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(MY) Kick-off meeting ?

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  1. #21
    linkrulesx10's Avatar

    Flidais tilts her head to the side and looks at Faust.
    "Spirits tend to start bitching if you don't appreciate their work, you generally have to give them some essence each day, even if they can harvest at the location." Flidais sounds like she speaks from experience when it comes to a surly guardian, it comes across in her exhausted sounding voice when she brings up the topic. "But maybe you can find a less prideful one and it will be happy to have bigger offerings of spirits but less often... And do you really want to mess around with the natural order of things? there are many tales of spirits being tainted by poor essence." Despite the questioning, Flidais's tone wasn't negative, just curious and cautious, after it would be improper for a spirit to go mad if it has to protect the lore, there is no room for error.

    "As for dogs being turned... People can be turned with Life or Mind magic, Spirits with Spirit, Ghosts with Death, animals with Life and Mind. Security systems can be bypassed as well I am sure, with any measure we take it can probably be turned on us. Finding something that is hard to turn on us though. That would be ideal, I had a similar idea to Faust but didn't think about summoning spirits as food so discarded it as impractical at our current level." Flidais added some more of her thoughts to security before addressing image.

    "Truce and Crowley are my cabal mates, Einstein has gone missing... She seemed to be very mistrustful of the diamond. I don't think either Truce or Crowley has any ill will towards us, at least none of that is made open. VeeTee is an interesting cabal... Not sure how I feel about that group, for the sake of having all biases out on the table, there are a few people I don't like in that cabal. But to add to Faust's statement, I don't think we can do anything to try and influence them apart form be successful, that is it's own reward, increasing our standing in the community is an added bonus.
    Thyrsus Mystagogue
    Presence: 3 (Animalistic)

  2. #22
    Miach's Avatar



    The ecology of Spirits was mostly unknown to Miach, and he would have to defer to the other two mystagogues. After all, he couldn't do everything himself, so he would have to rely on experience in fields outside his own if he wanted the Mysterium to move forward in Sacramento. Put your money where your mouth is. The Enchanter listened to the talk politely, before concluding "I'll leave it to you then, who have Knowledge in the field, to come up with a detailed proposal before our next meeting." One thing that bothered Miach was that they both were strong suits of a Shaman, meaning that a Shaman might have higher odds of entering than he'd like. Though again, it would still be an upgrade from their current situation...

    When the talk then moved toward promoting the Mysterium, a plan that Miach had pondered for some time came back to him... "I agree with both of you that nothing we can do would beat hard results. That's what we need to achieve first and foremost. After that... I think I'll have a talk with Ermac, and see what he may think of our Order..." The man had been pleasant to talk to beforehand, so perhaps there could be hope. And also, a bit of follow-up couldn't hurt...

    "That was all I wanted to talk about, though if you've got anything else you'd like to broach, please feel free..." and with a flick of the wrist, he indicated that the field was theirs.

  3. #23

    Faust raised his hand to dismiss the concern, "I believe that with care feeding a spirit ourselves would be less likely to taint it than letting it feed on it's own. That said, I think the Curator might have a point. Let's decide what we need to cover here, would you be willing to meet to discuss the details of binding and caring for a spirit at a later date?" While it was a question the Warlock's tone made it apparent that he didn't think the answer should be no.

    Turning back to Miach, Faust added on to his thought, "I've never met Ermac, though I know Varyx is looking to join one of the Orders. She doesn't strike me as the type who would end up joining us, but she may surprise us if we give her the chance. What about Pelican? You've known him longer than I."

    To the Curator's last point Faust shook his head, "In another place there would be other things I would wish to know, but we have work to do and that needs to be my primary focus. Though when we wrap up there is something I want to discuss with you in private. It's not Mysterium business, so we should cover that first if you have anything else? He addressed this last question to Flidais.

  4. #24
    linkrulesx10's Avatar

    "No worries Faust, I'd be happy to help. Also as far as Varyx goes, I try not to judge a boom by their cover. All sorts are drawn to the truth and there are many ways to seek it, her attitude is of more concern then skills." Flidais thinks about Varyx, a pretty face might make a goods spokeswoman as well.
    Thyrsus Mystagogue
    Presence: 3 (Animalistic)

  5. #25
    Miach's Avatar



    "Then I'll speak with her as well as Ermac." the Acanthus said. He hadn't really considered her as a potential Neokoros, but it was perhaps a limited opinion. She might surprise them. "I have known of Pelican for some time, yes. And he hasn't made any interest known, when he could have. I suppose he's not interested." Also, and while the Curator didn't say it, he considered him to be more likely Ladder material, not to mention that he didn't want Steel Phoenix to turn into a Mysterium Cabal either...

    Since it seemed Flidais had nothing more to add either, he concluded their talk "Meeting is over. Thank you for listening. We'll reconvene next in March.", before turning to Faust and going to a corner with the Warlock. "What is it you wanted to talk about ? How can I help you, Faust ?" he inquired kindly.

  6. #26

    Faust nodded to Miach, then followed the Curator to the corner of the room. "When we first met you implied you would prefer that Avis would not remain Councilor. Meeting her once I have to say I like her, but you may have greater insight than me." The Warlock shrugged as if to show he had no intention to take a stand one way or another but said, "You are my Curator and my Cabal-mate, and more than that I respect you. Because of that I want you to know that she expressed an interest at a gathering of our Path in stepping down from the Council to focus on the Banisher threat once it gets to the point of more direct conflict. This would make Varyx Councilor, as the most senior Warlock in the city."

  7. #27
    Miach's Avatar



    Miach wasn't really sure how to take what Faust was reporting to him. On the one hand, it seemed like a good move. Avis could focus on what she was best tailored for, as would probably Varyx. On the other, it had been good to have someone stable at the place. Even if it was someone unfitted, it meant you knew what you were dealing with. Regardless, the Curator hadn't changed his mind.

    "Thank you for that information. I think it would be only for the best. Let's hope it comes to pass indeed." Not to mention it would mean having a Councilor in Steel Phoenix.

  8. #28

    Faust again shrugged, the same implication behind it, "I trust you to do what's right," was all he said on the matter. When he began to walk to the entrance he paused then turned back around, "Oh, and if you don't mind I'd rather like to be present when you talk to Varyx about the Order. After hearing her considerations previously I may prove to be helpful."

  9. #29
    Miach's Avatar



    It sounded like a fair suggestion, and the Curator agreed with a soft nod. "Fair enough. I'll let you know soon."

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