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(1602) Konrad, Brittany, Martine

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  1. #11
    Wod.Infant's Avatar

    ”Sure.” I nod briefly as I take note of the names and link them to their faces – raven haired beauty, strawberry blonde and… and… that guy who I might have just overlooked.

    ”So? If you don’t mind me asking what is it you and the rest of the covenant usually do around the domain?” That seems like a good way to start – of course I would get the Elysium friendly version of it but it would have to do.

  2. #12
    I've Done Things... Bad Things.
    Konrad Roth's Avatar

    Domain Status (Bloodhunted)
    Status (Criminals) ••
    Presence •• (Wallflower)
    Konrad Roth

    5'10" 158lbs (72kg), Konrad has narrow dark blue eyes and sandy brown hair. He looks to be in his late twenties and often is seen wearing a heavy leather overcoat and sneakers.


    Konrad can't help but grin at her question. "What indeed," he muses mysteriously.

    "Well we had a few plans when there were more of us. But generally we work our influence over groups of the Kine. Not as herds, mind you, but utilizing Kine skillsets. And I've got an arrangement with Prince Clarke on starting a sort of barter system between the Covenants. Work in progress, like. I'm sort of the go-to guy for those of the Domain that need sensitive hardware. The hard-to-acquire kind. Maybe we can meet up after this sometime and I can go into more of the details."

    He lowers his voice by a degree as he asks, "How about you? I noticed you didn't mention what brought you to Sacramento. You got any plans now that you're here? Or maybe you prefer the don't ask don't tell stance?" He hates to put her on the spot, but if she's got something to say about herself he plans on being the first to know it.

  3. #13
    Wod.Infant's Avatar

    My interest definitely gets picked when he mentions a system to trade between the covenants. Wide eyes and a small step closer to the scruffy looking Savage just to listen to him better. ”Isn’t that a wonderful Carthian experiment?! I mean you have the opportunity to do something unique in the domain that can change the lives of kindred… we need to talk more about all that.” And then of course there is the fact that he mentioned he is the go to person when it comes to illicit goods and hardware – I guess he is going to start using this bartering system sooner than he believes.

    ”As for myself” My eyes are briefly looking to the rest of the kindred in the room until they meet him again.

    ”It’s like you said, I’m all about empowering the common kindred, the citizen of the domain… my trade is information – I aim for transparency, equality and independence in all aspects of a kindred’s Requiem, not an easy work I know...” I absentmindedly pull a portion of my hair behind my hear.

    ”I’m looking to get into the news and media to continue extending my influence, I’m a journalist and a cyber-activist. Blogs, wikileaks, the dark web, those are some of the things I work with, even if indirectly…” I’m hurting here, now that I think about it, I will need to start everything anew and lobby my way up in the means. I guess it's a side effect of being on the road for a while.

  4. #14
    I've Done Things... Bad Things.
    Konrad Roth's Avatar

    Domain Status (Bloodhunted)
    Status (Criminals) ••
    Presence •• (Wallflower)
    Konrad Roth

    5'10" 158lbs (72kg), Konrad has narrow dark blue eyes and sandy brown hair. He looks to be in his late twenties and often is seen wearing a heavy leather overcoat and sneakers.


    The Savage gets the urge to put his palms together and wring his hands eagerly after learning of Martine's skillset.

    "Nice, very nice. So you've got a finger on the pulse of current events. How very forward thinking of you. I haven't met many Kindred who were good with computers. Least none that stuck around very long."

    Martine's piece on the board seems to grow with each passing moment. She'd come in handy, certainly. It just requires the right opportunity.

    "I'm used to working on computers but it doesn't go much further than that. Email, attachments, search engines are about as far as I go. I'm not savvy enough to cover my digital tracks, and most of what I do requires I don't leave loose ends lying around. Some of my clients prefer the personal touch anyways. Like knowing who they're dealing with and being able to get a read on me. Don't suppose cyber-activists meet up with each other very often?"

  5. #15
    Wod.Infant's Avatar

    ”Oh! I think you misunderstood me.” I wave my hand to dissipate any doubts.

    ”I know my way around a computer but I’m no expert… I just know how to make use of them for journalistic purposes.” I lean in close as if to share a secret.

