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A Distinct Lack of Gravitas

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  1. #11
    Varyx's Avatar

    aka Vanessa Thomas

    Tempting (Pres 4)
    Sultry (SL 4)
    Varyx, Apostate Mastigos


    Varyx's nimbus is subtle - she still looks more or less like herself, but there's something about her, something difficult to put your finger on... She's always been beautiful, but it's magnified and somehow terrible. Something so lovely can't be human, and it gives the people around her the impression that maybe she doesn't have any humanity, either.


    It didn't take a genius to recognize the almost-warning in Wayland's tone. This was going to go great, apparently. At least the others seemed prepared to hear what she had to say.

    A practiced smile graced her features, relaxed, pleasant, and not at all reflecting the nerves that was gnawing at her insides. Breakups over text were so much easier, but only when you didn't have to see the person in question again. This was the best way to do things, regardless of how difficult it might be in the moment.

    "I am proud to say I was a part of bringing this group together, and I believe you'll be a bright addition to the Consilium as time goes on. However, I don't feel this is my place. The four of you match well with each other as a group your own, and I simply feel that it would be best for everyone if you were to be allowed to continue in that manner while I move on. I have the deepest respect for each of you and I hope you'll come to understand my decision. Respect, sometimes, involves the recognition that we are simply different in the ways we approach our Awakened lives, and I think it best if we allow ourselves the opportunity to pursue those approaches to the very fullest. For me, I believe that means following a slightly different path from the rest of you."

    Another smile, this one gentler and even a touch vulnerable, as she awaited their responses.

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  3. #12
    Wayland's Avatar


    Public Name: Richard "Richie" Holt

    Spells (3/3)

    ??? (Cloaked, Pot 4)
    ??? (Cloaked, Pot 6)
    ??? (Cloaked, Pot 7)


    Boom. This is why he hangs out and talks with Ghosts. So much easier to talk to, especially the really old ones with fuck all sentience left. Wayland kinda felt it was coming, but it was still a big blow. They had joined with such high intentions, but Steel Phoenix had been somewhat glacial in its progress to this point.

    In retrospect, he should have seen it coming. She'd never really joined in, and the fact that she had been speaking with VT suggested she'd been hedging her bets from the start. It hurt, but still better to be done now before anything serious starts bro.

    "Yo, that sucks balls I guess. So like, what made you decide to jump ship? And like, I assume that you joined Vee Tee and like, not some other cabal right?" Clarification is king yo.

    There was a hollowness starting to form. A realisation that hopes and dreams are just that. Reality is hard, maybe even more so for those who have the Will to change it.

  4. #13
    Miach's Avatar



    Eyes downcast as he watched his bottle more than Varyx in front of him, Miach felt like there was one more nail in the coffin of his hopes. Still, no matter what he felt, it was her decision, and her life to deal with. He couldn't begrudge her for attempting to do what felt best for her. On the contrary, and the Mastigos was right, that would be how she would contribute the most to the Consilium.

    "It's nicely said." he said with a smile as he finally looked up at her. "I always hope for the fullest life for everyone. I hope, and trust, that yours will be very full. And if you need my help filling it, it's yours." he finished, raising his glass in silent toast. Fare well, Awakened Sister.

    And he gulped down half of it at once as soon as it reached his lips.

  5. #14

    I smile gracefully to Varyx, a moment of recollection.


    Then I tell her with the best smile:

    "You'll be always welcome here."

    I raise my beer as answering to the Miach's one.

    apologies for delay. See pm.

  6. #15
    Varyx's Avatar

    aka Vanessa Thomas

    Tempting (Pres 4)
    Sultry (SL 4)
    Varyx, Apostate Mastigos


    Varyx's nimbus is subtle - she still looks more or less like herself, but there's something about her, something difficult to put your finger on... She's always been beautiful, but it's magnified and somehow terrible. Something so lovely can't be human, and it gives the people around her the impression that maybe she doesn't have any humanity, either.


    Graciousness - for the most part - was more than Varyx expected, but the responses so far had been largely quite gracious, and it was something she appreciated. She had expected the most resistance from Wayland, but even he seemed to accept it, in his more naturally-blunt manner.

    She nodded to the Doorwarden. "Yes, that's right. I've taken Avis up on her invitation and am joining VT. I recognize a certain kinship in the way we approach our Awakened lives that I feel represents a better fit for me." Yes, it was vague, but somehow she doubted that nitpicking about the specifics would lend itself to a particularly helpful direction of conversation.

    Her attention then turned to the Hearthmaster and Edgetender, and she raised her own beer alongside theirs. "Thank you, very much, for your kindness and understanding. I really do mean it when I say I'm proud to have been a part of the forming of Steel Phoenix. And I do look forward to working with the rest of you in the future, if in a different capacity."

  7. #16
    Mage ST's Avatar

    Scene Ends after 3 Days of Inactivity.
    This is a generic account for moderating the Mage game/forums. It cannot receive messages and inquiries should be posted on your character sheet or messaged to the specific Mage ST(s).

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