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In Service, An Inquiry

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  1. #21
    Takeda Katsumi's Avatar

    Takeda Katsumi

    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)


    "The Hunter's humanity is their greatest weakness. They are already walking Breaches of the Masquerade. They are already rabid to see us turn to ash. Yet, their minds are vulnerable. I am not suggesting that we have them Guard our havens while we sleep. I am suggesting we take advantage of our greatest weapon and enslave their minds. A blood drunk Hunter will tell us every secret we wish to know. A blood drunk hunter will be easier to manipulate, and ultimately, to kill. However, if it is her Majesty's wish that the Hunters are merely killed on sight, so be it. I will do as you ask."

    But if you were not going to enslave my will with the very method I was suggesting, Takeda thought bitterly, you would lose some of my loyalty.

    A dishonorable thought, but rage was burning inside her. Perhaps it was the phantom of her Sire hovering over her, the ghost of a hand upon the back of her neck...

    "Very well,"
    Takeda said after a moment. No matter the contents of her thoughts now, they would soon change. All for the better. Were she to continue down this path then she might try to take the Prince's head.

    "I accept your conditions. My Prince."
    Takeda Katsumi. Given Name: Katsumi. Nosferatu, Invictus.
    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)

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  3. #22
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Eyes snap to Izayoi, resting upon her for a few moments. “My answer was given and is final.” No matter how pretty of a bow you tied on it, it wasn’t happening. She would not allow such a risk to the Domain and the Kindred that resided within it.

    She then looks back to Takeda, and her final words.

    Seriously? They were going to play that game.


    There was silence, and it stretched on. The Prince appears calm, simply studying Takedo where she sat. Though her fingers itched with certain death begging to be released, no Claws appeared.

    No, while Final Death would be too satisfying, cutting her down where it mattered was more appealing. She didn't climb the ranks back in Italy and here in the Domain by being a pushover.

    And just when it seemed like the silence would stretch on forever, the Savage laughs. It was a hearty laugh, she really found something funny!

    And just as quick as the laugh comes on, it stops, her expression turning serious,

    “Am I yours Miss Takeda?” asks the Savage, reaching for her phone and pressing a few numbers, “Have I been conquered by you?” the word spat out as the phone was placed to her ear. “If I could have you come to my office immediately please.” Her voice rather upbeat considering the current situation.

    Receiver replaced, a cold, calculating smile spreads across her lips as she shakes her head, “No, I don’t think so.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  5. #23
    Izayoi Goto's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    Assassin, under the pseudonym Silhouette
    (Fame: Criminals)
    Izayoi Goto

    Called Koine Yoshida around Kine

    Uses Mask of Tranquillity.


    Her thin blood freezes. Her face displays her shock. Where once she would bow to the Prince's decree, her shock become horror.

    The Prince's fingers stay as they are. The Savage reaches for her personal phone. There can only be one person the Prince would call here, now.

    The Hound-Archon. Judex Twist .

    The weight of her hiden daisho grows, would she die now protecting her Master from their Prince...?
    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae:

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  7. #24
    Twist's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)
    New Identity (Myah Torsione)
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)


    With her Beast hidden, it would have been easy to hide her approach to Ale's office. But it was Elysium, and the Prince hadn't sent a quiet text but rather called direct. And so it was that the sound of Twist's steps came faintly through the door followed by a soft knock and the sound of the door opening.

    Stepping inside, Twist quickly took in the occupants of the room before sinking into a curtsy, "Highness," she greeted the Prince.

    The Reeve and her deputy Izayoi.

    Had they found something in their work that Ale wished her to assist them with?

    Even as she wondered about the summoning, her Beast snarled for her to spring from her curtsy into a fury of claws and teeth at those before her. To cover the delicate blues and greens of the butterflies on display in the sticky red black of blood.
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

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  9. #25
    Takeda Katsumi's Avatar

    Takeda Katsumi

    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)

    (Vigor)Vitae 1 Spent

    Insolence was the parlance of those too attached to their own desires, and yet, in that moment, Takeda had no regrets. Her eyes moved away from the Prince as she laughed, meeting her servant's gaze. If Goto truly wished to serve her, truly wished to help the Takeda Clan carve out its rightful Domain, she would have to stand with her now. If she did not, well...perhaps upon the next turning of the wheel.

    Takeda waited, her eyes drifting back to the Prince, the palpable bloodlust clear.

    If she was attacked, she would defend herself, the blood already flooding into her limbs.

    If she was merely extorted for boons, well, that would be another story altogether.
    Takeda Katsumi. Given Name: Katsumi. Nosferatu, Invictus.
    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)

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  11. #26
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The Savage calmly watches the two in front of her, dark eyes studying each in turn.

    How had a simple request taken such turn?

    She knew the answer, Takeda didn’t respect her as Prince. Didn’t understand her word was Law and while she was welcome to disagree with it, she would not disrespect it.

    And so brazenly, it showed that her anger and pride ruled her emotions. Not a wise thing for a Kindred of such weak blood and words.

    Finally, the foot falls approaching, the soft knock, and the appearance of Twist. The one Kindred she truly trusted within the Domain. And one who instilled fear in those who dare feel her wrath. Deadly in a fight, yet so delicate in appearance. She was perfect.

