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  1. #11
    Ellis Meadows's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    Ellis Meadows

    Mister Meadows, Interpreter


    "I'd love to see your collection and hear about some of your imports, if you'd care to show me one of these nights." He felt it was a safe assumption that if he was in her office on an official matter or (god forbid) to be taken to task for something, that asking for details about her hobby would be off the table. "And Madame York," he adds (he gets the desire for a first name basis, but he's got years of conditioning that you don't just throw away at the drop of a hat even if it is the Prince's hat), "has in fact already recommenced Ballo Della Notte to me. I look forward to meeting with the owner one night."

    "It's less crowded here certainly, even if there's a larger population down south." Ellis says, describing a difference in how the all-night society ran itself back in Los Angeles. "Everyone who's anyone has their own stomping grounds and everyone knows where they are. But still there's enough room that even little fish can find a corner somewhere and make something for themselves with little more than a three minute meeting with a Bishop, as long as nothing is out of place. Here, everything's all ready divided up and options are more limited in how you go about things." His words aren't in any way judgemental or criticizing, simply stating how he sees the Domain's arrangement. "What about yourself, Thomas? What was it like before you came to the city?"

    Ellis shakes his head as Thomas asks about the difficulties of being a actor and a blood sucking monster. "I wanted to be. I was in better health at the time of course, but I really didn't have the kind of talent I needed to make a name for myself. And of course, after a critical illness, I wasn't in any shape to pursue that dream. I'm sure you understand." Simple words, lightly spoken. Skimming over what it must have felt like to have even an unobtainable dream snatched away from you. The worst part? He had forever to become a master thespian and he'd never loose his looks, but he'd never every be able to pursue it except for small intimate crowds of people that hated him. "But these days I fancy the role of Producer. Maybe I'll write something, I'm sure there will be no end of inspiration for me here in Sacremento. "

    And every producer he'd had to deal with had been natural bloodsucking monsters already. So he had a leg up there.

  2. #12
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Eyes look toward Thomas, “Then perhaps you should visit the Bello Della Notte as well. What was the last play you saw?” she was clearly interested now.

    “Traditional in the sense of having a large collection or focused on one central theme. My interests are all over the place.” And she wasn’t materialistic. “You have.” She replies with a smile and nod, “That’s a good question. I suppose I would say eclectic. I tend to gravitate towards pieces that invoke conversations and thoughts over strictly being eye catching. Take the piece in my office for example, there are many different takes on what the artist is attempting to portray. I enjoy hearing what others see in it. Plus, with there being no right or wrong answers with art, the talks are quite enjoyable.” At least to her. "Do you enjoy art?"

    The smile was turned to Ellis, “I’m sure something could be arranged. I do like sitting down privately with new faces and getting to know them better.” It was less stressful then Courts.

    “Wonderful! And I’m sure the owner would enjoy meeting with you as well. If you don’t them already, I can provide her number and you can reach out.”
    Twist was always a pleasure to talk to.

    “Options are limited to those who don’t seek opportunities. It simply depends on who you know and what you can offer.” Nothing handed out.

    “Have you written anything before?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  3. #13
    Thomas Boyle

    Limited options? Everything already divided? Not the kind of talk he'd expect from an Invictus member "Well, if you feel the cake is already divided... bake your own cake" Or spend eternity howling for a chance to lick someone's boots. That works too, for some people "I came here from Salt Lake. The religious tension is off the charts, let me tell you, even among the crowds that don't usually have a lot to say about faith. But I also traveled some, for work and to pursue... other interests"

    He wanted to ask Ellis if he's written anything yet (and if it'd be something the Ventrue'd know) but Alessandra beat him to it.

    "I will. It's operated by one of the people we know, no?" Informal was informal. Besides, if he started throwing around words like 'associate' then any hunter or police officer lucky enough to listen would become suspicious "The last play, let's see... I think it was 'The King in Yellow'. A niche thing, to be sure, performed by a troupe back in St. Louis"

    He says when the Prince details her interest a bit more "Do you get to have such conversations often?" He guessed not, being a Prince is more than just choosing outfits for Court. Still, it was polite to ask, and besides - Thomas was always available for art banter "I do enjoy art, especially that with hidden meanings, like the painting The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein, the pieces that spin some kind of narrative, like... well, pretty much Goya, or that which appears discordant but has a secret order to it - like the music of the expressionists" The long-winded explanation to a yes or no question was likely redundant for most people, but then again - most people learn the hard way that Thomas Boyle speaking about a favorite subject is like a force of nature, unstoppable.

    "But I'd disagree that there's no right or wrong with art. While there may be many answers or perspectives, and on occasion more than one is correct, there are still positions too moronic to consider. For instance, Mona Lisa isn't an ode to the quality of Swiss cheese, no matter how firmly one'd believe it" Is the example absurd. Sure, that's the point.

  4. #14
    Ellis Meadows's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    Ellis Meadows

    Mister Meadows, Interpreter


    "That's two kindnesses you've offered me, Sofia." Ellis gently smiles. "And in as many seconds. In due time, I had hoped to meet with someone to discuss business culture in the city. I understand your time is precious and if it please you, I would speak to them of the minor inconvenience you're willing to put yourself through on my behalf."

