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(1604) Jack and Martine

11 - 20
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  1. #11
    Izren Hathor

    Roman saw a man and two women talking over by one of the tables. A shudder ran down his spine as he got closer. They were the kind he was looking for. It was dangerous, but there was no sign of Priscus Regan. He needed to let Regan know of his presence. Sooner or later, he would need to feed, and stray dogs had never been to his taste.

    Had they recognized him? He wanted to run out of the place. That meant yes.

    Something fell on top of his shoe. It was water from the condensation on his glass. He had to remind himself to feel the cold wetness against his hand. It was hard to focus in this club. There were too many of them.

    He walked towards the trio and smiled. "Excuse me. I couldn't help but notice you are regulars here, and I was wondering if you might be able to help me find someone," he said with the open palm of his right hand facing them and held down to his side. His drink was in the other.

  2. #12
    I've Done Things... Bad Things.
    Konrad Roth's Avatar

    Domain Status (Bloodhunted)
    Status (Criminals) ••
    Presence •• (Wallflower)
    Konrad Roth

    5'10" 158lbs (72kg), Konrad has narrow dark blue eyes and sandy brown hair. He looks to be in his late twenties and often is seen wearing a heavy leather overcoat and sneakers.


    "You can count on it, Jack. If you're looking to work I've got lots of projects you can get in on. But we can talk about business when we meet up later. For now, you ought to mingle and get to know folks and the political climate. Feel it out, ya know?"

    When the stranger approaches them, Konrad can sense the unfamiliar Beast competing with his own. How dare this prey interrupt their conversation. Jack and Martine each had something to offer. They were allies in a common cause. But all this prey offers is irritation.

    "Sure, pops," answers the Savage, putting a heel on the Beast's complaints. "You looking for your Priscus, I'm guessing. Which Clan?"


  3. #13

    Martine had been just so damn quiet, I didn't trust it. The man who randomly walked up had apparently wandered off. He was older though...maybe Oldstimers doesn't get erased by the curse?

    "Not a bad idea boss. Gotta figure out the lay of the land." or the battlefield. Really it's about the same thing when you're surrounded by predators. "Get ahold of me soon about that job Prefect. If not, I'll find you." I gave a sly grin, obviously not a threat and just me fucking around like the Nosferatu are want to do. If I've got to be a little wonky for eternity, might as well take it with a grain of amusement, or use it to my advantage when presented with the opportunity. Those opportunities seemed rare though, so it's best to just to be amused, right?

    Jack returns to the main court thread.

  4. #14
    Cabochard's Avatar

    Caleb Fischer
    Caleb Fischer

    Predator's Bearing

    Caleb arrived, stepping close enough to be noticed, but not so close he could be seen as a challenge. The majority of those present were acknowledged with a polite nod, as Caleb tried not to focus too long on them, in case the Beast should make a recurrence, but it was clear Caleb's eyes were focused on Konrad.

    "Priscus Roth. I'd like to talk to you. I'm new, and I hear I should talk to you about my feeding rights." He crossed his arms and watched Konrad unblinkingly. Caleb was ready to wait, of course, but he wanted to be told to, rather than assume he should.
    Gangrel - Circle of the Crone
    Aspect of the Predator

  5. #15
    Wod.Infant's Avatar

    ”We definitely need to meet, the three of us!” It goes without saying it should be someplace else, someplace away from kine ears to…

    ”Good evening!” I greet the newcomer as he arrives but only after a moment where my hand forms a fist and I have to rein in over my urge to tear the man limb from limb.

    Then Jack leaves, which might probably be for the best, I was counting the seconds until he came in with those hungry eyes and go ape on court. ”Later Jack!” I wave briefly as he moves away from the conversation.

    Then to the first one joined a second one, this one apparently knew who he was looking for and he was looking for Konrad. I finally fall silent and observe as I force peace upon my beast with iron chains and steel locks.

  6. #16
    Izren Hathor

    The two men ended their conversation, and one of them left. Roman wanted to flee the other, but he checked his instincts. A woman with a French accent greeted him. Her fist clenched momentarily, but she masqued it well.

    "Good evening, Madame. I don't mean to be rude, but I was looking for someone particular," Roman said to Martine. "Are you acquainted with a Mr. Regan? David Regan ? I've only just arrived in Sacramento, but I was referred to him by a mutual acquaintance."

    The scarier man left while Roman spoke to the woman.

  7. #17
    I've Done Things... Bad Things.
    Konrad Roth's Avatar

    Domain Status (Bloodhunted)
    Status (Criminals) ••
    Presence •• (Wallflower)
    Konrad Roth

    5'10" 158lbs (72kg), Konrad has narrow dark blue eyes and sandy brown hair. He looks to be in his late twenties and often is seen wearing a heavy leather overcoat and sneakers.


    No reaction from Martine at the mention of his present. Well, if she doesn't want it anymore then it's her loss.

    Konrad nods his understanding to Jack as he takes his leave. Hopefully he'll have more to offer and less to ask for. Meanwhile the aged prey continues to make noise at them. And instead of answering Konrad question, he ignores the Savage Priscus in favor of Martine's attention.

    The arrival of another Beast begins to wear on his patience. And this one seems to be Gangrel, considering their eagerness to talk of Feeding Rights. He's even got an animalistic look about him that the Savages were known for. It's a welcome excuse to get away from Konrad's current frustrations.

    He looks back to the unidentified Mekhet. "Just as well. I've got better things to do." A look to the remaining Carthian. "I'll check back with you later, Martine," he says in brief farewell, leaving her to aid the supposed Shadow.

    "Com'on, we'll talk over here," says Konrad, gesturing to another open space in Elysium.

    Konrad invites Caleb to follow him here

  8. #18
    Cabochard's Avatar

    Caleb Fischer
    Caleb Fischer

    Predator's Bearing

    Caleb nods at the others in farewell, then follows Konrad.

    Caleb does in fact follow Konrad over to here!
    Gangrel - Circle of the Crone
    Aspect of the Predator

  9. #19
    Wod.Infant's Avatar

    ”David Regan?” I think I’ve heard the name somewhere but I don’t recall.

    ”The name is too familiar but I don’t recall from where…” My head points to the Reeve’s door.

    ”The Seneschal went through that door, she might be able to help you when she is back, I’m afraid I won’t be able to, for now… or maybe someone else knows who you are talking about.” My shoulders lift in a silent apology and I eventually go back to mingle with the rest of the court attendees.

    Not much I can do...

    Martine back to the main scene

  10. #20
    Izren Hathor

    With his interlocutors dispersed, Roman heads for the door Martine indicated with her head.

    Roman returns to the main scene

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