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Flour Power

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  1. #1
    John Doe

    A bit of panhandling and occasional pick-pocketing of a suit earlier the week helped contribute to his meager wallet. He doled out a bit to other homeless folk in the area.

    A plan was concocted in his head. Should he manage to get enough of an income, he'd give back to the city.

    The morning rush had subsided. John waited outside of the cafe for Sera.

  2. #2
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence
    Seraphina Scenes


    Treasured Nix

    John didn’t have to wait long for her.

    She comes breezing down the sidewalk, long silver and golden mane flowing gently behind her. Gilded skin catching the sun. Even if you weren’t lost it was hard to not notice her.

    And she was casual in a pair of stylishly ripped fitted jeans and a t-shirt. A delicate looking waterfall style jacket was over the white t-shirt and a pendant of multiple colors catches the sun.

    But she made casual look good, it was hard for her not to. She was a fairest, looking good was what she did.

    Upon seeing the Darkling, a smile lights her face up and a hand is raised in a wave,

    “Hey! Hope you weren’t waiting too long.” Comes the angelic voice.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  3. #3
    John Doe

    Looking up when hearing the voice, the Faceless shed a mercury smile. Indentations marked off the separation of his individual teeth. "You look gorgeous," he greeted. "I just happened to be nearby. No worries on time."

    John held the door open allowing her to enter first. "How did I get so lucky," he remarked as a low whisper, mostly to himself. He then followed in. After obtaining a table and menus, he smiled once more. "Thanks again for your help with my boss. I was super nervous."

  4. #4
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence
    Seraphina Scenes


    Treasured Nix

    The smile widens, “Thank you! Sometimes you just feel like plain jeans and a t-shirt.” While dressing up could be fun, she had days where she just felt like not putting in a lot of effort.

    A gracious smile and nod of her head was offered as he held the door open for her. Someone taught this guy right, she thinks.

    “Oh, it was nothing. I know how nerve wracking it can be meeting a new boss for the first time. But you did great!” encourages the Treasured. “I think even if I hadn’t helped you’d have done well. No one here would have faulted you for your nerves.” They might have a small group, but it was a good group and supportive.

    “How’s everything else been going? Settling in ok?”
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  5. #5
    John Doe

    "Thanks, I appreciate it." As timid as his voice was, he did his best to convey his feeling of gratitude.

    The mercurial skinned Darkling ran a hand across his head. "Well, kind of. I'll be doing maintenance at Funderland, start date should in a week or two. I'm excited for it. Employee training, orientation, all that paperwork. Gotta be thorough. Can't give any implication of cronyism and favoritism."

    What he really said was a different matter.

    "I'm starting soon at Funderland. I'm glad to be working. I'm going to keep an eye out on the mundanes. I'll report any suspicious activity. Can't be too cautious."

    He placed his chromed finger on a platter of pancakes with chocolate chips. "Ooo, this looks nice. Have you had these? I used to have them on holidays as a kid."

  6. #6
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence
    Seraphina Scenes


    Treasured Nix

    Taking a sip of water, she nods, “Oh good! We can never have too many eyes looking out for trouble.” Thankfully things had been relatively quiet. “If you find you’re in need of anything, just let me know.”

    She peers at where he points and looks at her own menu, “Oh! Chocolate and pancakes?! Those might have to be ordered!” a quick shake of her head, “Not as a kid, my mother had me on a strict diet, but now I’ve had just about everything on pancakes! My favorite is strawberries and tons of whipped cream!” she gushes, “Oh, I bet banana and strawberries would be amazing on pancakes!” she loved pancakes.

    “How about if you get the chocolate ones, and I get the strawberry ones and we share?”
    she asks with a gleam in her eyes.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  7. #7
    John Doe

    The Darkling nodded. His message was successfully conveyed. "Thank you so much." The indentations of his brow signaled gaze lingered a bit on her face, and smiled warmly. "You're so wonderful."

    He too, took a sip of water, and took a look at her selection. "That looks nice," his face lowered down to read. With their selections made, he placed their orders, starting with Sera's request first, then his own.

    In the interim wait, his attention focused upon the Siren. "Want to go out for a walk after this?"

  8. #8
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence
    Seraphina Scenes


    Treasured Nix

    She didn’t really think she was wonderful, just trying to help a new Lost the way she was helped.

    She says, perhaps a little embarrassed at the praise. Every Lost deserved all the help they could get to settle into a new Freehold and thrive.

    And he ordered for her? Wow. While most woman would be offended, Sera wasn’t. It was kinda sweet.

    “Oh, a walk sounds great! Any park in mind? The city is filled with so many beautiful ones!”
    she’d jogged through a few. “Plus, spring is in the air! I love being outside as the plants are blooming and waking up.” She didn’t like winter. The world was cold and dead. She much preferred the blooming flowers and trees and the amazing colors once they opened.

    “I don’t think I’ve asked you before, but what do you enjoy doing? Hobbies and all those exciting things!” she asked sipping her water.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  9. #9
    John Doe

    "I'm okay with any park that you decide to pick. I figure you'd know about the best places. I trust your lay of the land."

    John took another sip of water. "I too like it when spring comes around. It's nice to see the plants come to life again. To see which plants were hearty enough to survive the winter. That's a cool sight to see."

    "I like fixing things. I learned to repair stuff after Graduation. Not many people have the general knowledge for common fixes anymore. A friend of mine, she's a just a normal gal with her studies at school. Couldn't change a tire. Things of that nature. People aren't mechanically inclined. None of the boys know how to patch clothing."

    "I like going to movies and theater. I'd show up early at work whenever the students put a film or a play on. I'd arrive, bribe the stage crew to keep hush hush, so nobody would report me for slacking off. I'd just watch the show then clean up."

    The Faceless shrugged, "Wasn't much else to do in the off-season. I'd visit a buddy of mine from the clubhouse and we'd watch Netflix."

  10. #10
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence
    Seraphina Scenes


    Treasured Nix

    A thoughtful expression appeared, “Hmm, well, there’s a lot. But there is this nice one called McKinley park. I’ve heard that sometimes there are trees that bloom in February, maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll still have some blossoms. Plus, it has some pretty fountains and ponds.”

    There was a musical laugh, “Ok, you’re going to think I’m helpless then because I can’t change a tire. Nor can I sew.” A slightly embarrassed shrug, “It was just something that’s never come up. Don’t get me wrong, I can goggle something and kind of work my way through it, but it’s still a scary sight to see.” Least she was amused by herself. She had been taught at a young age to use her looks to get what she needed. And it had always worked for her. Not that she proud of it, but hey, you do what you have to.

    “Ah. Any type of movies or shows in particular?”
    some liked action movies while some preferred comedy.

    “Netflix has become my new best friend on nights where I don’t really feel like going out.” Yes, there were nights the Spring preferred to stay home.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

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