    ”As for hacking and cracking as soon as I get acquainted with the city I might get to know some of the acquaintances of my previous acquaintances… you know how it works…” I wink and smile playfully, I trust he understands too well what I’m talking about.

  6. #16
    I've Done Things... Bad Things.
    Konrad Roth's Avatar

    Domain Status (Bloodhunted)
    Status (Criminals) ••
    Presence •• (Wallflower)
    Konrad Roth

    5'10" 158lbs (72kg), Konrad has narrow dark blue eyes and sandy brown hair. He looks to be in his late twenties and often is seen wearing a heavy leather overcoat and sneakers.


    Konrad pauses, stuffing his hands in his pockets and rocks on the balls of his feet for that brief moment. "Yeah, I know how that is. Networking, like. All about staying connected," he answers, accompanied by a knowing look.

    "Speaking of which, while I've got you here, how about we exchange digits. Once you're squared away with the Seneschal you can give me a call and we can talk shop." And really they ought to. With all that Konrad's got going on he could use the help of a Covenant member.

    "Or maybe you prefer email?" he jokes with a smirk on the topic of her computer prowess.

  7. #17
    Wod.Infant's Avatar

    ”Sure!” My hand reaches for my clutch and from there I get this contact card. All so very professional!!

    ”Here, you can have this one.” I hand him the card, it has no name in it only a phone number and an e-mail and an open space clearly designed to fill in the blanks.

    ”So, if I manage to get acknowledged and to get a deal with the seneschal to stay in the city we can then meet… by the way anything you want to tell me about this acknowledgement process?” I’m curious, I wonder what sort of agreement the ruler of the city demands from us...

  8. #18
    I've Done Things... Bad Things.
    Konrad Roth's Avatar

    Domain Status (Bloodhunted)
    Status (Criminals) ••
    Presence •• (Wallflower)
    Konrad Roth

    5'10" 158lbs (72kg), Konrad has narrow dark blue eyes and sandy brown hair. He looks to be in his late twenties and often is seen wearing a heavy leather overcoat and sneakers.


    Konrad pulls out his wallet to retrieve his own business card from its folds. He hands the thin rectangle to Martine which has both his name and phone number. He fumbles at his pockets for a pen but comes up with nothing. "Eh, email isn't on there, but it's 'kroth@vmail.com'. Pretty easy to remember."

    He checks his watch next and glances at the Seneschal again. "Night's starting to wrap up. We might end up having to interrupt if you want any chance at an introduction. Acknowledgment is pretty straight forward. We cover the laws of the Domain and then there's an interview process. Most of it's to do with etiquette and territory. Prince Clarke adheres to the Invictus standards, far as I know. He's pretty chill unless you start mouthing off or besmirching the Covenant. You seem alright to me. Too bad it's not my call."

    Another smirk and he gestures with a tilt of his head. "What say we head on over and put you on the radar?"

  9. #19
    Wod.Infant's Avatar

    I grab the contact card and read the info carefully, I turn it backwards and lift an eyebrow. I wonder if he knows what's missing. Or that it's just playful banter!

    ”Just making sure there’s no fine print…” I shoot him a wink and store the card in my clutch where I will remember it later when needed.

    As Konrad continues I ponder on his words, Invictus standards, images of Victorian grand balls are conjured in my mind's eye but then again I look to the guy in front of me and he just doesn’t strike me as the sort of guy that goes to Victorian balls all dressed up in period attire. If the scruffy savage managed I will definitely exceed expectations.

    ”Let’s go!” I take the first step, my eyes are dead-on on the voluptuous curves by the couch – I take my time to get there because the mind needs its distractions – and a little self-gratification, even if it’s just looking, just looking.

    As we start moving closer to the group I whisper to Konrad.
    ”You do the introductions and tell a joke, I laugh and we move on from there.” Invictus standards…

  10. #20
    I've Done Things... Bad Things.
    Konrad Roth's Avatar

    Domain Status (Bloodhunted)
    Status (Criminals) ••
    Presence •• (Wallflower)
    Konrad Roth

    5'10" 158lbs (72kg), Konrad has narrow dark blue eyes and sandy brown hair. He looks to be in his late twenties and often is seen wearing a heavy leather overcoat and sneakers.


    Just a quick stop by the main thread!

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