    Then a genuine smile spreads across her lips, her head inclines in respect, “Thank you for taking the time to come. We have a small situation on our hands.” She didn’t move from her chair, there was no need. Her guns were within her reach should she need them, and the Archon was now present.

    Things could proceed.

    “Seems Miss Takeda has decided to be disrespectful in speaking with me, seeming to think she either owns me,” a small chuckle, “or that she can challenge my authority. And such disrespect cannot stand and as such, a punishment is in order.” Her eyes return to Takeda.

    Miss Takeda, you are hereby stripped of your position as Reeve effective immediately.” That was first and foremost. Dark eyes quickly look to Izayoi, “Madam Goto, you will step in to fill the position now vacant.” Yes, she was putting Izayoi into the Reeve position. Eyes back to Takeda, “But I’m not done with you. Until further notice, you will not, under any circumstances,” if the Shadow decided to make her a deputy, and as such, she glances her way before focusing back on Takeda, “be allowed to carry your swords within the halls of this Elysia. Doing so will be a direct violation of my will and will be dealt with harshly.” She looks back to Goto, her words clear. Takeda screws up, it will reflect on her.

    “The matter of the blood bond has already been settled and agreed upon, and as such, will move forward.” Yeah, she wasn’t let that one go. Takeda wanted it, she now had it. “Miss Takeda here wanted permission to form a first stage bond with Reeve Goto.” She advises Twist, “I granted the request with the stipulation of each of them forming a stage two bond with me. And before our little tantrum, it was agreed upon by each party.”

    Finally she looks to Twist, gauging her reaction. She knew she could have Takeda ashed where she sat and not be second guessed on it. But this was different to her. This was personal, and as such, she wanted to strike at what she saw as a weak spot.


    Plus, she wanted Twist there if the Haunt decided to be double stupid in one night.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  13. #27
    Takeda Katsumi's Avatar

    Takeda Katsumi

    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)


    As the Prince spoke, Takeda realized that they all stood upon a precipice, not that of Unlife and Death, but rather, Society and Chaos. The Invictus knew that it was the structure of civilization, the stability of expectation, the sanctity of propriety that saved them all from falling into the Bowels of Hell, as Demons fully in the grip of Jigoku. And yet, in this moment, Takeda did not care. She had spent years serving an unworthy master, and after having everything that was dear to her stripped away. Everything but one, that is, and now the Prince was attempting to take that as well.

    "When you attempted to micromanage me, you insulted me. When you declared that you would only trust me within the bounds of a blood bond, you insulted my honor. And now, when you asked the Archon here before you have made your pronouncement, you have betrayed your own fear. So I will ask you this, Great Prince Alessandra Antinori: are you not already conquered by me? Why else would you hide behind the bounds of this Elysium? So, if you wish my swords, you will have to take them from me."
    Takeda Katsumi. Given Name: Katsumi. Nosferatu, Invictus.
    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)

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  15. #28
    Izayoi Goto's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    Assassin, under the pseudonym Silhouette
    (Fame: Criminals)
    Izayoi Goto

    Called Koine Yoshida around Kine

    Uses Mask of Tranquillity.


    The approach of the delicate Daeva was like that of the Shinigami. The kunoichi knew death like no other. Death had been her lover, and still the Hound drew fear into her heart like none else, save one.

    The words of Antinori, are those of mockery. That of an ignorant frightened girl-child calling in the spector of Death itself. She named a bushi her Reeve, allowed a kunoichi to be placed as Deputy and still did not know what dishonour she meted out.

    "No." she says. Her voice even, and strong. "I do not accept." she had sworn to serve the Takeda. She, who's honour was long sacrificed upon the alter of her sins, would not. Could not.

    Izayoi will stand, as she always will, with the Takeda.
    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae:

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  17. #29
    Twist's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)
    New Identity (Myah Torsione)
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)

    (Vigor, Resilience)Vitae 2 Spent

    Straightening from her curtsy as Ale speaks, a single eyebrow is raised in curiosity. A situation? And as Ale explains, a second eyebrow lifts to join the first. Was she surprised Ale was getting challenged by her own court? No. Was she surprised it was coming from Takeda? Yes.

    By the time the information about the blood bond comes though, she is back in control. That was also surprising, but not unheard of. She recalled images of chalices of blood offered to Asa before an assembled court. So she merely nodded, indicating her understanding of the words.

    But it seemed that perhaps the arrangement was not entirely understood by Takeda. Perhaps it was the woman's curse. That deadly focus that colored her words so. Normally Twist attempted to overlook it, but after what Alessandra had said, she simply could not.

    Pivoting slowly, she looked to Takeda, and though she heard Izayoi's words, at this point they were of no consequence. Merely echos of Takeda's intent.

    Dark eyes gazed calmly at the two women. Sacramento's Reeve and her Deputy. She knew neither as well as she wanted to. But she knew enough. Knew enough to be thankful that her Prince was no sniveling weakling who hid behind the Hound's blades.

    Silently she offered a small prayer to the Goddess that it was Takeda's curse which had her standing in that careful relaxed ready pose, had her reaching for her blood.

    Twist will activate Vigor and Resiliance
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

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  19. #30
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    NOTE: I have moved the scene as things look like they are taking a serious turn. Please be mindful that your characters are currently sharing other scenes that are "happening at approximately the same time" as they are not in Continuity yet.

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