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(ES1704) A Court without a Crown

61 - 70
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  1. #61

    Charles didn't know what sort of welcome he would get upon arriving here, or indeed, if he would be welcomed back at all. But even with that in mind, he couldn't have prepared himself for even the first thing said to him. Malcolm's words socked him in the gut and left him struck dumbfounded. Ramona... gone? The very leadership behind the Summer Court swallowed up in the Hedge. And all that was left was the man in front of him and the women named Cynthia. No, correction, as Mhairi pointed out, they weren't even what was left! They were what just happened to show up. It was one-two punch that left him weak in the knees.

    "Alexander... and yet somehow you're not the first Alex of Summer I know. That's... right, in any case, I'm Charles Goldwater. I was here before, but had to take leave for awhile." He tried to keep a cool, confident facade on, but his insides were currently writhing with anxiety. A healthy competition? There was no time for that! The Summer Court sounded like it was barely existing before this, they should be focused on rebuilding their defenses, not planning parties!

    ...He never should've left. Ramona wouldn't be missing if he hadn't gone back to Houston for a bit. Hell, he would've gladly gone in her stead, she wasn't the one who thought of herself as expendable. Or if nothing else, he could've kept the other Summer Courtiers from leaving. He could've recruited others to their side. He could've... it may not be his fault for what had happened, but damnit, he should've been here regardless!

    He needed a seat. He never had expected the Spring party to be this... 'exciting'. "Well, I had to walk a bit to get here and feeling a bit footsore. I... I think I'm going to take a seat. Alexander, would you mind getting me something to drink. Something strong. Very. Very. Strong."

  2. #62
    Alexander Brown

    This... Goldwater fellow might be a walking corpse, but apparently even a cadaver isn't completely devoid of emotion. The clues were small, easily missable, but there was little doubt that the man was troubled about something or someone he saw in this room. But if he cared so much, why did he leave in the first place? From the reserved reactions of both Morgan and Mhairi it didn't seem like it was an agreed-upon departure.

    That wasn't a question, that was a request. For a moment, the crimson flames within Alexander brightened, fueled by how cocksure the man was, acting like that. However, the Mirrorskin was much too curious about hiss fellow Courtier to let playing waiter get in the way, and besides, one incident with Cynthia was certainly enough for today. He transformed the tension in his muscles into a friendly smile.

    'Sure. I'll be right back."

    And he was, holding a glass of bourbon in each hand, one for the man, and one for himself. He hands the glass to Goldwater, and if he doesn't refuse it, takes a seat beside him.

    "So, you've been away for some time, huh? Was it homesickness that got to you, Mr. Goldwater?"

  3. #63
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence
    Seraphina Scenes
      The Plunge!, Break Grapple


    Treasured Nix

    Sapphires turn to take in the new Lost that walked in. The smell of asphalt hits her nose, then his appearance was taken in. Not that she was really one to judge someone based off how they appeared, but that oily look was gross. At least to her, and she wouldn’t hold it against a Lost she had never met.

    “Well, welcome back then?” she poses with her angelic voice.

    It seemed Green knew who the guy was, and didn’t make a move to escort him out of the building. So maybe the guy had left in good standing?

    A grin was turned to Morgan, “Thanks Morgan.” Her tone genuine, it was good to have some who seemed to understand.

    There was then a musical laugh, “I think I need to pay a little better attention to what’s in front of me.” She jokes, picking up a menu and flipping to the mention page. Nodding, “Yeah, though maybe with the new guy, Summer can figure there stuff out too.” Though she wondered if Summer would be as easy going as her and Lucian had been. Be fun to watch either way.

    Offering Lucian a sly grin, “Oh, it’ll be more than just a crack.” She offers back playfully.

    “Even if it does get too warm outside, I’m sure we can find an indoor place with a/c to host a party. That being said, if it is too hot, we can just adapt what we do. Maybe have a luau in the early evening, when it’s a little cooler, and have tiki torches…the whole nine yards!” she takes a sip of her water. “While the fashion show should still happen, a luau might get more attendance, cause luau food!” yeah, it could be fun!

    There was another musical laugh, “Oh!!! Gold stickers?! I have to get me a few of those, that could be fun!” she could fight, which would probably surprise everyone. Riddles were fun, and she had singing in the bag.

