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Heat Party

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  1. #161
    Dean's Avatar

    Amelita Cardoso BP1

    "Ok," Amelita answered, wearily. "You look after my things and I'll come find you when I'm done."

    The Mekhet released Anasztaz and slid out of the tub, tying the sarong around her waist. She had no idea what he had in mind, but surprises were nice.

    "Have fun waiting for me," she reminded, aware of the double-meaning as she dried herself hastily.

    Still dripping wet, Amelita weaved through the clientèle, approaching Conner Greyson. She was surprised to see her Priscus here. It was like seeing your math teacher trying on jeans at the mall or something. She waited for him to notice her and greeted him tentatively.

    "Hi... Mr Greyson. Liking the water?"
    Amelita Cardoso|Striking Looks •• (Curvez)|Presence ••• (Miss Thang)|
    |BP •|Vitae 5/10|Slave of the Ordo Dracul|

  2. #162
    Nil's Avatar

    Anasztaz Veres
    Nosferatu, Ordo Dracul

    Blood Potency ••
    Striking Looks ••
    Status (Ordo Dracul) ••

    Beast (Hunterheart)

    Having no interest in walking around carrying his things and Amelita's, Anasztaz ditches the idea of doing a round of the place to find what other facilities were offered.

    Instead, he leans back and closes his eyes. Trying to lose himself in his thoughts.
    Anasztaz Veres | Presence ••• (Pleasant) | BP •• | SL •• (Androgyny) | Nosferatu (Alien Beauty) | Vitae 4/11 | WP 4/4

  3. #163
    Matt's Avatar

    Katrina Scherbotsky


    "Music, clubbing, parties and of course planning world domination but who isnt?" She said as she gave Cassandra a wink.
    Matt - Werewolf Storyteller
    Pronouns: He/ Him

  4. #164

    Angelo kept the reply short and sweet, all be it in Italian, “Stasera Signora Bruna, io sono tuo.” A sly smile graced his features soon after as he had kind of just shifted some of his responsibility onto her shoulders, if only for a night. There were plenty of other Kindred here it would seem, at least one of which was a Deputy who could play devil’s advocate if Angelo failed to present himself to Alder Judex Priscus Twist, Royal Archon. In the end it still fell to Angelo to make the encounter occur within the week, but the question of “Wasn’t he with you at Avalon? Why wasn’t he introduced?” and perhaps even a “Where is he now?” moment in which she could be humiliated in court. Quite the incentive, he thought having no idea that she already made arrangements to meet the Judex, after all death to the damned paled in the light of what could be losing face amongst one’s peers.

    When an effort was made to remove his attire, Angelo grabs the offending appendage with his free hand and delicately kisses Alice’s knuckles. In an attempt to speak over the music he calls out “Signora Bruna, I am without swimwear and have nowhere to store my suit. My apologies.” Not sure she could hear him, he waits for her response. Although by now he wouldn’t be surprised if she heard every word clearly or read his lips over the horizon of her knuckles…

  5. #165
    Alice Brown's Avatar

    Presence ••• (Gracious)
    SL •• (Angelic Face)
    Invictus ••
    Alice Brown

    Daeva Invictus


    Alice arches her eyebrows and laughs at one of the most beautiful languages in the world, which she sadly enough doesn't understand. But his English is better understandable, and the kissing of her hands were a big motivation to keep him company. She was sure that no one in club would have any problems with Angelo just walking in his underwear, and Alice could take care of the clothes. So she assumes he wants to go to Twist, and she moves closer again to speak, 'Je ne parle pas Italien, monsieur!' one look back with a grin, then she continues closer to his ear. 'Wait outside, I'll grab my clothes and we can go to Twist.'

    When Alice says 'outside' she points towards the entrance, when she talks about 'clothes' she points to the bar. Then she pulls her other hand back. Once released from Angelo she winks one time before mingling with the crowd. Alice had to walk through it to reach the bar. Once there she takes a little moment to see if Nicholas was alright. Gladly, one looks was enough.

    Mere minutes later Alice comes out of the 'Staff Only' area, completely dressed. She has a tiny handbag hanging on her shoulder, and a mobile phone in her hand. She maneuvers along the walls to come near the exit/entrance of Avalon. There she hopes to find Angelo... it would be a complete surprise if he was dancing somewhere naked after all. In that case she would still go to Twist though. Her plans were settled.

    Outside she is about to call Twist...

    "If you're not having fun, what's the point of living forever?''

