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Gimme, Get Me Shelter, Or I'm Gonna Fade Away (ATTN: Terri, Joshua)

(Eternal Court) By the Chess table
Mar 9, 2021 - Mar 31, 2021
A Ventrue and a Nosferatu discuss...
Mar 9, 2021 - Mar 16, 2021
(Elysium 2103) Jennifer and Company
Mar 19, 2021 - Mar 22, 2021
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  1. #1
    Fractured's Avatar

  2. #2
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    Terri arrives back to her apartment and lets Joshua in. On the way, she couldn't help but be wary, glancing into the shadows conspicuously; the fact she was with a murder suspect paid heed to that fact.

    "Come in and take a seat, Josh," she says, indicating the sofa in the small lounge. Terri's apartment is a one-bedroom place on the top floor. As far from the ground as she could afford. There is a large enough window in the room that leads to a fire escape. It looks well-oiled. In fact, the first thing Terri does after dropping her keys on the coffee table is open the window to let in some fresh air, taking a deep breath before turning the the Elemental.

    "Fancy a coffee or something? You hungry?"
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  3. #3

    "No, thank you." Frankly, he hadn't eaten for hours, but he couldn't demand anything else right now - Terri already offered him her help and a place to be right now. Who knew where the police was looking for him..
    He didn't take a seat right away, but rather looked around cautiously. His eyes were locked on the open window for a noticably longer moment - was it longing to accompany the wind, to feel it and receive help, advice and consolation or was Joshua just lost in his thoughts? - before he sat down. He was shaking a little. He had had trouble with the police now and then in his earlier life but this..
    "This is a fucked up situation.."

    Yes. Yes, it was.

  4. #4
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    Terri looks across to him with a little smirk and as she speaks, it is in a playful manner.

    "No shit, Sherlock. Tell me, how the hell did you and Sable get involved again?"

    She moves through to the compact kitchen and flicks on the kettle before switching it off almost immediately and walks back in to the lounge with a can of Diet Coke, finally slumping into the couch and putting her feet onto the coffee table.

    "Come on, take a seat; you're making the place look untidy."
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  5. #5

    "Oh." He wasn't the most eloquent lad right now, but he took the seat and thought about how they got involved.
    "We visited that guy in the hospital and there-" What had happened there? Or rather: which words do you use for what had happened there? "there was this woman standing over that guy but when I tried to grab her she was gone." Joshua paused for a moment and frowned. Why did we go to that Doctor? He couldn't remember, he could only hope that Terri didn't mind the plothole. "Then we went to see that dream specialist, but there was noone home. Sable tried to get inside the house Fuck, that's nothing that lets us look less like criminals! but then we were attacked by a drunk old man.." Boy, that didn't make a whole lot of sense, but he couldn't really explain it better. Expectantly he looked at Terri. Frankly, he wouldn't buy it himself.

  6. #6
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    She does her best to make sense of it, letting Joshua talk and nodding at the right times, even adding the occasional Mmm's for good measure.

    All in all, he was being about as clear as a fog-filled forest on a moonless night. Luckily, Terri has navigated such a place before. She shivered at the thought.

    "Let's start at the beginning. The hospital. Was that the guy who decide to give himself a tracheotomy in the Orchestra?" Yeah, she listened at first aid even if the instructor was a complete prick. Not that she would have a clue what to do herself. Her first aid kit didn't come with a scalpel.
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  7. #7

    Joshua nodded a bit more self-confident. Maybe Terri was going to believe him. "Yes! His name was... Morgan I think. Derry and Sable went with me and you went.. somewhere else." Well, at least the important part was a little more detailed than "somewhere else".

  8. #8
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    "Yeah, me and Barkley went following his rage-o-meter. It got messy." She leaves it at that. It also introduced her to Rick but that wasn't important right now. Keeping the Elemental calm and stable was important.

    "So, you went to the hospital with Sable and Derry to talk with...Morgan?" How could she forget his name? Oh well. "But you said there was a woman standing over him? What did she look like?" Terri takes a slurp of her drink, loving the feeling of the bubbles fizzing in her mouth.
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  9. #9

    Aaaand that's where his memories began to look fuzzy. "Uhm she looked eerie.. dressed in leather I think." He lowered his voice a bit. I think she was one of us." OneOfUs-WhatSheCanDo-WhatYouCanDo-Dreams That's it! Joshua's voice was back to normal, almost enthusiastic. "Sable and I had the idea that she was maybe messing with Morgan's mind or dreams or something and that's why we went to see the doctor!"

  10. #10
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    Terri couldn't help but grin at his enthusiasm, glad he wasn't looking as negative as usual.

    "Cool, so, let's call her 'Leather Bitch', was messing with Morgan's head through his dreams, you think, and so you went to the dream doctor for some help? Actually, how did Leather Bitch get away? You said you tried to grab her?"
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

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