    Laughing once again, she looks to Alexander, “Well, if it helps, I think the tie goes quite well with your suit.” She offers with a smile.

    Ah, so the oily guy’s name was Charles Goldwater. Good to have a name to go with the face. The glass was raised once again as she watches those around her.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  4. #64

    The Onyx too, shared the same beaming acceptance to Lucian's pledge. No sooner did it happen, that her eyes shifted on the newest person to enter.

    Sasha wasn't one to get too frustrated with people, but this one did hit that unwritten 'list' she had. He said he himself, he was like a bad rash, or even some STD that wouldn't go away. But the Onyx just let her face remain pleasant as he announced himself.

    "He is familiar, Morgan although, I don't recall the reason as to why." The Fairest shrugged with a thoughtful smile on her face.

    While the talk of who would take the Summer crown mulled around, Sasha already thought of who should win. One was already too flighty to do so.

    Unsure if Lucian's comment really hit Alexander, she had watched his reaction. His response was playful, but she couldn't help but add. "A little sophistication goes a long way, Alexander..." Her violets had an inner smile and it was if her eyes held in a wink.

  5. #65
    Malcolm Green's Avatar
    Freehold Pledge: Winter
    Allies (Clubs) 1
    Allies (Emergency Services) 1
    Allies (Unions) 3
    Malcolm Green, the Mountain

    WP: 4/4
    Health: 10/10
    Mantle: Bubble of crisp, cold, air surrounds him. Frost rimes his head and shoulders, tracing icy epaulettes.
    Malcolm Green

    Sun Banisher's Oath

    (+1 Investigation, +1 Intimidation) - Winter 2016

    Freehold Pledge

    (+1 Streetwise) - Winter 2016

    Dragon's Bane Pledge

    (+3 Faerie Favour) - Spring 2017
    Greens Scenes

    Dragon Giant|


    Green watched impassively as the Freehold came together. He had expected something to happen; a snap of the Wyrd or their Pledges to simply unwind around them.

    But nothing had happened.

    His hope had been answered - the Freehold continued and it looked like the Spring and Summer Courts, so gutted and anaemic recently, had at last got their fire (if not their number's) back. It was a start, something that could be built on. Right now, a simple gathering was what was needed.

    But not for the mountain. He wasn't one for Emerald feasts at the best of times. Grunting, Green rose and nodded to the collective group.

    "Nice soup. See you round, yeah? Good to see the Court thing fixed, I guess."

    Green exits the scene

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  7. #66
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    Morgan snapped the claws of her right hand when Mhairi said Charles' name, "Yay, tis Charles indeed. Heh, sorry I forgot. " she shrugged. Morgan wasn't the greeter anymore so she didn't feel so bad about it now.

    She smiled at Sera, "Welcome, twas an easy answer, heh." Morgan then nodded her head, "Yay I too heh hope Charles shalt be a better influence for Summer then the hothead. I've said it a'fore: let thy court guide ye nary rule ye."

    Not that Morgan always practiced what she preached, she just happened to be more tactical about fleeing in panic then most were. Said chicken arrived and Morgan pounced upon it with gusto. After devouring half of it, she paused to acknowledge the politics. "Well then, ahem. Congrats to thee Lucian upon thine crown, heh," she raised her water in salute to the man.

    She was less then thrilled about the competition thing they were suggesting. Art and puzzles weren't her forte. Morgan visibly paled at the word duel, "I've heh had enough duels for an age I'd say, heh heh." Yeah, she'd be avoiding fair fights from now on, period.

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  9. #67
    Mhairi Ankaa's Avatar
    (Quiet Confidence)
    Striking Looks
    (Mesmerizing Eyes)
    Autumn's Regalia
    (Autumn Mantle)
    (Contacts, Status)
    Mhairi Ankaa


    A slim girl, with raven black hair and grey-blue eyes. She likes wearing silver nail polish.

    Her skin; like moonlight captured. Quicksilver drips from her fingers, burning up before it lands. Motes of fell fire escape her eyes. In her hair, a galaxy, forming constellations which mimic the sky, changing with the Seasons.

