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Settling Matters

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  1. #11
    Arturo Garcia

    It seemed the meeting was not over. Furthermore, it seemed like he was no being questioned on the matter - as was the Prince’s right. It would require Arturo to pull from the time the Invictus was a player in Juarez - but he still remembers those dealings, they were not lost yet.

    ”Correct me if I am wrong, as I am not a student of the First Estate,”

    “As an act of retribution there tends to be three provocations. Mortals...which I have little interaction with at this point, property...of which I have yet to invest in…”

    A pause. The Lord was spending no energy on wasted movement, he was like a corpse in a chair - corpsier than usual that it.

    ”And humiliation was the last I believe. It was the tenant that my Sire taught us was the most important. Thus when I was told not to speak when questioned by an officer of your Court, and then had prestation under my name offered with no such permission granted, that is the tenant I leaned on.”

    “I assume that offering boons you do not own, and attempting to control who one can and cannot speak too is something you do not find offense with.”

    “This was clearly a misguided attempt by myself to avoid a more long term quarrel by giving it some finality.”

    To avoid a vendetta if you will.

  2. #12
    Alessandra's Avatar
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    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
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    Alessandra Scenes
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    Oh, she would correct him if he was wrong. That was what this talk was intended to do.

    “It’s unusual for one not of the First Estate to adhere to those steps. And as with all prestation, none can be offered in your name without your acceptance. Which is why one does not accept Boons in anothers name without speaking with them.” He had to know that.

    “It is understandable why you are upset, I’m not diminishing that. But Monomacy is the most serious of the First Estates rituals. And as such, there are rules to make sure it is not abused and declared every night. Never underestimate the weight of Monomacy. There were other avenues you could have taken to get whatever it was you seeked. If you and Mr Jacque were unable to resolve it, then you bring in another party, and only after all avenues have been explored can the request be given any weight. The finality of Monomacy is Final Death. Was your ego that big that Final Death was the only acceptable outcome? Because I take Final Death as very serious thing and not something to issue over an ego being bruised.” What was it with people and wanting Final Death?

    “Are you going to be able to reside in my Domain peaceful with your cousin? Or am I going to have to mediate this myself? Because I warn you now, you will not like it if I have to step in.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  4. #13
    Arturo Garcia

    ”Correct, your Majesty. While no boon may change hands, it is in grevious taste to offer one you do not own. Jacque did so casually, I have no qualms with what he demanded - that is between him and the others - but he offered something in my name. I am aware that the First Estate takes matters of principle very seriously.”

    The Invictus was all ego, and ego management.

    ”The Harpy, presumably our highest authority on prestation, said nothing on the matter, and while the issue was resolved in the end thanks to poise of your Officers - Sheriff Moretti and Harpy Simmons - this issue was left dangling in the wind.”

    “I openly offered Jacque a seat, to discuss the matter as family. I suspected peace between us could be reached. My offer snubbed, as peace between us was not as enticing as trying to become Keeper. The Priscus was still silent on the matter at this point.”

    “For the multiple suggestions of submission through his actions, the scoffing at a chance to settle things, and the head of my family doing nothing there needed to be a price.”

    “As a member of the First Estate, I am sure you know words can be sharp, and words can cut. Some people use them as their weapon of choice. However, Monomacy, a rite of the Invictus, asks people who choose sharp words to have steel that is just as sharp.”

    “Reject the challenge, and you have submitted. We can all see that is what happened before intervention. Now? The matter drags following what would have been a conclusion. I would not have pursued forced Monomacy via your own decree follow Jacque’s submission.”

    A failure to sit and talk, a failure to stand and talk, and every opportunity to end this before it was here. He wouldn’t be surprised if the Prince told him cease his explanation, she had all the right in the world to do so. If told to, Arturo would stop talking.

    ”Peace, your Majesty, is something I respect. Peace is why I chose Monomacy. It is enshrined in your laws, and conducted under your watchful gaze. There is no risk of breaching the Masquerade, and no violation of your laws by conducting it outside of your authority.”

    “I have spent much of my unlife dealing with unsavory elements of society. I am sure you aware of just how heinous, cunning, devious, and brutal the underworld can be.”

    She was mafia, he was cartel - they would both understand how dark the night could be.

    ”I would not leverage those means to subvert your authority. If I did? I would never be able to say who did it - which negates the purpose.”

    He would not use outside means to sow violence, that was counterproductive and not their way. Save that for their greater collective enemies.

    ”Blood or submission. The rest is time. I will not pursue in a way that violates your laws.”

    Would he like the Prince’s mediation? Likely not, she had no stock him and could grind him into dust. If she had stock in Jacque it would only get worse. He had no intention of lying to the Prince though.

