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(Down in a Hole) Working for Roxie

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  1. #1

    This is a Private Scene as per This Thread and limited to the 5 people who are listed in the noted thread.

    The Seven Stars motel is definitely not the nicest place in the city. No stars here. But it serves its purpose. And tonight that purpose is for some kindred to meet up with Roxie Hart about some work that needs to get done.

  2. #2

    Adam pulled into the parking lot of the Seven Stars, and scanned the exterior to get a rough idea of whether anyone else had arrived yet and were perhaps mulling around outside. Regardless, he didn't want to hang around outside for too long and, after locking up the car he stepped inside.

    He unbuttoned the navy winter coat- as though a Kindred actually required the added warmth; but it had appealed to his fashion sense. He felt the familiar weight of his sidearm against his skin, beneath the coat and was relatively reassured. Whilst Adam had tended not to carry it around all the time in New York, having a Nosferatu friend adept at punching holes through troublesome objects helped, Sharky was not someone he could rely on in Sacramento.

    The Daeva slipped into the motel, his bearing suggesting one who did not dislike unfamiliar places and was quite comfortable making his own way. He discovered the appropriate room and rapped upon the door, whilst mentally preparing himself for the onslaught of a new Beast.

  3. #3

    As kindred show up they are escorted to a "meeting room" to wait for Roxie.

  4. #4

    Castor arrives at the hotel in his traditional black suit and gloves. His boots tick against the ground as he walks. There is a combat dagger hidden on his back with a spare in his right boot.

    As he is escorted into the meeting room, Castor offers a polite nod to Mr. York. "Castor Drake, nice to meet you." His tone is businesslike but not unfriendly. Tonight was a night to earn favor and make friends. Best not to be an asshole.

  5. #5
    OniShadowWolf's Avatar
    Horatio Quilz
    (A Siberian husky in training)
    Status(Ordo Dracul)

    Striking Looks
    Horatio Quilz Scenes


    Aodh gets to the hotel alright, only getting turned around once. Locking his helmet to the motorcycle, checking his gear on him and his weapons; a concealed sword and a sidearm under his long coat. He makes for the hotel, arriving in the meeting room he looks to the two kindred, "Hello, I'm Aodh. Pleased to meet y'all." Stretches his hand out for shaking, smiling to them.

    "One loses joy and happiness in the attempt to possess them."
    "The root of suffering is attachment."

  6. #6
    Roxie Hart's Avatar

    Presence ••• (Feisty)
    Striking Looks •• (Bitchin' legs)
    Blood Potency •••
    Domain Status •••
    Roxie Hart


    Roxie Hart is not the last to arrive, and not the first. She arrives exactly when she damn well pleases. A Cigarette between her lips and a zippo lighter flicking open and closed in her hand she walks in and sits down. As she sits she crosses her to die for, long legs.

    She doesn’t say a word to anyone as she arrives, just looks over each person there, not bothering to hide that she is sizing people up. The tip of the cigarette glows hot as she inhales smoke tar and noxious gases from the cig.

    If anyone looks to her and sees someone that gives a shit, there looking in the wrong place.

    BP ••• | SL2 (Bitchin Legs) | Pres ••• (Impatient)

  7. #7
    Morgan Lefet

    Wyrd 1, Striking looks 2
    Rachel "Demise" Evans

    Gnosis 1,
    Maria Badillo

    Primal urge 1 , Feet of mist
    Susan Vera

    Blood potency 1, Aspect of the Predator

    Susan's Camero roars as she pulls into the parking lot of the Hotel. Stepping out of her car after she silences the powerful car, she checks to make sure she has everything. She is dressed in form fitting jeans and a low cut red blouse. Over her outfit is a long black trench coat that hides her two pistols, one on each hip.

    She casually strolls into the meeting room she was escorted into taking a look at all the others that seem to have beat her here. Not sure if she has missed the meet and greet segment she speaks to everyone one "Hey everyone, I'm Susan"
    Susan Vera: Gangrel/Circle of Crone -- Status (Circle of Crone) *,Blood potency 1, Presence 2 (Cocky),

    Roxie redux- Vitae 4/10, Willpower 5/5, Aspect of the predator

  8. #8
    Joseph Hartman's Avatar

    Joseph Hartman
    Joseph Hartman


    Joseph approaches the motel slowly, taking it in as he does. As he gets closer, his decision to dress down feels more and more appropriate. Gone is the typical dress pants and shirt, in their place is a pair of beaten down jeans and a dark long sleeve t-shirt. Apparently the long sleeves are a thing. Unbuttoning the wrists he rolls them up his arms and enters the motel. The kine who leads him to the meeting room gets a curt nod.

    Stepping into the room his eyes go to the cigarette the Regent is smoking. After a moment he smiles and gives Regent Hart a small bow. "Good evening Regent, everyone." Standing again he looks around the room at the other kindred. All new faces, some feel like food and others a challenge.

  9. #9
    Roxie Hart's Avatar

    Presence ••• (Feisty)
    Striking Looks •• (Bitchin' legs)
    Blood Potency •••
    Domain Status •••
    Roxie Hart


    Roxie tosses her cigarette aside, and not bothering to put it out, "Aight so its gonna be you guys then. Any one else shows up to bad. If you don't know each other you can make your intro's later, i got shit to do."

    "So this is the deal, you five are gonna find out who raided my herd and bring them to me. They stole and killed a bunch of them, and that's not the way shit goes in my regency. Dog is taking care of some other stuff for me, so that's why I got you. So you in or out? Cause if your out, you can take off now..."
    BP ••• | SL2 (Bitchin Legs) | Pres ••• (Impatient)

  10. #10

    Regent Hart's vulgar language caught Castor a little off guard. He imagined someone a bit more refined guarding over a regency for the Alder Prince. "We are all here for the notice Regent Hart. Do you have any information about the perpetrator?" Castor's voice is a cold formal tone. He is speaking as a subject to a regent.

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