    Fear made manifest, Autumn's Regalia embraces the Wisp, as if she is Dread's most blessed daughter.
    Pledges & Other Things


    Autumn Queen Oath

    Plot Stats

    Fairy Floss
    Defense: 3 +1
    Heath: Willpower

    House Call
    Defense: 3 +1
    Heath: Willpower
    HS Choker+1 Defense, -1g. Sparation3 -1g


    Ask-wee-da-eed Telluric

    The Summers clump together, and that's something Mhairi's fine with.

    Keep the spy and Goldwater away from her.

    ...that was probably really bad to think, right?

    To Sasha, "He used to live here, I think he left before Daniel did."

    When the Mountain takes his leave, Mhairi gives him a wave. She totally understood why he wouldn't want to stay.

    (she kinda didn't want to stay either)

    Mhairi nibbles on her curry and sips her water, be fore she coughs. Choking on it a little. "Yep. No more duels for you." Mhairi definitely didn't want to see Morgan pinned on the ground and pierced through by a horrible hob's horrible sword.
    Currently Just a Simple Shade Shard~

  10. #68

    Murmers moved around him and though he didn't pay them much mind, the general consensus seemed to be that he was recognized, which was a good thing he supposed. At least there was that.

    "Be seeing you too, Green." He found himself genuinely meaning it. When Alexander came over with their drinks, he grabbed the one proffered to him and took a quick swig of it.

    "Thanks for that. I'm touched you actually did that for me and if I'm honest, I wouldn't have done the same if our positions had been reversed. As for your question, your wrong but not too far off." He cleared his throat with another draught of alcohol.

    "This isn't my first Freehold, I originally started in the Freehold in Houston. They told me how things were now and gave me a new identity in return for owing a debt to them. Not all of my debts were paid off when I moved here. One of them came collecting."

  11. #69

    The crown weighs heavy -- B.S. Can barely feel the thing. He would have preferred a little more flash and dazzle for his pledge, but he felt it tie him to the Freehold as his will merged into the Wyrd. It became as if it had always been his home. Spring might be miffed but he thought of it as just a lover's spat.

    His lip curled up in a sharp smirk with Alexander's return swing, stopping him over his drink. "You got me, Alexander. I was being a real fashion-ist." He let a ichor coated finger extend from around the glass towards Sasha as he agreed. "Classic for a reason, right?" His veiled eyes then flickering back to the Mirrorskin, "It's what's inside that suit that matters anyway."

    "Like I'm one to talk with this still on."
    He finally got to curl his lips around his drink for another sip before he set it on the table. He wriggled out of his own jacket and twisted in his seat to sling it over the back of the chair. The alcohol and warm food had done the trick, he barely felt the lingering chill.

    He could listen to Sera's voice all day, the idea of a luau sounding doubly sweet. "I would lose it for something with a little fresh air. We'd have to find a way to keep it private." He nodded towards the Winter Queen and her guard -- or at least his exit.

    He'd had a good time -- right? Who'd lie about soup? He'd have to check in sometime.

    "But Beltaine is coming up." He was quick to clarify, "May Day, mayday. We're all kinda running late this year but we gotta do something. Know we're a bit short on spaces, but even a bonfire in the woods would be something. Stars, cool breeze, a few beers."

    He was about to slip off into the reverie of the idea when Morgan's blanche to his suggestion hit him hard. Oh, right -- touchy subject, shit. "Nah, I feel you. We can get to beating our chests later, this should be good vibes. Maybe more game than competition."

    He looked back to Sera, "A luau's got that. I mean, limbo is a must but even that. Someone's got to have an old Twister map lying around." His eyes glittering with the possibilities. "Even the riddle -- kinda stuffy. What about a little scavenger hunt? Still gotta be clever but I mean, on my budget, the prize is going to be a plastic dinosaur from the dollar store anyway."

    People seemed to know this Blightbent Goldwater, if with a touch of sour to it all. But Lucian hadn't heard a pledge. At least they hadn't gone too far and Alexander was an acknowledged Summer asking some questions.

  12. #70
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    Morgan sighed in relief at the change of terms, even if it was nit picking, "Heh, nay duels Imma joyous for that." She finished her food, and finally noticed Green's departure. "Oh, heh, Green tis gone? Damnation, I sought to ask him about aught that twas important."

    She got about, "Pardon folks, heh, but tis important business I hath with Green. Joyous celebrations to ye all." And with that raccoon chased off after the Mountain.

    Morgan exits scene.

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