    Regardless, Ellis raises a hand and makes a 'so so' motion and rolls his eyes in good humor in response to Alessandra's question. "Everyone in Hollywood is a writer. I've done some, but nothing I'd be want to inflict on someone who's opinion of me that I valued. And as you say, it's all about opportunities. It is the same everywhere, with every career." But, Ellis felt, only a fool would try and carve out an opportunity before he was prepared to make the case that he could hold it. And that meant establishing yourself, showing you knew how to play ball, and that you were worth the trust of someone who could make you a landholder, all before making the request.

    "King in Yellow? Slow first act, more than makes up for it in the second?" Ellis drums fingers on the table for a moment, lost in thought, before reciting. "Song of my soul, my voice is dead/Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed/Shall dry and die in/Lost Carcosa." Ellis sighs, head shaking. "Poor Cassilda. But what would theater be without tragedy?"

    "It's an amazing skill," Ellis says, agreeing with the spirit behind Thomas' artistic opinions. "Being able to take one's own thoughts and put them out there for others to have. I've come to appreciate cubism, of all things. Multiple perspectives of a subject, the ability to reduce something to its component pieces without losing sight of what it is? As silly as it may sound, it's helped me empathize and relate with others."

      1 success
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-04-27 01:31:26 King in Yellow? rolls 4 to Int 2 + Acad 2 (10 Again) 7, 10, 4, 6, 2 1 success

  5. #15
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    “It’s hard to find places without some level of religious tension these days. Seems everyone has to have some opinion about everything.” She says with a shake of her head.

    Nodding with a smirk, “It is, you should take in a show there some evening.” Why not support a fellow Kindred? “The King in Yellow?” she asks, “Was that the book that was a collection of short stories? I didn’t realize it had been made into a play. Would you recommend it?” she liked plays.

    Shaking her head, “No, not really. Another recent arrival, your cousin Jacque, has been the most recent to discuss art with me. Though I certainly welcome the chance to discuss it, I suppose it’s one of those little secrets not many know.” She jokes with a laugh. “It sounds familiar, you might need to refresh my memory. Knowing there are more in the company with a taste for art, I may have to make an evening of it. Perhaps once a month have someone bring in a couple pieces they enjoy and decorate our meeting room. Would be a good way to get to know everyone, plus have meaningful discussions.” Could be fun.

    She laughed, a genuine one this time, “Well, that might be true, but I’d still enjoy hearing if they could defend their point of view with any sound logic. Right or wrong, some views are just too amusing to dismiss.” She says with a shrug of her shoulders.

    Looking to Ellis with a smile, “I enjoy meeting new people, especially those that are part of our company. As to business culture in the city? I’m more than happy to talk, though you may find my personal business interests are a bit different and not main stream.” Not everyone agreed with her business.

    “It certainly is, and if one decides to seize the opportunities as they come.”

    An eyebrow was raised in amusement, “Seems I’m the only one here who hasn’t seen this play. I’m feeling a bit left out.” She jokes.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  6. #16
    Thomas Boyle

    Thomas leans back in his seat. It seems even here, when they pretend to be mortals, Kindred can't help but trade favors only relevant to their society.

    He's found the notion of a Kindred playwright intriguing. Then again, actual creators of art (even mediocre art) fascinate the Acolytes of the Crone "Then I hope you don't value my opinion about you, Ellis, because I'd love to read it. I don't care if you think it weak, weak art is a fertiliser for your skill tree" It's true! The Malkovian is eager to sneak a peak in people's modes of thinking whenever he can.

    Thomas finds himself nodding when Ellis seems to 'get it', and replies "Songs that the Hyades shall sing/Where flap the tatters of the King,/Must die unheard in/Dim Carcosa" He is so elated, he must physically stop himself from clapping. Finally someone with a taste weird enough to know it. To the Daeva's likely rhetorical question about tragedy, he replies simply "A lie"

    For places without religious tensions, there's only one answer... "Cemeteries, Sophia. Cemeteries. Dead men do tell tales, but have little regard for the affairs of the living" Solipsistic little bastards, the lot of them. He shakes his head to what the Prince says next "Not quite. There is a book by that name, yes - it features a purportedly 'fictional' play as the main motif. Except - the play does exist. It's a clever subterfuge, to hide the truth in plain sight. In any case, the Mythos may be an inflated mess of stories of varying artistic quality, but it has seeds of truth to it - they didn't come up with it all by themselves, if you know what I mean" Under closer scrutiny, it is revealed that Thomas firmly believes (bordering on 'knows for a fact') in what he says.

    The idea of being let in on one of the Prince's secrets amused him, and so the Ventrue allows himself a small smile. Taking a page from the Seneschal's book, he pulls out his phone and summons The Ambassadors on screen "That's the one I'm talking about" His smile widens as the Gangrel mentions making art exhibits in Court "Good idea. Perhaps something Mable could be tasked with?" Just a thought, you know. Give the nascent Keeper some direction.