  5. #14
    Twist's Avatar
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    Twist was quiet in the corner, the shadows of the office hiding most of her expressions as Arturo talked.

    To be honest, she hadn't much paid attention to whatever conversation between himself, the Prince, Jacque and apparently now the Harpy so most of the nuances there were meaningless to her. But still ... monomacy over a single conversation?

    She leaned back further into the shadows, keeping her mouth shut.

    Already there were too many words in the air.
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  6. #15
    Alessandra's Avatar
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    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    “A Boon you were within your right to deny. An offer which has clearly offended you.” She begins, “And yet, you turned around and offered a Boon to Sheriff Moretti anyways.” She had been paying attention.

    “I overheard Mr Jacque state at the start of the conversation that he might need to cut it short to put his bid in for Keeper. You took it as a snub because you didn’t get what you wanted. You made the decision to interrupt a Formal Court with your petty squabble over a perceived insult.” Fucking children.

    “No, there didn’t need to be a price. There needed to be your family setting up a time outside Court to sit down and settle things. Like adults.” She was done with people interrupting Formal Court.

    “As a member of the First Estate I know there is a time and place for things. Violence and Monomacy are not the only answers to slights. Monomacy is for those who cannot settle their issues any other way. If it was granted every single time someone had their pride hurt, there would be no Domains.” She might be a Savage, but she knew violence didn’t solve everything.

    “Mr Jacque put a matter of the Domain over whatever it was you were complaining about. I will not fault him for that. He told you he would discuss it at a later date, yet that was not good enough. This goes beyond what happened at Court, this is a deep-seated issue you have with your cousin. And even if he had not rejected it, I still would have denied it. Because fighting to the death over petty bullshit doesn’t fly with me.”

    Shaking her head, “The matter only drags because you and Mr Jacque have not sit down and figured this out. But that is how it will be settled. You and Mr Jacque, along with your Priscus will come to my office and figure it out. There will be no violence, there will be no Monomacy, but it will be settled.”

    And it kept going.

    “There is no peace with Monomacy, there is still a Kindred left as a pile of ash at the end. That’s not peace. Tell me, why is Monomacy the only way you seem able to find peace?” she’d even had someone try and declare it against her.

    “Considering my whole life and unlife was built around the Underworld, I have a keen understanding. I’m also aware that violence is not the only answer.” She’d made many allies by working things out instead of killing them.

    “I will say this, and you better hear it and understand it. I have denied you Monomacy, and such, if something were to happen to Mr Jacque, it will be your Danse that pays for it. It will be public, and it will not be quick and easy. I will not have Kindred thinking they can skirt my Laws.” She was deadly serious.

    “And if the only way to solve it to you is blood or submission, then you will not see your banishment lifted. This Domain has true threats to focus on, not bruised egos and pride.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  7. #16
    Arturo Garcia

    He could see that youthful grin and glint of a predators eyes in his mind. Adapt or die. The game was over, he had lost.

    ”I do not see any reason to explain myself further, your Majesty. I have been a prideful fool, and created issues which serve no purpose. As you have made very clear my pursuits will only lead me to my own demise. There is no reason to debate you other then to try and avoid the inevitable conclusion that you are correct.”

    There was nothing more to add. Any question she had asked was one leading into a death spiral that would have them see eachother once more on the gallows.

    ”When you call the meeting I will answer. Until then I will continue to serve my atonement.”

    Man makes plans, God laughs.

  8. #17
    Alessandra's Avatar
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    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The way he spoke about needing retribution for whatever slight Jacque had caused, and to then back off? Ale wasn’t buying it, her paranoia reminding her that people say what they want you to hear.

    He wouldn’t be content until he ended Jacques Danse. Not that she was attached to the Lord, but a Final Death for bullshit wasn’t her thing. This would need to be watched. Closely. She looks to Twist, knowing they would need to talk.

    “It was never a debate.” She only wanted to attempt to understand. But she wasn’t able to. Perhaps a meeting with everyone involved would clear things up. If not? Well, she’d handle that then.

    “I’ll get the meeting set up for sooner rather than later and let you know.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  9. #18
    Arturo Garcia

    ”It never was, your Majesty.”

    He repeated her, with an agreeable tone - a complete agreement with her assessment on the matter it would seem. The starved Lord could only continue to sit near motionless and continue his act as a corpse in a seat for the time being, though it seemed appropriate he might begin his shuffle.

    ”If that is everything your Majesty, I do not wish to bother you any longer. Shall I take my leave now?”

  10. #19
    Alessandra's Avatar
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    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Looking to Twist, then back to the Lord, "I have nothing else. And it's worth saying, you're not bothering me or taking up my time." despite how much the whole mess pissed her off, she wasn't holding grudges.

    "I'll call you when the meeting is scheduled."
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  11. #20
    Strong King

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