little different sometimes. It was probably best to mention this right now. “Say Edwin, one of your Family members is now a cop.” Glancing to Ale, she was there for both events.

    “A cop that you need to watch what you say around, now…” Turning to the Lord, her eyes were as serious as a heart attack. “Avoid religious conversations at all costs.”

    Vivian grimaced, she didn’t want to sour the mood but to not warn the poor inked man would be simply awful.

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