    'Non-mainstream' business. That is some euphemism for busting kneecaps, dealing drugs or whatever other taste of Goodfellas the Antinori mafia is into. Thomas grasps at the nearest straw and says "Perhaps a script could be found somewhere in the city? If Ellis would want to produce it, and if the Ballo Della Notte owner would be partial to the idea, perhaps we could stage it there?" Hear that? Those are the twisted cogs in the Malkovian's mind, hard at work.

  7. #17
    Ellis Meadows's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    Ellis Meadows

    Mister Meadows, Interpreter


    "I've always found the topic of religion to be very personal," Ellis says, skimming over the topic without really engaging with it. It was one of those taboo topics that, especially when dealing with Kindred that you barely know, was a potentially explosive one. "What's the saying? 'A fool can tell a king what they wish, but the fool is still a fool and the king is still a king'. It seems that too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have."

    "I'm not in a position where I can produce anything before the next season starts, Thomas. But I have no doubt that I'll be better placed in a year." If pressed he'd admit that he expected he would be ready in far less time than that, but jumping right in with no planning was something for people who wouldn't live forever. One year or five or ten, the one thing Ellis knew he had was time, so long as he wasn't a fool. "But producing something for Ballo Della Notte? It's practically an institution from what I hear. I'd rather approach them once I had some success in my portfolio, as evidence that I was worth their time."

    Not to mention what such a request would look like to the First Estate.

    "I hardly think any of us could be rightly called 'mainstream'." Indeed, each and every member of their community did things on a nightly basis that they should feel awful about. The question was how many were too far gone to the Curse to have forgotten that twinge of conscience over eating a person? "But I would be a fool to disregard any wisdom you'd care to share with me." Because what had he just said about ignorance and opinions?

    "So what do you like in a show, Sofia?" Ellis asks. "I enjoy a good tragedy. People who reach out and are brought low through misfortune? There's something honest about the Catharsis that comes from watching that all fall out. But any good show should uplift your spirit when you finish consuming it, and after all Shakespeare wrote more comedies than anything else."

  8. #18
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    There was a small smirk and nod, “I’d take him up on it. Sometimes the honesty of a third party is the best investment.” Which was why she didn’t display her butterflies in Court.

    She had to laugh at what Thomas said. “Cemeteries huh? I’ll keep that in mind.” She was clearly amused.

    The interest was obvious on her face, “Well now I’m going to have to find some place putting on the play. It sounds fascinating!” and she was being honest. “One of you will have to tell me if you find a place putting the play on. The evening will be on my dime.” She offers.

    She looks at the screen, eyes taking in the picture, a nod of her head, “Ah. That is a nice one, a lot going on, but not over crowded. The colors are beautiful as well. One worth adding to my collection, thank you.” The smile real.

    “I would have to sit down with her and show her the pieces I have, and what I plan to add. See if there are any that have caught her eye, and go from there. But I’m sure she’ll be able to help with it.”
    Always eager to please that one.

    “That is always an idea. Though it would be up to the owner if there is time in the schedule of the theater. If not, perhaps some money could be offered to a smaller theater to put on the production. Could be a sound investment.” She was always looking for those.

    A nod was offered to Ellis, “That is very true.” It wasn’t a bad topic, it was just a fucking land mine.

    Smiling, “Might be a wise idea. But I think you’ll find the owner very personable and great to talk with.” People needed to get over Twists reputation.

    “A few things. One of my favorite plays is an Italian one called, Saul. A theatrical tragedy, where the protagonist embodies tragic heroism of both tyrant and victim. I enjoy being kept on my toes and thoroughly engaged in a performance. But comedies are also enjoyable.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  9. #19
    Thomas Boyle

    "The problem" Thomas responds to Ellis' saying "is that it can be hard to tell who is the king and who is the fool" Not all kings wear crowns. Not all fools don't.

    "Happy to be of service"
    He says when the Prince approves of his art selection.

    It's good to say something to stave off the laughter. A prospect of Alessandra displaying a painting mocking everything the Invictus stand for is unbelievably amusing.

    "Saul is not exactly well-known. Do you have an art history diploma in one of your office's drawers?"
    Miss De Luca wasn't always a criminal... was she?

    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-05-01 09:28:27 Thomas Boyle rolls 7 to Know art (Int + Aca) (10 Again) 1, 3, 8, 10, 3, 9, 3, 4 3 successes

  10. #20
    Ellis Meadows's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    Ellis Meadows

    Mister Meadows, Interpreter


    "Mmmm," Ellis smiles and makes a plesant but nonverbal response to Thomas' opinion. It was a bold statement, made before the Prince herself.

    "By Vittorio Alfieri?" He asks Alessandra. "A compelling commentary on hubris, arrogance and redemption. I can see how it might uplift someone's spirit."

    "I saw your companion at the last formal," Ellis states to Alessandra, throwing another topic out there for the table, "he was very handsome, and attentive. Is he a one off, or do you breed them?"

      4 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-05-01 10:56:24 Ellis Meadows rolls 4 to Saul? Int 2 + Acad 2 (10 Again) 1, 9, 8, 10, 10, 1 4 successes

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