    Alice Brown, Blood Potency ••••, Presence ••• (Charming Elegance), SL 2: Angelic Face, Slight French Accent

    Played by Dark Passenger

  6. #166
    Wolven Pryde's Avatar

    Dillon Connery
    Onward Christian Soldier

    Potency •••••
    Protean • (Down in Elysium)
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good Looks)
    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••
    Adrian Isaacs

    Gnosis ••
    Presence •••• (Center of Attention)
    Striking •• (Eccentric)
    Fame ••• (Guitar Hero)
    Silver Ladder ••
    Sacramento ••


    Russell can be seen in the company of another clueless young sheep ten or fifteen feet from the hot tub, close to where the English girl from Court and the entertainment sit engaged. He is leaned in close, where she can yell something to him over the music. Of course, he could hear her just fine, but appearances had to be maintained.

    She paws teasingly at his shades, but he snatches her wrist away, wearing a smile of his own; just as teasing and very fake. He nods toward something over her shoulder, speaking words to her ear, and she scampers off.

    He is approaching the bubbling water when the hot little tomboy springs up as though she is going to get out.

    “Don't run away, yet.” He calls out. There is a light playfulness in his voice.

  7. #167

    Terra stood to turn but accidentally caught the edge of her foot on the pool. A fall began, slow and inevitable. She gasps deeply as a gamut of emotions play across her face in a single moment.

    Fear that there was some other catch in the contract or that another would take her for her abilities. Regret for showing off in her sculpture, could she not just lay low like a hibernating bear in the winter? Anger that someone had snuck up and stood that close to her, they should know she's been abused and hurt and needs some space. Surprise that it's the scary guy she picked out in the crowd earlier. Disappointment that he could be cuter. The shock in her eyes is the only one that lasts and appears as she realizes she will shortly fall on poor Martha, who's leg she has carefully avoided mentioning, but imagines the worst about. She takes back the thought that she could probably take Martha if they fought over a boy. What if she had been through a terrible accident and had constant soreness in that leg? Mentally, she scratched dancing off the thought-list too.

    Arms spread wide, one to catch the offending male and one to brace against the fall, her face settled into a peaceful look that said 'I'm sorry if I land on you Martha.'

  8. #168
    Max Heinz's Avatar

    Maximilion "Max" Heinz

    Maximilian "Max" Heinz
    Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation 2
    Auspex 1 (Unflinching Eye)
    Presence 3 (Nonchalant)

    City : 2
    Ordo: 3
    Mekhet: 1



    *Max nods at the status report from the Deputy; good to know he had assistants he could count on.* So many new faces. It reminds me of times right after the unfortunate incident with the pesticide...

    *The Reeve thinks back to his first nights in the city. Could it really be closing in on two years? He could count on his fingers how many Kindred from those nights still remained...

    Max shakes off his musing, a slight smile perking up the edges of his lips.* Never better; I feel like a brand new man...

    *Whether Max would have elaborated is unknown, his Beast growling at the approach of another, weaker predator. He turns to come face to face with Amelita.

    Well, the face part takes an extra split second...*

  9. #169

    Conner nods to the Reeve, "I am pleased you are doing well Sir." Conner says.

    Amelita Cardoso BP1

    Still dripping wet, Amelita weaved through the clientèle, approaching Conner Greyson. She was surprised to see her Priscus here. It was like seeing your math teacher trying on jeans at the mall or something. She waited for him to notice her and greeted him tentatively.

    "Hi... Mr Greyson. Liking the water?"
    "Hello Miss Cardoso. I have not been in the water yet. Mister Maxamillian Heinz may I introduce Miss Amelita Cardoso." Conner says by way on introduction. Unsure if the two mekhet had met yet.

  10. #170
    Martha Villiers's Avatar

    Martha Villiers


    Martha Villiers

    Martha smiled happily listening to Terra. Terra was clearly very lively! Before Martha had time to explain or ask about anything that Terra had just talked about she watched Terra begin to climb out of the pool and watched Terra's body at work as she did so. Though reluctant to leave the therapy of the pool behind Martha too began the process of standing up...seeing Terra stumble, Martha makes a wide eyed grab: hoping to prevent the tumbling tom-boy from falling and hurting herself...trying to catch Terra to steady her!
    Health: 8 Willpower: 7 Vitae: Safari - -1 Striking Looks +2
    Very English accent. Flaw: Limps badly - most of her left leg is missing. Eidetic Memory, Combat Aware'. Danger Sense. Trained Observer

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